
Crafts for boys

Crafts for boys
  1. Paper products
  2. Crafts ideas from natural materials
  3. Wood options
  4. What can be done with the means at hand?

Crafts for kids is one of the most fun activities that brings kids and their parents together. Thanks to joint actions, the child feels parental attention to himself, receives new knowledge, skills, develops fine motor skills, fantasy and imagination. The boy becomes more hardworking and assiduous.

Paper products

For making crafts for boys, paper is often used, because it is easy and convenient to work with it. Any child from a very early age gets acquainted with its properties and knows its qualities. It is used to create various applications, origami figures.

Applications are drawings made from elements of colored paper glued to a certain base. An applique is a kind of paper constructor. To create it you will need:

  • A4 cardboard or paper for the background;
  • colored paper;
  • stencil drawing if necessary;
  • safe baby scissors;
  • a pencil for marking;
  • glue.

The very first applications should be fairly simple. A boy can carve a house out of two colored parts (a square or rectangular building and a triangular roof). The older the child gets, the more complex pictures can be created. You can add windows, doors, a pipe, a fence to a simple house. Place grass, flowers, bushes, trees near the house. Add sunshine and clouds. This is how you can work with any subject.

Another type of appliqué, when several cut out elements must be correctly placed inside a pre-prepared contour.

It is interesting for boys to create appliques on the following topics:

  • cars;
  • sea ​​and ships;
  • space;
  • trains;
  • animals, birds, fish.

Origami is a Japanese art that teaches you how to fold various three-dimensional paper figures. If white paper is used, then it can be colored to make the result more realistic. Simple figures are easy to make, and later the child will be able to play with them, like the most ordinary toys. To create an origami figurine, you need to study the diagram or watch a master class, which tells you step by step about all the stages of creating a craft.

When creating origami, boys choose:

  • swords;
  • tanks;
  • cars;
  • dinosaurs;
  • various animals.

Crafts ideas from natural materials

Working with various natural materials allows you to acquaint your child with their qualities, develops children's imagination. For the manufacture of such crafts, cones, leaves, twigs, nuts, chestnuts, acorns can be used. You can also use cereals, beans, vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes). Beautiful shells or pebbles are also useful for creating beautiful and unusual things with your own hands.

When working with natural materials, it is important that they can be collected together with the child. Together, choosing what you like, and together thinking about what can be done from it.

Several examples of the use of natural materials for various crafts.

  • Chestnut: caterpillar (string several chestnuts tightly on a thread, glue the drawn eyes on the very first one); spider (insert 4 slightly broken matches on both sides of the chestnut, draw or glue the eyes); snail (mold the body of a snail with antennae from plasticine, attach the chestnut on top like a house).
  • Walnut: strawberries (paint red, add black dots, glue green leaves cut from paper or felt on a thicker base); little mice (draw a nose and two eyes on a half of a walnut, attach paper or fabric ears and a tail); boat (cut out a sail from paper, fix it on a match or a toothpick, set it in half a nut using plasticine).
  • Leaves and seeds used to create natural applications.
  • Seashells small size can be used to decorate photo frames. You can make a shell porcupine if you fix smaller shells in several rows on one shell of the Achatinida family.
  • From squash You can create a unique ship or car by cutting off one piece of a vegetable and cleaning out the pulp. The remaining part will act as a side of the ship (you can additionally cut out the portholes, add a steering wheel and a lifebuoy made of carrots, sails from cabbage leaves) or the car body (4 more wheels are required, they can be cut off from another, smaller zucchini or taken from the machine, which the child no longer plays).

The finished craft can be left at home or brought to the kindergarten for a thematic exhibition.

Wood options

Woodworking is suitable for older boys who already have the initial skills in working with various tools. Wood crafts are good because they are not only interesting, but can also be really useful. Among these products are photo frames, hot coasters, caskets, cutting boards, bird feeders and much more.

The younger the boy, the more simple the craft should be. For example, for a child of 8-9 years old, it will be enough to take a finished wooden saw cut of the required size and process it with sandpaper. Thus, you get a wooden hot stand, made of one element.

To add decorativeness, you can apply any pattern to the stand, and then fix it with varnish.

At 10 years old, the task can be complicated and a stand can be made using several cuts, connecting them to each other with glue... At this age, the child can easily cope with the creation of a photo frame for his favorite photos.

When the boy is already familiar enough with the tools, you can proceed to more complex crafts. At 12-13 years old, a child can cut out individual elements and, connecting them, get various simple designs: shelves, benches, stools.

At the age of 14, the boy is quite able to create various sculptures from wood.... You can cut a bear or a dog, a gnome or a ship, a space rocket or a fantastic bird from a single piece. There are no limitations for imagination.

A separate type of woodwork is products created by burning. Using this method, you can create both small pictures and serious works with a complex plot.

Working with wood elements is very rewarding. It is a natural material with a pleasant texture and aroma.

What can be done with the means at hand?

To make crafts for boys, it is worth using other materials that are in every home.

  • You can make funny animals from threads using pom-poms. Having wrapped the organizer for pens with a bright thread, it will turn out to be unusual to update it. Threads are also used to create paintings and appliques.
  • Eggshell indispensable for obtaining a mosaic effect.
  • Plastic bottles are the basis for a car, spaceship, sailboat and many other items. Plastic is perfectly cut, twisted, and can be shaped in a variety of ways.
  • Multi-colored caps from plastic bottles are suitable for creating mosaic patterns.
  • Buttons perfectly replace paper in appliqués.
  • You can make New Year's toys from bulbs, for this you need to paint them, giving the appearance of penguins, snowmen or Christmas trees.
  • Discs excellent craft material due to its shiny and reflective surface. From them you can make a garland for the New Year, fastened together with a ribbon and decorated with bows. Disks cut into small pieces will be an excellent decoration for a vase, Christmas ball, photo frame, flower pot, jewelry box.
  • Salty dough helps to create any figures that last for a long time, unlike plasticine.
  • Matches or toothpicks used to create three-dimensional models.

This is not a complete list of materials that can be used in a lesson with a boy to make various crafts.

Fantasy and imagination are limitless, therefore you can make unique things from simple and ordinary materials... Creating something new with your own hands is always very interesting, and doing it with your child is doubly interesting.

For information on how to make an origami tank out of paper, see the video.

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