Making roses from satin ribbons with your own hands

Satin ribbons are excellent materials for making a wide variety of crafts. They make amazing roses. It can be both large and miniature flowers of various colors. In this article, we will consider instructions for creating aesthetic roses with your own hands from strips of shiny satin.

How to make a rose with pointed edges?
From high-quality ribbons of shiny satin, the width of which is 5 cm, you can make very beautiful roses with pointed edges. Making such crafts does not require a lot of free time. First of all, you will need certain devices and materials:
- satin ribbons 5 cm wide;
- scissors with sharpened blades;
- adhesive composition;
- lighter.

Consider a detailed master class on how to make an elegant rose with pointed edges on your own.
- The work must begin by cutting the squares from the satin ribbon. Material with parameters 5x5 cm is suitable.To make the craft more original and interesting, you should use two satin tones: light and dark. The master will need to prepare 22 light squares and 17 dark ones. From these blanks, you will need to fold rose petals. This should be done according to a certain scheme.

- The upper corners of the blanks will need to be bent... In this case, the base of the petal should be cut and melted with a lighter. To give the details the necessary sharpness of shape, the end from above will need to be fixed with tweezers and kept in this state a little under fire.

- When the petals of the original satin rose are completely ready, you need to start assembling the entire craft as a whole. The starting petal of a light shade in the middle will need to be smeared with an adhesive. After that, the part is rolled up in the form of a tube. On top of this element, another light petal is glued, followed by a dark one.

- At the next stage, it is necessary to form a kind of alternation of petals of different shades.... They can be fixed in the order of chess, or they can be in a circle or with an overlap. In this case, the main part of the flower should get a flat structure.

More ideas
There are many more interesting techniques for making beautiful flowers from shiny ribbons. To model original crafts, not only wide, but also narrow stripes of atlas can be used. Narrow materials make for equally attractive products in a wide variety of shapes.
Flat rose
A flat twisted rose made of glossy ribbon looks very unusual. To create such a thing, a wide version of 5 cm is quite suitable. The following components will also be needed:
- thread and needle;
- scissors;
- a candle or lighter (required for the flame).

Let's analyze a step-by-step scheme for making a beautiful satin rose-shaped craft.
- At the first stage, the transverse cut edges of the tape will need to be melted with a candle or lighter: any device will do.

- Next, the ribbon will need to be folded in half, and then twisted. Through this manipulation, it will turn out to form the middle of the future flower. This part of the craft will need to be stitched. A small part of the unoccupied ribbon is folded away from you. The fold should be surrounded by the middle.

- Now you will need to form another fold of the ribbon. After that, they need to wrap the central part of the rose. With a satin strip, only the front part should remain noticeable. This will create a neat bud.

- Once the rosebud is complete, the subsequent petals will need to be shaped pointed at the top. These components should be located between the petals belonging to the previous tier. All turns will need to be done between the petals of the previous levels.

- After a couple of rows formed, the petals will need to be carefully stitched. This manipulation will be required to more securely fix these components. The remaining short edge of the tape should be hidden, and then sewn to the wrong side.

From satin stripes with a parameter of 1.2 cm, charming twisted roses of miniature sizes come out. Such cute crafts are perfect not only for experienced, but also for novice craftsmen.
To make beautiful twisted roses from narrow satin, you will need the same components as in the life hack discussed above. Only the width of the tape will differ... If you need to make flowers of a different size, then you should take longer sections of the atlas. The edges of the strips will need to be melted with fire, after which they can be easily twisted with tweezers. The central part of the flower at this stage will be ready.

After that, the satin ribbon will need to be carefully wrapped away from you. The petal must be placed under the base. These manipulations will need to be continued until the entire rosebud is fully formed. A small edge of the tape, which remains after all the actions, must be tucked up, and then carefully sewn to the opposite side of the craft.

Beautiful twisted flowers can also be modeled from a tape with a width of 2.5 cm. Consider what other constituent components will be needed to model original flower crafts:
- special needle for beads;
- sewing thread in the same color as the ribbon;
- lighter.

First, consider the simplest and relatively quickest way to model beautiful flowers from a 2.5 cm satin strip.
- For that ribbon, the length of which is over 90 cm, you need to trim the ends at an angle of 45 degrees... The same areas will need to be carefully scorched.After that, the tape will acquire the structure of a trapezoid.
- A basting seam should be laid along the oblique ribs and the upper edge of a short length. In this case, the thread does not need to be cut. It is tightened, after which pleated assemblies are formed on the tape.
- The thread should be secured with 2-3 stitches, but should not be cut just yet. The satin strip should be twisted, stitching at the very base of the rose.
- The glossy part of the satin material should be located on the inside of the formed roll... The end of the ribbon must be hidden, thus finishing the flower.
The resulting craft can serve as an original interior detail that will attract a lot of attention.

There is another way to make twisted roses. In accordance with it, it is necessary to use ribbons of two colors. Their length should be about 70 cm. The width of the ribbons at the base will be 2.5 cm. But the width parameter of the additional ribbon should be 1 cm less.

Let's analyze the step-by-step instructions.
- The stripes on the front side must be overlapped with a light basting stitch. The color of the thread should correspond to the main shade of the ribbon.
- The sewn components from the atlas must be wound on a ruler like rings.
- After removing these elements, the corners of the main color ribbons must be trimmed, while making a rounding. These parts of the parts are singed, after which the ribbon is folded.
- Further, by tightly twisting the ribbon at the edge, the middle of the future flower is formed. At the bottom, the element must be stitched.
- Now you will need to create a basting seam on the edges of the satin blank showing an additional second color. At the end, you will need to wrap the corner about 45 degrees.
- Along the formed seam, you will need to form a strip assembly.
- The rosette should be formed by twisting, surrounded by an already made center.
- A satin stripe of additional color should be located in the lower zone of the petal.
- The small piece of atlas that remains after all the above manipulations will need to be securely sewn to the petals located below.

The third implementation method is considered even more complex and intricate. For him, you need to prepare a ribbon 50 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. The execution scheme will be as follows.
- The upper corner of the satin strip is folded over and then fixed.
- From this edge section, the workpiece is twisted like a roll, and then stitched at the bottom. In this way, the central part of the rose will be formed.
- Next, the satin strip is twisted up to the upper corner, which was securely fixed in the previous modeling step.
- Now that edge of the tape, which is located at the bottom, will need to be connected to the edge that was formed as a result of the bending of the upper corner. This is a diagonal line.
- Along the newly formed diagonal line, you will need to fold the satin piece again. In this case, the edges and folds should be in the inner part of the product. The specified line should be lightly stitched.
- In the same way, you need to continue working on the creation of the rose until the triangles form a circle.
- To make a beautiful and neat rose, you will need to make 2 such circles.
- Next, the satin detail will need to be rolled up surrounded by the central part.
- This will create an interesting and not fully opened rosebud. The fully opened flower will be obtained as a result of sewing and tightening the basting seam.
How to make such a rose, see the video below.
To make such a complex craft, you can use satin materials of various colors. Very beautiful flowers can be obtained from pink, red or yellow fabric.
On an elastic band
An interesting and funny craft - a rose with an elastic band. Such a curious little thing can be exploited as a decoration for hair.For modeling, it is advisable to take a thin and narrow ribbon from satin. It is better not to use wide options.
We will learn how to properly craft an original satin rose with an elastic band.
- First, the tape will need to be placed on a horizontal base. The edge on the left must be folded 6 cm. This small piece of strip will need to be folded at an angle of 45 degrees. In relation to the main tape, this piece will be located perpendicularly. The fold should be stabbed with a safety pin.

- The longer part of the ribbon should be folded down... The fold must be pinned. Similar actions will need to be repeated until a square of 4 triangular components is formed.

- When it turns out to form a square, its sides will need to be stitched along the entire perimeter. You do not need to remove the pins. The thread is neatly pulled together. Due to this, the base of the flower will acquire a rounded and wavy structure. The workpiece is turned over and straightened. The result will be a neat rosebud.

- One more satin ribbon will need to form a small bud... A small section of the strip will need to be folded in a half eight. Areas with intersections will need to be stabbed with pins. All surplus materials will need to be cut off. The edges should be scorched with fire.

- The sides of the workpiece will need to be stitched along the entire perimeter... In this case, the thread should be tightened. The end result is a small bud with no holes.

- The small bud will be part of the larger satin bud... He will close his hole.

- To make leaves for a rose, you should use a green satin. The edges of this workpiece will need to be rolled up like a cone. The ribbon must be thrown over, and then a second cone must be formed, but already at the bottom.

- The unnecessary ribbon should be trimmed with scissors. The edges should be slightly held over the fire for processing. The bases of the cones will need to be secured with pins. At this point, the rose leaves are ready.

- Next, the satin rose is sewn on top of the green leaf blades.... After that, the flower will need to be securely fixed on a compact lining made of felt material. At the final stage, the workpieces are fastened with an elastic band.

An interesting and elegant craft is ready. In a similar way, you can fix the rosette not only with an elastic band, but also with a hair clip. Thus, the master can make a very original and creative accessory that will definitely become a unique decoration for a woman's hairstyle.