Crafts from paper and cardboard

Paper crafts for children 5-6 years old

Paper crafts for children 5-6 years old
  1. How to make a puppy?
  2. Making a hare
  3. More ideas

The upbringing of certain skills and abilities in children aged 5-6 years takes place in a playful way. For example, handicraft classes help the kid to get acquainted with the world around him, learn a lot of new things, as well as develop creative thinking and bring up such character traits as perseverance, diligence, diligence.

Every mother should understand that making crafts is not only an excellent option for spending time with a child, but also a kind of way to acquire new knowledge and skills.

As materials for creating crafts, you can choose any available option - plasticine, colored paper, paints, natural material (cones, acorns, leaves). Making colored paper crafts is one of the most popular types of creative activities for kindergarten children. Creation of bright and colorful applications or origami develops artistic imagination, fine motor skills of hands. Moreover, such an activity is very fun and interesting.

How to make a puppy?

Origami is the art of creating various paper figures that came to us from Japan. Even the smallest will be interested in the process of creating various animals and plants from colored paper. The master class proposed below will help a 5-year-old kid to make a puppy figurine out of an ordinary sheet of paper with his own hands. It explains all the stages of work step by step.

Necessary materials:

  • a set of double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • pencil.

So let's get started.

  1. Cut out a square from a sheet of colored paper of any shade. Fold it in half by connecting two corners.
  2. We also bend the corners of the resulting triangle downward, thus forming the ears of the animal.
  3. We turn the workpiece over, and bend the central corner up. This will be the puppy's chin.
  4. We take another sheet of paper and also cut a square out of it. We form the body of the dog. To do this, bend the square in half by connecting the corners.
  5. We bend one of the corners, pointing it slightly downward. So we got a ponytail. Cut out the eyes and nose from paper. Cut a tongue out of red paper.
  6. We glue the cut out details on the puppy's face.
  7. Draw the paws with a felt-tip pen.
  8. We connect the torso and head.

The adorable puppy is ready! Everything turned out to be very easy and simple.

Making a hare

What kid doesn't love cute and fluffy bunnies? So why not make this cute animal with your own hands out of colored paper?

To do this, you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • a set of markers;
  • PVA glue.

The process is pretty straightforward.

  1. We take a sheet of paper of any color. We put our palm on the sheet and outline it with a simple pencil.
  2. We cut out the resulting workpiece.
  3. Cut off the middle finger, and wrap the thumb and little finger inward, forming the legs of the animal. We connect them together with glue.
  4. We draw the face of the bunny and draw the ears.

A cute bunny is ready! You can make a whole family of rabbits by circling not only your palm, but also the child.

Another interesting, but technically more complicated option for making a bunny made of colored paper.

Necessary materials:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Let's consider the process of work.

  1. Cut a sheet of colored paper into strips 1-1.5 cm wide.You should get 4 pieces long and 4 a little shorter.
  2. We form an octahedral star from 4 long strips, connecting them together with glue.
  3. We connect the tips of the star at the top, forming a ball.
  4. We do the same from strips of shorter length.
  5. We connect the resulting balls with each other using PVA glue.
  6. We cut out the ears of our bunny. Cut out the auricles from a different color. We connect them together.
  7. Bending the ears a little, glue them to the bunny's head.
  8. Cut out the eyes, nose, oval muzzle and front teeth.
  9. We glue the finished parts on the head.

A voluminous bunny made of colored paper is ready!

More ideas

There are a wide variety of paper craft options for children 5-6 years old. We offer you some simple ideas that you can do at home.


An interesting paper craft idea for boys is making binoculars. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • yellow or orange plastic bag;
  • 2 toilet paper sleeves;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • black gouache;
  • Scotch;
  • wine cork;
  • black pen;
  • stationery elastic;

thin elastic band.

Getting started.

  1. We attach the sleeve to the plastic bag, and cut out 2 circles of slightly larger diameter. If you do not have a sleeve, you can make cardboard blanks for binoculars. To do this, cut out a square, form a pipe from it and fix it with PVA glue.
  2. We fix the cut cellophane circles on the bushings with adhesive tape.
  3. Cut out rectangles from green paper to the size of the wine cork and sleeves. Cut out two thin strips from black paper along the diameter of the sleeve circumference.
  4. Paint over the sides of the cork with black gouache.
  5. After the paint has dried, cover the cork with a green rectangle. Draw longitudinal stripes along the entire diameter of the cork with a black pen.
  6. We glue the green rectangles onto the bushings. From above, from the side where the cellophane is fixed, glue a black strip along the rim on both cylinders.
  7. We connect the bushings to each other with glue and fasten them with a clerical rubber band until the glue dries.
  8. Using a glue gun, fix the wine stopper on top of the binoculars.
  9. We make holes in the sides. We fix an elastic band of the required length in them.

The binoculars of a real adventure hunter are ready!


In order to create an applique from colored paper "Rainbow Fish", you will need the following materials:

  • a set of colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • cardboard.

The work process consists of several steps.

  1. Choose a sheet of cardboard of any color that will serve as the background. We chose a rich yellow.
  2. We cut strips of different colors of the same width. The length of the stripes can be different, this is even better.
  3. We begin to make our fish from the tail. Fold the stripes in half and fix them on the cardboard.
  4. Then we proceed to the body. To do this, glue the folded stripes to the cardboard layer by layer. First, we go to increase the stripes with each subsequent layer, and then to decrease, as shown in the pictures.
  5. Cut out a semicircle from blue colored paper and glue it at the beginning of the fish - this will be its head.
  6. We cut out the eyes and glue them on the head.
  7. Next, we start creating the second fish. To do this, cut out two identical circles of two colors.
  8. We cut the circles so that we get one small part - the head, the other larger - the body.
  9. We glue them onto cardboard.
  10. We make fins from three strips of paper of different colors.
  11. The next step is to create the tail. To do this, take 5 strips, one of which is the central one, should be longer than the rest. We glue them in place of the tail.
  12. Cut out a pair of eyes and fix them as shown in the picture. Draw the mouth.

Our funny fish are ready!

Shark on a clothespin

A cool version of the craft, which you can then play. To create a funny shark, you need the following materials:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • pin;
  • artificial eye;
  • pencil;
  • match;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.


  1. draw and cut out the details of the shark, as shown in the picture;
  2. glue the fin to the bottom of the shark from the back side with PVA glue;
  3. draw a small fish on an orange sheet of paper, and fix it on the half of a match with a glue gun;
  4. glue a match with a small fish on the back of the bottom of the shark in the place where its mouth should be located;
  5. we take a wooden clothespin and fix our shark parts on it with a glue gun so that the clothespin is half hidden behind the shark;
  6. draw the gills from the front part with a felt-tip pen and glue the artificial eye (instead, you can draw an eye with a felt-tip pen or make it out of colored paper).

Our shark is ready! It looks very cool and original, but it is done very easily and simply.

To learn how to make an origami bracelet-watch out of paper with your own hands, see the next video.

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