Birch crafts

Autumn is rich in natural raw materials that can be used to make a variety of crafts for a kindergarten or for decorating a garden. Birch logs, round timber and birch bark can become the basis for the manufacture of animals, men and other products.

What to do for kindergarten?
Crafts from natural materials are often made by children together with their parents for kindergarten. Having collected hand-made products, educators hold contests and exhibitions to determine the best creation. It will be interesting for children to take part in making homemade compositions.

Birch is a very strong and durable material, so it is perfect for making crafts and decor items. Birch bark is widely used for making handicrafts of various skill levels. So you can make birch crafts with your own hands, using master classes for beginners.

In order for a birch product to last longer, it is necessary to carry out a special surface treatment and apply a layer of varnished coating.
Since the cuts of birch are gradually beginning to darken, care should be taken to ensure that the result of the skill does not become unusable while in the garden. In addition, the application of impregnation can give a decorative item an aesthetic appearance. However, it should be borne in mind that birch tends to crack and is unstable to decay, therefore, sufficient attention should be paid to the selection of wood and its preliminary processing.

As exhibits in a kindergarten, you can build a wooden donkey. To do this, you will need several logs, different in diameter and length. To make a birch donkey, you need to follow the instructions in the instructions:
- to make legs, you need 4 thin logs of approximately the same length;
- for the body, you need to take a short but wide log;
- the muzzle is made of a material wide in diameter, which is then attached to the body with a thin piece of wood;
- ears (preferably oval) and a round nose can be made from the segments;
- eyes and mouth are painted with paint;
- parts are connected to each other with a hammer.

The constructed structure can be supplemented with a wooden cart in which a flower bed is arranged. Or make a rider, like a bunny.

Products to school
You can create a real work of art from birch blocks. The main thing is to show your imagination and prepare all the necessary tools. Churbaki become the basis for the manufacture of sculpture.
Birch wood has optimal density and has a slightly homogeneous texture.
Decorated products can be made from logs by sawing the material properly. Having received the blanks of the required size and shape, you can start connecting the individual parts of the structure together using self-tapping screws or nails.

The hare is made in accordance with the previous master class, the difference lies in the details used, the size of the logs and the order of their arrangement. At your discretion, you can make a hare that stands on its hind legs or in another position. Craft for giving in the form of a hare is done step by step.
- You need to take not very long birch logs.
- The body is placed vertically and logs are attached to it, which play the role of the animal's legs.
- The muzzle is made of 3 small circles: 2 on top are the eyes, 1 below is the nose of the bunny.
- Two small cuts are located under the nose. Stripes are cut out on them, imitating antennae.
- Imitation feet are attached from the sides. You can decorate the composition with a fake carrot.
- The ears are made from long saw cuts nailed to the hare's head.

From the saw cut and other parts of the birch, you can make a cute cat, which will become an original decoration for a summer cottage. A homemade cat will stand on 4 legs.
- To fix the head to the body, you need to take a round piece of wood, then pin it to the edge of the body.
- Instead of ears, you need to use semicircles carved from birch.
- Plastic bottle caps will serve as an imitation of eyes. You can take a small round as a nose.
- As in the case of the bunny, 2 saw cuts are attached to the muzzle, located under the nose.
- To make a tongue, you can glue a piece of red fabric of the appropriate shape.
- In the role of a mustache, broom rods are used, fixed under the round beads.

Decorating ideas
Various parts of birch will be used as the main material. The birch bark has a unique pattern that will decorate any craft. Branches and stem parts make attractive garden figurines.

To decorate a personal plot, you can build a variety of people. When creating them, you will have to be guided by your imagination or be inspired by ready-made compositions.

From rods, you can glue an exclusive panel that is hung on the wall. The branches are located tightly to each other, thereby forming the desired shape of the product. To decorate the resulting creation, you can take a flower made from birch bark, and also compose a composition from dry leaves. The old picture frame can be updated by decorating the structure with a dry bouquet of thin birch branches and colorful leaves.

From branches of medium thickness, you can make a staircase by connecting even parts of the same length into a single structure by tying the branches on both sides. Or drill small holes along the edges of the stairs with a drill. Ropes are threaded through the holes and knots are tied for a secure fix.On the resulting staircase, hung out on the balcony, you can attach a figurine of Santa Claus, who climbs the steps.

You can make stylish stools from hemp, as well as a table leg. The constructed pieces of furniture must be processed so that the surface is smooth and polished, does not leave a splinter.

For a summer residence, you can use birch cuts to build paths, placing them between the bushes on the site. The material is laid on a base of sand and crushed stone. Then the resulting garden path is compacted. To prevent wooden parts from rotting and becoming infected with insects, they need to be treated with special chemical solutions.

How to make a decorative birch panel for your home, see the video below.