Making a craft "Tiger"

You can captivate a child in a variety of ways. An excellent solution is to engage the young master with making cute crafts. Often such creative tasks are given in school or kindergarten. The article will discuss how you can make an adorable tiger from different materials with your own hands.

How to make an applique?
The simplest and most accessible craft for a child is an applique. Most often, kids make such homemade products in kindergarten or in the lower grades of school. Using this method, you can simulate a very beautiful and elegant tiger. To make the craft attractive and neat, the young master will need to adhere to a certain chronology of actions. Let's consider how exactly you need to make an applique depicting a tiger.
- First you need to prepare a stencil for the future animal. In accordance with such a basis, you need to very carefully cut out all the details of the paper predator with scissors. At this stage of the work, adults should be nearby to prevent possible injuries from interacting with sharp scissors.
- The next step is to take a sheet of colored cardboard. Any color can be used. The child can independently choose a certain shade that he likes the most.
- The prepared and cut out parts of the future striped predator must be carefully laid out on a cardboard base. Thus, it will turn out to accurately mark the correct location of all the components of the craft. Do not rush to glue the prepared components.
- Now you will need to prepare small separate elements of the future tiger. We are talking about eyes, stripes, mouth and ears.They can be cut out of colored paper and glued, or they can be drawn on a cardboard base.
- After that, you can proceed directly to fixing the entire application using an adhesive solution. It is not necessary to pour too much glue, as it will ruin the appearance of the craft, and will break through the edges of the paper parts.
- Next, you should resort to fixing additional decorative components of the applique. We are talking about grass, bows, flowers and other similar elements. Let your child choose exactly how to decorate the adorable applique.
The finished attractive craft will surely delight the child! It can be decorated in a variety of ways, and then placed in a neat frame and placed on a shelf, or hung on the wall in the room. An original applique can make a very cute decor for an interior.

Origami making
Within a few minutes, a child will be able to make an Amur tiger from a square of colored paper. Quick crafts are obtained if you do them by adhering to the popular origami technique. To make a tiger, you need to use a piece of colored paper with dimensions of 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm.
Let's take a look at how an attractive origami craft is made correctly.
- The paper square will first need to be folded neatly and clearly diagonally, and then folded again in the same way. Be sure to smooth out the folds on both sides.
- The resulting triangular parts on the left and right sides must be folded down closer to the base of the fold in the middle.
- As a result of the above manipulations, corners should be obtained. They will need to be bent up. In the future, these elements will play the role of tiger ears.
- The upper small triangular element located in the area between the ears must be folded forward. Miniature side corners are folded towards the middle.
- Now the workpiece needs to be turned over.
- The sharp triangle at the bottom will need to be bent upward. The lower leaflet is folded to the wrong side, and at the top one should bend the tip. It will play the role of the tiger's nose.
The finished craft can only be attractively decorated. On the basis, you need to draw the muzzle of a predator, apply characteristic black stripes, paint the ears. All these elements can be drawn or decorated using colored paper. The original origami tiger is ready!

Plasticine craft
A very popular material for modeling various crafts is ordinary plasticine. Almost any animal can be made of it, including a charming tiger cub. For this, it is recommended to purchase high-quality plasticine blocks. A soft kind of plasticine will do, but you should not take the sculptural version. This type of plastic material is characterized by high rigidity, so it can be quite difficult for young craftsmen to work with it.
To model a tiger cub from a plastic material, you need to stock up on:
- a couple of orange plasticine bars;
- white, black, pink and green plasticine blocks;
- with a toothpick or a match, a piece from a skewer is also suitable;
- a stack of plastic or wood, as well as a spatula and a sculpting board.

Let's get acquainted with a master class on modeling a cute tiger cub from a plastic material... The orange bar is divided into 2 halves. They are rolled into balls, after which an elongated torso is formed from the larger of them. The second ball will play the role of the animal's head.
Using a piece of skewer or toothpick, the torso and head are connected to each other.

The second orange bar is used to mold both the front and hind legs of the tiger, as well as the tail and ears. Cut off 1/3 of the plasticine bar and knead it well in your hands. This element will need to be divided into 2 parts. This will prepare the tiger's hind legs. Next, cut off another piece of plasticine.A rolled sausage is formed from it. It is cut into 2 parts, and then gently smoothed around the edges. This will create the front legs of the animal.
Further, the made blanks are stuck to the body of the predator. The craft is complemented by a long red tail and small rounded ears.

From prepared snow-white cakes, as well as a pink ball, they form a tiger's face. The eyes of an animal are made from plasticine cakes of black, white and green colors. Small white highlights stick on their edges.
A white breast with an imitation of fluff is attached to the neck of a plasticine predator. The latter can be depicted by means of the lines made by the stack. White plasticine mass pads are attached to the hind legs.

Next, black stripes are made. For this purpose, very thin strips of sausages are rolled from black plasticine mass. These blanks are divided into smaller segments, after which they are fixed on the legs, head, tail and body of a plasticine predator. Small claws are formed from the excess segment and attached to the pads on the paws.
Small notches are made on the front paws of tiger paws. Several small dots are formed on the animal's face with a toothpick. A very cute and bright plasticine tiger cub is ready!

Other ideas from various materials
A cute striped animal can be made not only from paper or plasticine, but also from many other components. A cool craft can be made from even the simplest materials at hand that can be found in almost every home.
For example, a very original and funny tiger can be obtained from a sleeve left over from a roll of toilet paper or dry towels. In addition, you will need:
- cardboard;
- colored and white paper;
- PVA glue, glue stick;
- felt-tip pen, scissors, ruler.

Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for modeling such an unusual product.
- First you need to take a sheet of orange paper. With this component, you will need to glue the prepared bushing or half of the bushing. It is very important to apply the adhesive composition not only to the ends of the paper sheet, but also to the sleeve itself, so that later the roll does not slip out of the paper.
- At the next stage, you will need to draw and cut out small details for the craft. There will be a lot of them, but they are done very simply. The shapes and sizes of parts can be any.
- You will need to make ears from an orange cardboard sheet, and their inner part from white. The tail and all paws are made of cardboard.
- The white material will be used for the eyes, and a couple more ovals should be prepared for the muzzle. One large white oval should be cut out for the tiger's belly.
- A nose and mustache strips should be made of black cardboard.
- White and orange elements of the ears are glued together, making cuts for them on top of the sleeve. Eyes, nose and muzzle are glued, as well as a white tummy.
- With a felt-tip pen, stripes are applied to the body of a predator, eyes are drawn, mustaches are glued.
At this stage, a very original and funny craft will be ready! The child can additionally decorate it in different ways that will interest him more.

To learn how to make a cute tiger cub out of felt with your own hands, see the next video.