Making a wreath of paper

Decorating the environment is designed to create a special holiday atmosphere. Having set aside just a couple of hours of free time for creativity, you can make a stylish decoration for your home interior with your own hands, using paper, familiar tools and natural materials. To make a homemade wreath, it is not necessary to have weaving skills, it is enough to follow the tips from the ready-made master classes.

What do you need?
Depending on what material you wanted to make a wreath from, and what is required in the author's instructions, you should select everything you need to make the blanks for the future wreath. This kind of craft can be made from napkins or colored paper. The main tools are scissors and glue.
Making a wreath from a variety of paper napkins of different colors can be considered an unusual idea. To do this, you need to take a glue gun, wire, scissors, tape and yarn.
The instruction contains a series of sequential steps.
Place napkins in a pile and cut a circle out of them.
Each copy needs to be shaped like a petal. To prevent the structure from unfolding, it is worth applying transparent glue.
The wire frame is wrapped with yarn.
The paper petals are fixed between the threads.
The actions are repeated until the frame is completely covered with multi-colored napkins.
When finished, the wreath can be hung on a ribbon.

How to make a paper vine wreath?
A master class on making a wreath from tubes twisted from a newspaper involves the creation of a special weaving from paper. And you will also need PVA glue, scissors, golden spray paint, ribbons and beads as decoration.
To get a wreath of a suitable diameter, you need to take the shape of the desired volume, which you then have to wrap with newspaper tubes.
Consider how to weave the product.
Take 3 tubes and cross them together, and put a container in the form of a balloon at the intersection.

- The tubes are stacked on top of each other. When one ends, you immediately need to glue the next workpiece to it, and continue weaving.

- When the mold is completely braided, the wreath can be partially pulled out of the tube until the desired length is reached.

- At the end of the weaving, the shape is removed from the resulting structure, and the ends are woven to form a circle.

- The wreath is fastened with glue, thread or newspaper tubes. It is important to ensure that the material does not break at the folds.

- You can decorate the Christmas wreath by spraying golden paint over the surface of the craft. In addition, you can glue colorful beads or tie satin ribbons to the wreath.

Origami wreath
In order to make a craft in a similar way, you will not need anything from materials except multi-colored paper. A decorative wreath can be made by taking 15 square sheets, each of which is folded in a certain way.
The sheet is folded in half and then unfolded. This is done to outline a line in the middle.
The four corners are folded towards the center of the sheet.
The bottom corner is bent up to the center line.
In the same way, you need to bend the top corner down.
The resulting triangle on the left must be bent in the opposite direction.
The resulting workpiece is folded in half.
In the same way, you need to fold the rest of the sheets of paper. After that, one workpiece is inserted into another until a circle is formed. The finished decoration can be hung on the wall.

Other manufacturing schemes
You can make a beautiful headband with flowers from corrugated paper, which can be worn on your head as an accessory. For work you will need glue, scissors and pieces of wire.

To make a wreath, you need to go through a few steps.
Wrap green paper over the wire to form flower stems. If glue is applied, the strips will not unwind.

- To make a sepal, you need to cut a green paper square and cut it on one side.

- Wrap a small orange strip of crepe paper around the stem. To make a flower, you need a rectangle folded with an accordion. At one end, the paper is cut in the form of a semicircle, at the other, in the form of triangles.

- Having unfolded the accordion, you need to wind the blank for the flower petals, having previously greased the lower part with glue.

- Having made the first flower, you can start making the next one. In this case, the color and shape of the petals should be changed.

- Finished products must be assembled in a bundle. Then make a frame for the rim from wire pasted over with paper.

- ????? After the flowers are fixed on the wreath, the work can be considered completed.

You can make a bright, colorful wreath from colored paper, which will serve as an excellent decoration.
It is recommended to hang such decoration on a door, wall or window opening. To make a wreath, you only need multi-colored paper and glue.
As a basis, a round cardboard piece will be used, on which decorative elements are glued, creating a composition dazzling with paints. You should prepare templates in advance so that you can cut leaves from them.... Blanks are glued in a chaotic manner, alternating colors so that there are no gaps.

An original technique is making a wreath with your own hands from paper cones. In addition to the materials that were used in the previous master class, you will need a stapler.The paper is rolled into a tapered shape and then glued to the base along the entire diameter of the circle.
Gradually moving towards the center, the free space is filled by adding new petals.
In order to form a beautiful flower, it is preferable to take material of different colors.

For information on how to make a wreath from paper napkins, see the video.