What kind of crafts can you make from cabbage?
A great variety of interesting crafts can be made from autumn and summer natural materials and vegetables. For example, cabbage makes very cute animals. They are not very difficult to make, so children are happy to work with such natural elements. In this article, we will figure out what interesting crafts you can make with your own hands from ordinary cabbage.
How to make a hare?
A child can make a very cute and original bunny from white cabbage. To make such a craft really cute and neat, you must use exclusively fresh vegetables that do not have wormholes. In addition, cabbage should never be stale or withering. If you do not adhere to these simple conditions, the craft will not be attractive.
It is recommended to use white cabbage to create a cute bunny, although for other crafts it is quite possible to use Peking, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and even kohlrabi.
It is better to choose a head of cabbage, the leaves of which fit as tightly as possible.... Based on the specific type of craft, you may also need 2-3 more cabbage leaves.
It is recommended to remove them from another head of cabbage.
To make a lovely bunny, you need to prepare not only white cabbage, but also other components, such as:
- zucchini (it is recommended to pick up lighter ones);
- fresh carrots;
- red bell pepper;
- beautiful ribbon for decoration;
- any flowers, for example, chamomile, asters and so on;
- several toothpicks;
- plasticine mass.
We will analyze the step-by-step instructions on how to properly craft a funny forest animal from cabbage.
- First you need cut 2 zucchini lengthways.
- Further, using toothpicks hold 2 small cabbage heads together... This will form the head and body of the original hare.
- You should take the second half from the second cut zucchini. This part is cut again, but not along, but across. Thus, it will turn out to make ears and legs for a hare.
- A plasticine mass is taken. The eyes and nose of a cabbage animal are formed from it.
- You need to take red bell pepper... A piece is cut off from it, which will play the role of a hare's mouth.
- All prepared components are fixed on the hare's head, thus making out a pretty face.
- With the help of toothpicks, short pieces of zucchini are attached. This should be done where the upper legs and ears should be located. Longer pieces of vegetable are used as the lower limbs of the animal.
- A beautiful bow made of ribbon is fixed on the cabbage bunny's neck... This will be a very nice decor for an original craft.
- Cool antennae will come out of the toothpicks.
- If there is a desire, on the head of a hare you can fasten a few flowers to hide the attachment areas with ears.
- Since the bunny cannot do without fresh carrots, it is fixed with a toothpick.
DIY pig
From white cabbage, it will be possible to make not only a cute bunny, but also a cute pig. It will turn out to be no less simple to manufacture, so even the youngest craftsmen can easily make it.
To make an original pig, you need the following components:
- bell pepper (it is better to use yellow);
- fresh white cabbage;
- toothpicks;
- high-quality plasticine;
- a white sheet of paper that will be used as a lining;
a wide roll of scotch tape - this component will be used as a headrest for a piglet's cabbage.
Consider a detailed do-it-yourself workshop on modeling an attractive cabbage pig.
- First, you should prepare the ears for the future pig.... For these purposes, Bulgarian pepper is taken. The tip is cut off from it (about 3-4 centimeters of cut is enough). The cut off tip is turned over with the narrowed part up, and then cut exactly in half. As a result, you get 2 triangular parts that imitate the ears of a piglet.
- Ready ears can be immediately fixed on the head of cabbage... Use toothpicks for fasteners.
- A head of cabbage should be put on a roll of scotch tapeto keep it stable.
- At the next stage, you will need to use plasticine mass.... From a black block, you need to tear off a couple of pieces and roll small balls out of them. These will be the eyes of the pig. And also a red plastic material is needed. A nose will be made from it. To better hold the plasticine components on the head of cabbage, you should insert toothpicks into the right places in advance.
- All prepared components must be fixed on the pig's face. It should be borne in mind that initially it is advisable to place the head of cabbage in such a way that the place of its root is used as an outstanding patch to which red plasticine balls will be attached.
- When all the elements of the pig's face are attached in their places, the work can be considered complete. The result should be a very cute cabbage pig with perky sharp ears.
For more information on how to make a piglet from cabbage, see the next video.
More ideas
Crafts from cabbage are often done in kindergarten, for example, for an autumn festival. And also such things are made to school for a fair or some kind of exhibition. There are many different schemes for making such crafts. It is possible to make not only a hare or a pig from a head of cabbage, but also a lot of other funny animals and objects.
From white cabbage, you can easily and quickly make a very beautiful and bright clock.Making such a craft will definitely captivate the child!
To make a cabbage watch, you will need:
- 1 forks of cabbage;
- onion (preferably red onions);
- red bell pepper;
raw potatoes.
Consider how such an interesting homemade product is done correctly.
- Large potatoes are cut into 2 halves. This will be the base for the cabbage. The tops of the cut halves can be cut off a little so that the head of cabbage stays firmly on them.
- The cabbage is also cut into 2 halves. One of them will act as a watch face. This half is placed on the prepared potato halves.
- Take 2 red onions and cut in half. A pair of tapered tops should be fixed at the top of the cabbage half. Fasteners must be done with toothpicks.
- One onion ring must be fixed on the "dial" along with the hands made of bell pepper. These components are attached to toothpicks.
It is possible to make a bunny from Smeshariki from cabbage. For modeling you will need:
- 2 heads of cabbage;
- large oblong potato;
- 1 cherry tomato;
- white onions;
- markers in red and black;
- 2 packs of toothpicks;
- sharp knife;
- a couple of slices of rye bread.
Consider the step-by-step instructions for creating a product.
- The potatoes are cut lengthwise, and the small tomato is cut across.
- The resulting halves are fastened to the cabbage with toothpicks.
- Peel the onion and then cut it lengthwise.
- Pupils are drawn on each of the halves with a dark marker.
- Half a tomato is attached to the cabbage with a toothpick. This will be the nose of the hare. The two halves of the onion are also attached. These are the eyes.
- 2 large leaves are selected from the second head of cabbage. Ears are made of them.
- They are attached to the head of cabbage with toothpicks, having made cuts in the necessary areas in advance to hide the cuttings there.
- Oval-shaped legs are cut from a couple of pieces of rye bread (preferably stale).
- They are attached to the head of cabbage with toothpicks.
- The mouth of the cartoon is drawn with a red marker, and the eyebrows are drawn with a black marker.
An original and cute dog can be made from cauliflower. Consider how it should be tinkered correctly.
- You will be able to make an adorable poodle from cabbage. It is necessary to take part of the fork, disassemble it into inflorescences.
- You need to choose the ideal elements for the preparation of the face, body and legs with curly ears.
- All selected components should be fastened using toothpicks.
- You can fix peppercorns as a nose and a peephole on the poodle's face.
Such a craft is made extremely quickly and easily, but it will look very original.
Gingerbread man
You can make a cute kolobok out of cabbage very simply and quickly. Let's consider a simple instruction.
- To make the kolobok more stable, the bottom part of the head of cabbage can be trimmed slightly so that there is a flat rather than a rounded base.
- The face of a famous fairy tale hero can be designed in different ways. You can dazzle black eyes and a red plasticine nose, use a couple of black peppercorns and a circle cut from red bell pepper. A bun, whose eyes and nose are made of buttons, will look more original.
- On this, the manufacture of the craft can be considered complete, but different decorations will not be superfluous. For example, you can put on a decorative straw hat with a red ribbon bow on a kolobok. With such an accessory, the craft will look more interesting and bright.
Consider what components are useful to make an original chicken from a cabbage head:
- White cabbage;
- a few single cabbage leaves;
- white onion;
- plasticine;
- wicker basket with a napkin / cloth laid inside it.
We will learn how to make poultry from the listed components.
- Large forks of cabbage should be carefully placed in a previously prepared basket.
- To the back of the fork you need attach a few cabbage leaves with toothpicks. This will be the tail of the chicken.
- A couple of cabbage leaves should be fixed on the sides of the head of the body. It will be wings.
- Role heads will perform a peeled white onion. It needs to be attached to the front of the fork. To do this, you can use several toothpicks or a long skewer.
- Eyes for the onion head, you need to sculpt from black plasticine. You need to make 2 small balls. And also from red plasticine mass you can make scallop, and from yellow - a small pointed beak... All of these components must be securely fixed to the bulb.
The original turtle can be assembled from components such as:
- half a cabbage fork;
- raw potatoes;
- toothpicks;
- flower or tinsel (for craft decor).
Let's analyze a master class on making a turtle from cabbage and other vegetables.
- Cut the potatoes into 2 halves... Next, 3 toothpicks are taken. They are also broken in half.
- Then the toothpicks are thrust into the prepared potato halves. Half depth is enough.
- The elements of toothpicks protruding from the potatoes are thrust into a part of the white cabbage. The result will be an almost finished homemade product.
A flower, tinsel or other decor can be placed on the turtle's head. If you wish, you can draw eyes.
A very unusual and funny hedgehog can come out of a white cabbage. Let's find out how you can make it.
- It is worth taking half a fork of cabbage, attaching large eyes, a nose and a mouth of black plasticine to it. Long skewers with pointed tips can act as needles. Feet can be made from potatoes or rolled cabbage leaves.
- And you can also make a hedgehog in the same way., but instead of skewers, place a lot of toothpicks on his back.
There are many ways to make an owl from a cabbage head. For example, it is possible to use Chinese cabbage, which is firmly fixed in an upright position, as the basis of a bird. The place where the owl's face will be should be highlighted. You can arrange it using other vegetables or plasticine - any option will do.
Cabbage owls made using the carving technique look gorgeous. Of course, this technique is difficult to implement, so it is unlikely to be suitable for a small child.
For information on how you can make a cabbage bunny, see the next video.