Dropper Crafts

DIY crafts can be created from a variety of materials at hand... Sometimes these materials are very unusual, and, it would seem, they are completely inappropriate for these purposes. The only limitation is in the imagination and the possibilities of the materials used. It seems that the hospital is not the most pleasant place, and the purpose of hospital instruments is only one thing - to help people get sick. However, dropper crafts have been made for many years.

How to make a fish?
Dropper ducts are excellent craft materials. Small fish - This is one of the most common figurines made from dropper tubes.
The technology of weaving from tubes is not very difficult, in its essence, it is very similar to the art of macrame and consists of weaves and various knots.
Thanks to this, it becomes possible to do a wide variety of things of various forms. Among them are baubles, earrings, braid for ballpoint pens and, of course, various figurines.

Before starting to work with a medical material that has already been used, it is imperative to process it. For this purpose, the tubes must be placed in brilliant green or potassium permanganate solution. Iodine or betadine can be used. In this case, the material will lose its original transparency. But for the manufacture of figurines, this is even an additional plus.
If you are using new material purchased from a pharmacy and not used, then such processing is not necessary. But to give a more aesthetic look to the finished product, it can be subsequently painted. Or do it immediately before starting the weaving process.

To weave a fish from tubes, two systems are required... The length of the tubes should be about 40 centimeters. First you need to cut them on each side. To do this, on one side, 4 strips of 15 cm are made, and on the other - 8 strips of 10 cm.
For the eye of the fish, you can use a ring, which is designed to regulate the rate of drug intake from the system. But for this purpose, you can use any small round piece.
To start weaving, you need to take another tube, which is cut in half and serves as the basis for wrapping the other two tubes. Weaving is done according to the figure eight principle. First, the strip must be wrapped around the first tube, then around the second, and this is repeated several times. This is how the body of the fish is formed. The remaining ends need to be twisted to form two fins. For this, the remaining ends of the tube are cut into thin strips. For extra puffiness, you can curl the strips with a knife or scissor blade.

For the nose of the fish, you need to cross 2 tubes, the ends of which are directed downward in relation to the body.
To create an eye, it is required to tightly wind the cut tube on a small round-shaped part. Then it is necessary to insert the formed eye into the prepared body of the fish. It is required to fasten it quite tightly. Due to the elasticity and flexibility of the material used, this is not difficult to do.
The size of the fish, its thickness and wavy tail depends on the length of the tubes used. The larger the figure should be and have a lush tail, the more tubes will be required to make it.
There are also more complex patterns for weaving fish, but they should be started only after gaining some experience in this skill.
To create colorful and spectacular figures, it is worth using tubes of different colors. Then the fish will look especially attractive.

Making a butterfly
You can make a butterfly with your own hands from dropper tubes if you carefully study the instructions for beginners or professionals, depending on the level of experience and skill. There are simple schemes that even an inexperienced person can easily master. But for people with the skill, much more complex schemes have been developed.
To weave a butterfly figurine from a dropper system, you can use patterns that are designed for macrame or weaving with beads.
To create a butterfly, first of all, you need to form its body and head, which will serve as the basis for the entire figure. To form the body of a butterfly, it is necessary to weave a simple plait, for which you need to use two tubes. Weaving is carried out using the Chinese knot, when two tubes are folded crosswise, forming four working ends... The first of them is placed on the second, the second is placed on the third, while the third is placed on the first and must be passed through the loop. You can use a dropper needle to attach the butterfly head to the body by removing the tip.
Butterfly wings can be woven in different patterns using one or more colors. For beginners, it is recommended to make one wing on each side, because this is the easiest option. Then you can braid the wings of more complex shapes and configurations.

More ideas
From dropper systems, you can create simple and well-known figures or completely unique original things. Dropper crafts can be as simple as complex, practically works of art.

These are all kinds of crafts.
Bouquets of flowers. You can create a single flower or a whole bouquet that will look great in a decorative vase.

Animal figurines (giraffe, snakes, fox, dog and others).

Christmas trees.

Snakes, crabs, crayfish, turtles.



- Birds (owls, seagulls).

Most often, dropper crafts are used as key rings, hanging decorations on the rear-view mirrors in cars, or just as souvenirs. These are pretty beautiful and original things.
It doesn't take much to create something out of the ordinary with drip tubes. Just knowledge of the system itself, a little free time and imagination. It is recommended to start with the simplest products that do not take much time, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

Next, see a master class on weaving a fish from a dropper.