How to make flowers from leather with your own hands?

Genuine leather is used not only for sewing clothes and accessories, but also for creating beautiful flowers. Real masterpieces are made from this material. They are used both for interior decoration and for decorating brooches or pins.

To create flowers, you can use spoiled products from genuine leather or leatherette. It is most convenient to cut out small blanks from old bags or jackets. In addition to a piece of leather or leatherette, other materials and tools are needed for work.
Sharp knife. A boot knife is used for working with coarse thick material. It is most convenient to cut small petals with a sharp construction knife.
Ruler. To make all the details look neat, you should use a sturdy metal ruler when cutting the material.
Scissors. It is best to use quality tailor's scissors for the job. They handle tough material with ease. The cut out parts are neat and even.
French knife. A French knife will help to make the edges of the petals thin and smooth. It is also used to draw fine lines, veins, and other small details. It can be ordered online or purchased from a specialty store.
Base and silicone mat. Working with leather is best done on a board. It is used to cut out the main parts. It is more convenient to handle petals and leaves by placing them on a silicone mat.
Glue. PVA glue is usually used to impregnate the petals. Connect them together using superglue or a glue gun. All materials used in the work must be of high quality and tested.

To make flowers, you need to prepare the skin. The process of its processing consists of several stages.
First you need to carefully flatten the piece of leather and trim its edges. If the material is badly wrinkled, it should be ironed with an iron. Before work, a piece of leather must be covered with a cloth soaked in water. You need to use the iron very carefully. In the process, you must carefully monitor the temperature so as not to damage the skin.
If your skin has residues of old glue, do not throw it away. The glue can be removed using sandpaper. It also helps to make the edges of the petals thinner and more graceful. You need to clean the harvested material with light movements.
Before work, the material also needs to be painted. Quality oil paints used by artists are best suited for this purpose. You can buy this material at most creative stores. Using such paints, you can carefully perform all the transitions, achieving maximum resemblance to natural colors. The same goes for the leaves.

When the skin is completely dry, you can start creating colors.
Making roses
Graceful roses are those flowers that even a novice master can easily make. The following materials and tools are used for work:
thin skin;
knife and scissors;

A master class on creating roses with your own hands is as follows.
First you need to cut rose petals from thin skin. A beginner master will need 6 large and medium petals, as well as 5 small ones.
Next, in an empty container, you need to mix PVA glue and warm water. The mass should be homogeneous.
The petals need to be spread out on the newspaper. Each of them must be smeared with three layers of glue with a brush.
They should be left in this form for a couple of minutes. During this time, the skin is completely saturated with the adhesive solution.
Next, each petal must be folded like an accordion, and then carefully rolled into a wheel.
After 1-2 minutes, it can be straightened. The petal will turn out beautiful and realistic.
The resulting blanks must be left to dry for another 8-10 hours.
Next, you need to take a small piece of wire and wind a piece of leather around it. This part needs to be bent in half.
The blank will be used as a base for the flower.
Petals are glued to it in a circle. First, smaller parts are attached, then larger ones.
When the flower is ready, its lower part must be carefully cut off with a clerical knife.

The resulting rose can be used to create a beautiful brooch. The flower turns out to be voluminous and beautiful.
Making poppies
Poppies made of leather also look spectacular. They make very beautiful summer bouquets and wreaths.

Tools and materials
To create such a flower, the material must initially be painted in a rich red color. The work uses black suede or velvet, threads, as well as green leather. The list of required tools and materials also includes:
cotton wool or cotton pads;
sharp needle;
black paint;

All these things need to be prepared in advance so that later you will not be distracted from work.
Step-by-step instruction
Here's what a step-by-step guide to creating a flower looks like.
To begin with, from thin leather, dyed red, you need to cut out 4 petals, resembling a drop in their shape. 4 more parts must be cut out of the remnants of the material, smaller than the size.
2 oblong leaves are cut from green leather. Make their edges sharp. The same material is used to create a flower base made of three green petals.
Two small circles should be cut out of black leather.
In a small container, you need to mix water and PVA glue.
Leather blanks must be laid out on a flat surface and processed with glue.
In this form, they must be left for 3-4 minutes so that the solution is absorbed into the skin.
Each petal must be carefully stretched, and then folded like an accordion. All this is done to make it look more natural. In this form, the petals should be left for another 5-6 minutes. Straighten them out immediately afterwards.
Next, the petals need to be given a round shape. To do this, each of them must be placed on the palm of your hand. From above it must be pressed down with a handle from a knife or screwdriver. The edges of the petal should be easily pulled up.
All petals must be dried within half an hour.
The outline of the black circle must be sewn with a simple seam. Inside it is necessary to place cotton wool or a cotton pad rolled into a ball.
Next, a wire stem must be attached to this part. The ends of the thread must be pulled together to form a ball. Next, it must be wrapped several times with black thread.
The edges of the threads must be carefully cut. As a result, the black ball will be surrounded by stamens held together. The ends of the threads must be dipped in glue, and then sprinkled with semolina.
When they are completely dry, they need to be covered with a layer of black paint.
After that, poppy petals can be attached to the black base.
Having finished with the base of the bud, attach a green piece and two leaves to the bottom of the flower.

The finished flower will turn out to be voluminous and beautiful.
More ideas
Other beautiful flowers can be made from the remnants of the skin.
One of the simplest options is dahlia. Such a flower can be both small and neat, and voluminous. The craft creation process consists of the following stages.
First, cut a large piece of leather into the same number of squares. One third of them should be large, others should be medium, and the rest should be very small.
After that, the edges of these squares must be carefully rounded off using sharp scissors. All petals should be the same.
A circle of suitable size should be cut out of another piece of leather.
Further, you can attach petals to it. The edges of each of them must be carefully bent and glued to the middle with high-quality glue.
The petals are attached to the base in a circle. When one layer is ready, the second must be glued to the base. The same is done with the third circle.
Having finished with the base, the dahlia core should be decorated with beads of a suitable color.

The resulting blank can be glued to a hoop, or used as a keychain. The craft turns out to be cute and original.

Flower necklace
A necklace or pendant made of small flowers will also look original. They are very simple to do.
First of all, you need to cut out simple blanks of different sizes from leather.
Sepals are best used ready-made. They can be detached from an old bracelet or pendant.
Leather parts are attached to these metal parts. First, a large workpiece is attached, then 2-3 smaller ones.
You can decorate the flower with light beads. They are attached to its base with glue or a hot glue gun.
When all the flowers are ready, you can assemble a beautiful necklace from them.

This decoration will be a great gift for your beloved mother or grandmother.

You can also make a beautiful chrysanthemum from the remnants of the skin. It is done according to the same principle as other flowers.
- To begin with, you need to cut out a large number of thin leather blanks from leather.
After that, the petals must be carefully greased with glue diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.
Next, the petals must be dried.
These blanks are glued together with glue. First you need to form the bottom row.
The rest of the parts are attached to it.
When the flower is ready, its petals must be carefully straightened. This will make it more realistic.

Flowers made from leather are very delicate and beautiful. Anyone can learn how to do them. The main thing is to know the principles of work and get down to business in a good mood.
How to make flowers from leather with your own hands, see the video.