Crafts for grandfather's birthday

If a grandfather has a holiday - a birthday or other reason for joy, he will wait for congratulations from his beloved grandchildren. And let it be a modest hand-made postcard, the grandfather will definitely prefer it to many other pretentious presentations. For the same reason, you can take original steps and make such a craft that will surprise even an experienced grandfather.

Original postcards
A postcard with a cake inside is always a surprise that pleases at any age. For children from 6 to 10 years old, the creation of such a gift is quite within their power.
To make a postcard you will need:
thick double-sided paper of cyan, gray-blue or gray-violet color;
simple pencil;
white thick paper;
colored printed paper;
glue stick.

Consider the manufacturing steps.
Made of heavy blue double-sided paper need to cut a rectanglewhose size 15 by 11 cm... It is bent forward in half.
Cut from a sheet of white paper rectangle 14 by 10 cm. The white part will also have to be folded in half across.
From the side of the fold, you need to do 4 notches, keeping an equal distance between them... The first two cuts should be the same, the third one is shorter by 1 cm, the fourth even less in length.
Cut parts fold according to the pattern.
The strips need to be expanded and the paper cut. The cut parts must be bent inward along the indicated folds.
3 rectangles are to be cut out of colored paper according to the sizes of the layers of the cake. They should be slightly larger in height than the white stripes. They must be bent in half and glued to the sheet.
And again, bend and unfold the white sheet so that the lines on the cake become more distinct. Candles are cut out of bright paper in the form of small rectangles.The same number of teardrop-shaped lights are cut out of yellow paper. The lights stick to the candles, and the candles stick to the cake.
White paper on the back should be greased with glue and fixed on a blue base. You can sign the postcard next to the cake.

You can decorate your craft with sequins, self-adhesive stickers in the form of "precious" stones or confetti.
Here are examples of other original postcards.
This option is common, but it is this one that is especially advantageous. Perhaps real buttons or a dainty tie are impressive. And the author did his best with the watch.

- The theme of opening wide postcards has been played more than once, and with fish - including... This is one of the versions of compliment cards that will amuse the pride of the fishing grandfather.

- Balls and garland - unchanged name-day attributes. And it doesn't matter at all how old the birthday boy is. They just set the mood.

- But such a rainbow happiness on a stick is associated with childhood, because a birthday is a childhood holiday... Grandfather will be pleasantly associated with grandchildren not only with wisdom and experience, but also with such mischievous trinkets. So it's always fun with grandpa.

- Scrapbooking Is a million ideas for the aesthetic expression of emotions. This postcard will be appreciated by those who love aesthetics, brevity and handicraft.

Not always the desire to make something congratulatory with your own hands is limited only to a postcard.
Plasticine products
Plasticinography is a very beautiful form of creativity, and besides, children like it. And although the process can be protracted, it takes a lot of effort and time, even not the most patient children want to finish the work, because modeling is "addictive". You can give a grandfather a similar picture, he will be impressed. For example, such as this unusual tree.

It is quite simple to make a plasticine painting.
To create such a work, you will need not only a set of plasticine, a modeling mat and a base (thick cardboard)... You will also need a syringe without a needle.
You need to immerse plasticine in the syringe barrel, and then insert the plunger... The first syringe will be filled with dark green, the second with a lighter shade of green.
Now the fun begins: you need to warm up the water in the pan and put the syringes there.... And when the plasticine starts to melt, you can work. The syringes are neatly taken out, plasticine sausages begin to be squeezed onto the cardboard base.
Dark plasticine alternates with light. The sausages are glued in semicircles to create the effect of a hilly landscape in the painting. First, the grass is made using green shades. Then the syringes need to be rinsed and filled with blue and blue pieces of plasticine. And the material is heated again, after which the sky is laid out from the sausages. It is done in straight stripes, alternating shades.
Where there is a sun, you need to leave a place for it. The tree, apples and the sun are made in the same way, without forgetting to rinse the syringes.

Of course, the work is effective. Children will love to squeeze out the sausages and shape them into a pattern. But everything related to hot water and a stove is taken over by adult helpers.
Other examples of plasticine gifts:
if grandfather's birthday is in the fall, such a landscape can be very useful;

- and this cute fox is especially appropriate if a little granddaughter gives it to her grandfather;

- one more laconic autumn sketch, grandfather will be flattered;

- such a romantic picture can be made from plasticine fragments, it can also be a product of family creativity;

- filling a jar with plasticine seaming is not an option for an original gift.

An alternative to plasticine is salty dough, which is also liked as a kind of creativity by children of different ages.
Salted dough gifts
You can make a beautiful candlestick out of salted dough. It is not difficult and quite festive for itself - candles are often an attribute of a gala evening.
For work you will need:
salty dough;
a glass of water and a brush;
brown paint;
satin ribbon to match the candlestick;
rolling pin;
small candle.

Here's how to make a candlestick.
From salt dough, you need to mold a ball that is suitable in size.
It needs to be flattened a little so that you can light a candle. A little space must be left around this flattened zone, otherwise, after drying, the candle may simply not crawl into the candlestick. The thickness of the stand should have been about 1.5 cm.
Excess dough should be trimmed and rolled into a ball.
A cake is formed from a ball and rolled out with a rolling pin. The resulting layer must be divided into strips 4 cm wide, and then the strips should be divided in half.
The blanks must be rolled into bagels or similar shapes that will resemble cinnamon sticks.
The side of the future candlestick should be greased with water by gluing the resulting rolls-sticks in a circle.
The candle can now be set aside because the candlestick needs to dry.
The craft can be painted brown. To obtain a richer shade, the dough can be smeared in several layers.
A dried candlestick can be wrapped with a matching ribbon.

What else can you make with salted dough:
two owls can represent a grandfather and a grandson / granddaughter;
a horseshoe for luck is always an option for a good gift;
an angel with a heart - what is not a declaration of love to the birthday man;
these souvenirs-pendants are also not very difficult to make, and they look like an excellent children's addition to the main gift;
even very adult men can be moved by such hedgehogs.

It is interesting to work with the dough, but you need an oven to bake. This means that you cannot do without the help of adults.
More ideas
Crafts from a granddaughter and from a grandson can differ: by theme, romantic orientation, or, conversely, brutality.
From grandson
Children's work differs from each other, because what the five-year plan will not do will be mastered by an older child.
Here are some examples for inspiration.
A voluminous postcard that heralds a good catch for the birthday man. And if adults give fishing tackle for their birthday, such a craft will be right to the point.

- A very simple option, suitable for children who are just learning how to make crafts. But such laconic things are still incredibly cute.

- A boat in a pencil frame is very boyish, and with such a bold romance, which is inherent even to grandfathers.

- If the house does not have an aquarium, it's time to have at least a paper one. Grandchildren will help!

- Another option for a shirt-postcard, only this is a grandfather's working suit, who is definitely a jack of all trades.

- Rice, buckwheat, peas and salt are a real artist and will make a picture out of this.

It is worth giving free rein to imagination, not being afraid to make your own adjustments to standard projects - that's what creativity is for.
From granddaughter
The girls' works are more tender, romantic and cute. And this is correct, because girlish congratulations will always be distinguished by flirty charm and lyricism.
For example, such works can be inspired.
These hearts on craft paper look very cute when decorating a gift in a box. They are like a greeting card - both appropriate and set the mood.

- A similar applique depicting a grandfather would be a good example of a birthday portrait.

- If a child loves to draw with markers and pencils, then this is a great topic for him.

- Balloon postcards are also romantic and stylistically very modern.

- If the granddaughter is small, parents can cut out fragments of her simple drawings and use them as parts of the applique for a postcard.

- "Love for you grows in my heart, grandfather." So you can call the message of this application.

Of course, there is no strict division and cannot be. Both grandchildren and granddaughters can use different themes and ways of decorating postcards and other crafts, regardless of gender predisposition. The main thing is to do them with love!
Another option for paper crafts is in the video below.