Corrugated paper facing

Corrugated paper trimming is one of the most attractive DIY arts options - but it needs to be done seriously. It is worth paying attention to the features of paintings in the technique of facing in a master class, templates for drawings and do-it-yourself crafts. You should also deal with volumetric facing on plasticine and other types of work.

It must be pointed out right away that the technique of trimming from corrugated paper is somewhat similar to appliqués. At the same time, paper is extremely plastic and literally "tolerates everything" - you can create a variety of compositions with it. In addition, the given shape is well preserved, and this allows you to preserve the created figures for a long time.
There are a large number of schemes, some of which are quite according to the mind and strength of even preschoolers. There are also options that allow you to show creative inclinations in full, to embody even very sophisticated ideas.
Pieces of paper for trimming can be 1 to 3 cm in size. Glue is spread either on the squares themselves, or on the surface of the base - it depends on personal taste. With the help of facing, you can easily create panels, volumetric paintings, mosaic images. Finished products are suitable for insertion into frames. Dexterity and diligence are important for normal work.

The name speaks for itself - only the outline of the image is being worked out. The rest of the audience's imagination reads and rebuilds itself. To work out the perimeter, paper rolls are usually used. This approach works great when you need to do:
- edging;
- border;
- frame.

This method implies vertical placement of the end faces. They are always placed over the entire surface. It is necessary to put the trims as tightly as possible, otherwise you cannot count on a good result. The result should be a drawing. Its options are very varied and can be easily chosen according to your taste.

In this version, several square-shaped elements are used at once. The component parts are glued into each other. The division into several levels allows the composition to visually liven up. The desired effect is enhanced by the use of trims with different colors and sizes.

All previous types of facing usually involve working on a plane - on a hard table, on a sheet of thick paper or on cardboard. If the composition is created on plasticine or foam, then it thereby acquires a volumetric format. Trims differ in density. They are also often placed at different angles to enhance the overall expressiveness of the composition. Opportunities for needlework in this format are the greatest.

What is necessary?
The corrugated paper itself is cut into pieces with a side of about 15 mm for work. The number of such pieces and their colors are selected in accordance with the work performed. To do everything correctly and clearly, you almost always need a stencil. Experienced craft lovers draw it on their own. For beginners, it will be more correct to print the finished image.
The attachment of parts of the trimmed picture is usually done with the help of clerical glue. It is better to pour it from the bottle into a special plate in advance to make it more convenient to use. For beginners, as well as those who do not have significant time for neat painstaking work, you need to prepare a glue stick. You will also need to cook:
- an ordinary writing pencil or ballpoint pen (you can even without a refill);
- well-lit workplace;
- a set of corrugated paper or napkins of different colors;
- perseverance and endurance (since in any case you will have to work hard).

Master classes for beginners
Speaking about pictures and templates for children, it is difficult to ignore the "Bright Spring" or "Poppy Fantasy" master class. It is best suited for mastering such handicrafts by inexperienced people. Therefore, it can be recommended for adults who have never done anything like this before in their life. The master class is suitable for learning how to create crafts with your own hands step by step using the method of planar facing. Additionally, he:
- help to activate motor skills;
- contributes to the development of aesthetic taste;
- develops creative thinking;
- helps to increase motivation to exercise.

For work you will need:
- black, light red, light green, dark red, dark green and marsh paper;
- glue;
- scissors;
- matches or toothpicks;
- drawing with the image of poppies.
Start by preparing paper squares. The roll is not unfolded, a fragment is immediately cut off. Prepare strips, and already they - again without untwisting - are cut into squares. Glue is applied to the flower site. Then you need to do this:
- the end of a match or toothpick is tightly covered with a paper twist;
- place the prepared tube on the segment covered with glue;
- remove the stick - the butt end remains in place;
- arrange such end faces, varying the doubleness of the poppy due to the different density of the installation;
- allocate petals with red and orange inclusions;
- the core is filled last to your liking.

But creating flowers alone from drawings is very boring. Corrugated paper purchased from a stationery store can be used in a more original way. The finished plot is taken from any coloring. The squares themselves are made the same in any case.
Volumetric compositions are created mainly on a plasticine support.
The facing technique is suitable even for making topiary. A ping-pong ball (in extreme cases, replaced by a twist from newspapers wrapped in threads, or cut out of foam) is pasted over with a layer of napkins. Already on top of them it will be possible to stick paper tubes. Next, the workpiece is cut from top to bottom. Decorative details should be large so that everything looks airy, magnificent, solemn.

A good alternative is to create an impromptu "tree". Its trunk is created from a skewer. Decorative ribbons or paper cut into strips can be wrapped around this skewer. Additionally, a glass is prepared, on which a napkin is glued. It must be placed so that dents remain, otherwise the decoration will be greatly complicated.
After waiting for the glue to dry, apply acrylic paint. A cardboard cutout makes a great lid. A piece of plasticine is placed in the resulting pot and the crown with the trunk is inserted there. After gluing, the lid is decorated with end faces. A satin ribbon will be a worthy completion of the composition.

It is also worth paying attention to the alternative direction of facing. It is also suitable for preschoolers, and because of its fun it is difficult to find another more optimal activity. The easiest way is to create flowers step by step. The composition can be based on:
- whatman;
- cardboard;
- ceiling decoration tiles.
The violet is created by repainting on light cardboard. The side of the squares is 10 mm. With the help of the tool, the workpiece is pressed down in the center. It needs to be screwed onto a stick. The resulting semi-finished product is rolled with your fingers (you cannot remove it from the tool).
Some piece of the outline is covered with glue. Putting the workpiece there, then carefully take out the tool. The next block is placed in the same way. Once the paths are ready, you can fill in the petals from the inside. Last but not least, they draw up the yellow center of the improvised flower.

Multi-layer facing is useful when you need to make a decorative herringbone on a postcard. They start by preparing a drawing (or selecting a suitable template). The squares must be made not only green, but also of some other color (like decoration). First of all, the contours are saturated with green trims. Only then comes the time for applying blanks of a different color; if you make a herringbone in a planar way, then the order of colors changes.

Another good product is the end-piece with a souvenir scarf. A thoughtful template comes in handy here, too. A triangular base is prepared by cutting the square in two. This base is filled with squares of different tones to make it as colorful and bright as possible. Layer-by-layer trimming allows you to create "mushrooms" and "autumn foliage", and these compositions will look attractive.
An autumn forest is formed using:
- red, yellow, orange paper;
- a small amount of green and brown elements;
- templates;
- special sticks for trimming (replaceable in many cases with pencils);
- glue and scissors.
Mushroom legs are made by laying out white trims. They are allowed on the hats:
- yellow;
- Brown;
- red material.

Next, see a master class on corrugated paper trimming.