Paper crafts for children 6-7 years old

Some developmental activities for kids seem very boring, they do not concentrate their attention, they are not interested, they try to escape from the lesson as soon as possible. But when the question comes about paper needlework, there are no equal for children of 6-7 years old. They strive to independently create this or that composition, developing their own imagination.

What kind of animals can you make?
Teddy bear on a spring
If the child cannot think of what to make for him, the parents should definitely come to the rescue and offer several options for the craft step by step, for example, a teddy bear on a spring. For such work, you only need colored paper, scissors, glue, a felt-tip pen and buttons for the eyes.
- The torso and head with ears must be cut out of brown paper. Cut the muzzle out of white. And from pink paper - paw pads.
- On the face, you need to draw a nose and mouth.
- Eyes, that is, buttons, are glued to the face of the bear. Pads are glued to the legs. The bear's head is glued to the upper body.
- It is necessary to cut strips 1 cm thick and 7-8 cm long from brown paper. There should be 4 such strips. They are folded like an accordion, after which they are glued to the body on one side, where the legs should be.
- After the glue has dried, you need to take the prepared front and rear legs - and glue them on the top of the accordions.

Here is another interesting version of children's crafts - a peacock. For work, you will need 8 sheets of double-sided colored paper, glue, cardboard, buttons for the eyes and a black marker. The main part of such an interesting bird is the tail. It must be done first.
- The prepared sheets must be folded in the form of an accordion.
- Then they are glued together.
- Now you need to start making the torso. The shape of the peacock's body is drawn on cardboard, after which it is cut along the created contour. Eyes are glued to the head, and a beak and feathers are drawn with a marker. It remains only to glue the tail.

Children aged 6-7 years old can make crafts in the form of different animals, for example, a tiger. Moreover, the proposed master class will require a minimum of materials, tools and maximum creative potential. For work, you should prepare colored and white paper, glue, felt-tip pens, and a pencil.
You need to take a piece of orange paper and fold it in half. Using a pencil, create a contour of the body, as if the side of the animal appeared to the eye, then cut it out. You need to draw and cut out the head, ears and tail. All of them should also be made of orange paper. For the eyes, you need to cut small circles out of white paper.

Ears and eyes are glued to the head of the tiger. The rest of the elements are drawn with a marker, namely: eyebrows, nose and pupils. Do not forget that the tiger is striped, so stripes must be drawn on the head. A similar pattern should be on the tail and body of the animal. It remains to glue the tail and head.
In order for the tiger cub to be stable, it is necessary to bend its paws about 0.5 cm to the side.

Having got acquainted with the master class for creating a tiger, we suggest you learn how to make a rather cute and adorable animal - a bunny. For work, you will need white paper, white cardboard, glue, a pink felt-tip pen, plastic eyes or buttons, a pencil, threads and scissors.
You need to take a white sheet of paper, fold it in half and cut it. The cut halves must be folded like an accordion. Then the accordions are glued to each other. Using threads, you need to tie the accordion in the central part, that is, in half.

Now the accordion is glued with the sides to each other, so that a circle is formed.
Now you need to prepare the ears. They should be cut out of white paper, and painted inside with a pink felt-tip pen so that a white outline remains. In a similar pattern, the legs are cut out, and their pads are painted over with a pink felt-tip pen.

Using glue, you need to glue the ears on the back of the prepared circle. On the front of it, glue the legs at the bottom. Eyes are glued just above the central part of the circle. Below the eyes, 2 small white circles are glued, from which black antennae will go.
In the very center of the craft, a pink nose is glued.

Now we offer you to get acquainted with a master class on creating a paper crocodile. For work, you will need green double-sided colored paper, white paper, glue, scissors, and a felt-tip pen.
You need to take green paper, fold it in half in width, then unfold and fold each resulting half into 4 parts. This will create 7 fold lines. It is necessary to cut the sheet along the fold lines to get 8 identical strips.

The six strips obtained must be bent in half, and then cut along the fold line. One of the two whole strips must be bent along, and then cut so that it turns out to be 2 times thinner. From 10 short strips, you need to glue the chain. Thus, the body of the craft is formed.
A long strip is taken, inserted into the body, and then glued at the end. This is how the tail is made. On the other side of the body, a long strip is passed through, but not glued together. It is enough to bend it at an obtuse angle so that the crocodile's muzzle takes the shape of a trapezoid.

Now you need to make the eyes. To do this, take the last wide strip, fold in half, cut along the fold line. One of the short strips obtained is also folded in half, and its ends are rounded.Next, this strip with rounded ends is glued to the crocodile's head. It remains only to bend the strips so that the eyes look straight. Legs are made from the remnants of the shortened strips.
White paper is taken, eyes are cut out of it and glued to the convex part of the head. A strip about 1.5 cm wide and about 18 cm long is also cut out of white paper. The teeth of a predator are drawn on it. After the workpiece is glued to the inside of the crocodile's head.

DIY flowers
Everyone knows that paper makes very beautiful flowers. Children create beautiful bouquets with great pleasure. And if you show your imagination, you will be able to create a real paper flower bed. To do this, you need to prepare gouache, cocktail tubes, colored cardboard, scissors, a paper container for chicken eggs, a pencil. Despite the apparent complexity, the process is actually very simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions step by step.
- Flowers of different sizes must be drawn on cardboard. At the same time, cut a hole of about 5 mm in the central part of the buds.
- The egg container should be painted with green gouache. In its convex parts, create a hole where the tubes will be inserted.
- Leaves are cut out of green cardboard and glued to the tubes.
- Now the buds are being harvested. Flowers are neatly strung on the ends of the tubes and glued with glue.
The finished flowers must be inserted into the holes of the dried container.

More ideas
A postcard will seem very interesting - a bouquet in a mug. For work, you will need colored paper, white paper, if it is a gift, then a photograph of the recipient of the present, satin ribbon, glue, scissors and a pencil.
- Colored cardboard must be bent in half, and from the fold line draw a circle so that its edge goes over the fold. Next, you should cut out the prepared base.
- On the right side of the unfolded postcard, a photo of the recipient is glued, and on the left side, a paper bouquet is fixed. Flowers are harvested from colored paper.
- In the place where the stems of flowers are connected, it is necessary to glue a bow made of satin ribbon.
- Then the postcard is closed, and a beautiful decor must be created on its front side. For this, white paper is taken, cut along the contour with a smaller size, glued to the surface of the postcard, after which a drawing or congratulatory words are applied to it.

Another very interesting variation of paper art for girls and boys is stripe applique. As a basis, you can take any template, for example, a squirrel. For work, you will need to prepare strips 1-1.5 cm wide and up to 15 cm long.
- If you take a squirrel as a basis, it must be painted orange.
- Decorate the tail with cut out stripes. First, they should be folded in half, glue the ends, and then glue them to the base of the picture.

For information on how to make a charming paper backpack with your own hands, see the next video.