Country crafts for the garden

Thinking about how to create crafts for a garden and a vegetable garden in the country with their own hands, home craftsmen often find non-trivial solutions. A simple decor is used from barrels and concrete, from scrap materials and rubbish that gets a new life. The most interesting country crafts, easily constructed from the simplest components, but looking bright and interesting, deserve special attention.

What to make from plastic bottles?
Traditional summer cottage crafts made from scrap material quite often involve the use of the most common objects. Plastic bottles of different colors, sizes and shapes are great for making a variety of decor. Sending secondary raw materials instead of disposal in the garden allows you to give it a second life. Among the ideas that deserve attention, it is worth highlighting the most interesting.
- Artificial plants. Palm trees, spruces, flowers from polymer containers, dissolved into strips, can be used not only in the children's corner, but also in the general design of the summer cottage.

- Animals and birds. Using your imagination, you can create an entire zoo out of PET waste. Peacocks and penguins, butterflies and ladybugs, piglets and hedgehogs. All of them can be created from whole bottles or their scraps.

- Containers for plants. Instead of boring pots and containers, cut-off bottles for seedlings can be painted with acrylic paints, giving them the appearance of cartoon characters or just bright and juicy colors. Hanging vertically on the wall, these mini-pots look quite impressive.

- Bird feeders and houses. Even a schoolboy can cut a hole for new residents, and then hang the resulting structure.

The big advantage of plastic bottles is the ease of cutting of this material. You can make holes in it with an awl and scissors, a clerical knife. Such a container does not decompose for a long time, it is safe for the environment, and is resistant to the influence of precipitation.

Bottle cap decor
You can create unusual decorative ornaments from corks from plastic or glass containers. Plastic bright covers easily turn into a mosaic wall or walkway. They are used to create panels, door mats. A large number of these covers are suitable for paving paths if they are laid on the sand. Having drilled through holes in bottle corks made of natural material, they can be strung on a fishing line, turning them into a kind of vertical blinds.

Crafts from tires
Used car tires are not the best choice for diversifying the interior. But in the space of the suburban area, tires often become a full-fledged element of the landscape. Tire constructions are used to frame flower beds, beautiful sculptures, interesting decorative elements, light sports equipment for children's games are created from them.

Among the options for crafts that can be made from car tires for the garden and vegetable garden, there are some.
- Miniature reservoirs. For them, tires of large diameter are used, partially dug into the ground. A dense black plastic film is inserted inside and along the edges, fastened with large stones, bricks, pebbles. Water is poured into the resulting bowl, you can plant plants in such a mini-pond.

- Sandboxes. By cutting off the upper sides, and covering the lower part with polyethylene, the tire can be painted. River sand is poured inside, a canopy can be made on top or a beach umbrella can be placed to protect from the sun.

- Ladders. In areas with difficult terrain, tires of small diameter are dug in, laid with small ledges, filled with garden soil or gravel.

- Fences. The tires dug in vertical rows provide convenient zoning of space in the country. These mini fences can be used to frame your driveway or parking lot.

- Hanging swing. A trimmed car tire makes a good alternative to store-bought play equipment. You will need paint for decorating. For fixing the structure - a rope or cord of heavy lifting capacity, construction anchors. You can also build a swing balancer.

- Garden poufs. The tires are painted in a bright color with a cushion of soft material nested in the middle, allowing you to create a comfortable outdoor seating area.

Original and bright crafts, beautiful, unusual, modern, can even be made from waste material.
But it is important to understand that tires are not the most environmentally friendly material. During operation, they accumulate salts of heavy metals, aggressive chemicals, and the rubber compound itself contains various additives. This should be taken into account in the manufacture of products, paying attention to thoroughly washing and painting such elements, especially if children play with them.

More ideas
DIY crafts for the garden can be made from trash prepared for disposal, and from other improvised means. Simple solutions for decorating a summer cottage - on a veranda or in a gazebo - are provided by old furniture. For example, a plastic chest of drawers or a shelf that has served its life turns into an element of vertical landscaping, you just have to install an addition of flower pots or containers on the tiers.
A flower garden made of containers and flowerpots will be easier to maintain if you put together a frame or pallet for it from the remains of wood, from boards, from scraps of timber. Such a design can be installed on a wheelbase from an old trolley, baby carriage, easily moving around the site to decorate its different corners.Even in the seat of the chair, you can install a container with flowers or garden strawberries.

Also, you can use as decor elements:
- Garden containers. From barrels, buckets, watering cans, excellent flowerpots and hanging pots for plants are obtained. They can be hung in rows in size, from larger to smaller, painted in bright colors, pasted over with shells or pieces of colored glass, ceramic tiles. Whole hanging gardens are created from pots, and in combination with fittings from reinforcement - vertical posts of the most bizarre shapes.

- Plastic pipes. By sawing them in half, and then fixing them on a vertical support - a wall or a fence, you can get an unusual element of vertical gardening, which is not afraid of any precipitation.

- Floor coverings. From linoleum, linocrome, laminate or tiles, you can make a cute mini-fence for a flower bed. Roll materials are cut into separate blocks, the rest are simply completely dug in vertically or driven into the ground at half the height.

- Remains and cuts of trees. Hemp makes excellent flowerpots. It is enough to hollow out a hole inside for a pot of a suitable diameter. Stumps and driftwood can also be used to make spectacular garden sculptures, if you process them a little, giving them decorative effect.
Such elements can be made from willow, birch, other types of wood, they go well with ferns, primroses.

- Construction Materials. Sculptures can be made from concrete or plaster using a piece of a ball chamber, a balloon, a half of an old toy, children's or culinary molds as a mold. Pieces of plywood and boards easily become an element of decor if you cut out applications for decorating walls and fences from them. Even an old rag or towel covered in cement and dried on a support can turn into an unusual planter.

- Tin cans for canned food and drinks. These lightweight designs can be easily converted into plant pots or flower bed frames. Collected in garlands, hung on the walls of houses or on poles, they turn into spectacular planters for climbing crops. A woodcutter or a robot made of white cans will easily delight any child.

A description of a variety of crafts, which are quite easy to create on the site yourself, can be considered as an idea for independent creativity. Even old household utensils can be transformed in skilled hands, and craftsmen make unusual sculptures from polyurethane foam or logs.

Useful Tips
Concrete and plaster are versatile materials for creating garden decor. With their help, you can turn old toys, including plush ones, into spectacular sculptures and figurines. To obtain an original decorative decoration, you will need to wrap the product with a reinforcing mesh, and then cover it with a cement-gypsum mortar. Finished products are painted white or bright colors.

You can attract children to creativity by inviting them to decorate the country landscape with feeders or mini-sculptures from a constructor with plastic parts. For permanent use, it will be better to hold them together with glue. Such structures are easily mounted on vertical poles or suspended.

Sometimes, only a can of paint is enough to transform the site. A large number of stones on the territory leaves room for imagination. They can be painted or covered with original paintings, turned into an original border.

You will find some more interesting decorating ideas that can be easily translated into reality in the next video.