Crafts "Girl-Autumn" from leaves

For autumn contests of creative works from natural material, applications are often made. Dried plants, branches, seeds contribute to creating beautiful compositions with their help. For example, the image of a beautiful lady. Such pictures attract attention, and therefore "Autumn Girl" made from leaves is worth repeating.

Material preparation
First of all, you need to collect the material from which the applique will be composed. Autumn leaves will be required not just any, but solid, unbreakable, beautiful shades and not very large. It is advisable to work with fresh leaves that have not yet dried.
In this master class, small leaves of different shades are used, almost the same in size.

Also for crafts you will need:
- ears of corn;
- rowan berries;
- twigs;
- acorns;
- millet;
- grass and / or moss.

The works can be changed, modernized, adding the author's touches to them. Perhaps someone wants to use a nutshell as a decorative element. You can also take a closer look at different types of seeds, which also look textured in autumn crafts.

If you organize a "flower expedition" in the summer, you can make the collection of materials suitable for autumn crafts even richer. So, flower heads, herbs that will look good in the applique can be stored in semolina. Just pour the cereal into plastic containers, and put the collected material inside it. Everything is perfectly stored, does not deform, the natural colors of plants do not fade so much.

Original applique
And now about how to make the applique step by step. In addition to plants, you need to prepare for it: Fiberboard 50x40 cm (or its equivalent), PVA glue, matt acrylic varnish, acrylic paints (yellow, bronze, gold), as well as yellow, beige watercolors, brushes, flour. You will also need a putty or construction glue.

Execution plan of the original painting "Autumn Girl".
- Fiberboard is taken as the basis, the reverse side of the wood material will become the front side of the work.

- The frame is drawn up in the terra technique. This will require a mixture, into which millet and ears will then be pressed. Craftsmen often use putty, but you can go the other way. Take dry glue (for tiles, for example), which will become the basis of the mixture. You will get a mass of medium density. For 6 parts of tile glue, 3 parts of flour and PVA glue are used. The last ingredient actually replaces water.

- First, the fiberboard-cloth is abundantly greased with PVA where the frame will be. When this layer dries up a little, you can apply a mass of construction glue. The layer will be one centimeter long. Without waiting for solidification, it is necessary to press wheat groats and ears into this mass. The ears come first. After that, the picture is placed on the edge so that all unnecessary things are shaken off.

- After about half an hour, you need to mix PVA and acrylic varnish, observing the equality of shares. The frame is covered with the formed mixture. When applying the mixture, the cereals and ears will turn white, but as it dries, the layer will become transparent.

- After the acrylic lacquer has dried, the frame can be painted with gold paint using a wide brush. And then, when this layer dries out, you can walk separately along the ears with bronze paint.

- Now, finally, you can move on to the picture itself. You don't need to be an artist to master the shaping of the background. For this, in this case, acrylic paints are used: white in the center with darkening closer to the edges. The strokes should be smooth, without sudden movements.

- To get the exact silhouette of a girl, you can draw it on paper in advance, then cut out and attach the cut out figure to the background. Outline it with a barely visible pencil line.

- Then the skirt of the paper figure is cut off, and the rest of the body is painted over with gold paint. The painted fragment is fixed with glue in its place on the canvas.

- You can take on the girl's outfit: the leaves will make up the heroine's fluffy skirt. You need to glue in rows, starting from the hem, rising higher. Fixation - on PVA. The bodice of the dress can be made from a rose petal. The dress itself can go over the surface of the decorative frame.

- In this MK, a girl is standing by a twig: but the author simply disguised a scratch on the fiberboard with a twig. Therefore, it is possible not to do it, a branch. But you can give the girl a leaf, berries. Here she also has a dragonfly. You can print a drawing of a dragonfly and stick it if you want to exactly capture it in the picture.

- The image of an autumn lady is complemented by a wreath on her head: they did not play with the hair somehow, because the leaves, twigs and berries actually take up all the space given to the hairstyle. Long hair can be formed from twigs or seeds, for example. In this picture, the author made a girl who walks in an autumn park. There were trees and bushes, grass. This, too, can be created according to the original sample or develop a theme to your taste.

You can even hang such a picture for an exhibition in a school, even at home. It will look charming as a seasonal decor.
If you're looking to make a portrait applique, here are some inspiring ideas.
- This technique is called art herbarium... In this case, the hair of the girl is made from the leaves, and the leaves are used small, not removed from the branch. Lips are also formed from a crimson leaf. The contour of the portrait is made of twigs.

- A portrait against a dark background in the same technique looks even more spectacular.... Small yellow leaves form a hairstyle, a wreath is made of chrysanthemums on the girl's head. Whole branches are used as trees.

- Here, dried leaves form the hairstyle. The outfit of the girl is very interestingly executed: in fact, it forms a separate picture, a landscape with a fence, the sun, trees, flowers and even birds flying away. Leaves and twigs are also used to create the face.

- This picture is large the emphasis is on the wreath, which symbolizes the colors, the plant richness of autumn. For the hair, not leaves were taken, but grass, but it is quite possible to replace it with any medium-sized leaves according to the author's taste.

- In this autumnal floral portrait, the most striking detail is the scarf around the heroine's neck and shoulders. The artist decided to make the fall of leaves in the background.

- A very cozy hat-scarf made of fluffy plants (you can use spikelets or textured dried flowers) covers the girl's “leafy” hairstyle. The branches are almost realistic as trees, the moon is made of leaves, too, and the night moths complete the mood of the picture.

- Here, besides the girl, there is also a charming cat, perhaps even a Siamese made from leaves. Festive mood, fantasy images are conveyed with filigree.

- This application can be called "Walk with the dog"... In addition to natural material, nothing else is used, only black cardboard for the background. The more different plants are collected, the more interesting the result will be.

- The emphasis is not so much on the leaves as on the petals of autumn flowers. The work requires painstaking, you may have to use a glue gun.

- The portrait of a Japanese girl, who also symbolizes autumn, is made of flowers and grass. But you can use the crimson little leaves of autumn shrubs to shape your hairstyle.

The art herbarium is a very popular, interesting technique that seems to be hardly repeatable. However, you can repeat it, but first you should prepare the material so that the recreation of the original paintings is not accompanied by a lack of components.
Making voluminous crafts
If an applique or a picture made of natural materials is not considered, you can make a voluminous craft.
What is required?
The simplest option and at the same time effective is use the doll as a base. A barbie doll or similar models will work.
You will also need to work:
- doll stand;
- hot melt glue;
- paper;
- freshly picked autumn leaves;
- material for decoration to the taste of the author.

The doll must be free of visible external defects. If she has red and yellow, or maybe red or burgundy hair, so much the better. If you want the craft to withstand not just a school and kindergarten exhibition, but remain for a long time, the leaves must be subjected to a lamination procedure. To do this, you can use glycerin (the leaves are boiled in glycerin) or wax. This is a separate type of work that will take a lot of time: therefore, if the craft needs to be handed over tomorrow, lamination will not work.

Step-by-step instruction
A frame will be needed for the doll's dress; it is convenient to make it out of paper. Also, craftsmen often use paper for such purposes for wrapping bouquets, it keeps its shape well and almost does not tear. You can fasten the joints with a stapler.
What to do next?
- "Autumn Girl" will be wearing a dress made of leaves. They need to be dried and leveled with an iron (just iron the leaves exclusively through a layer of gauze).

- Maple leaves are glued to the frame, starting from the hem. If it is more convenient from the bodice, you can also from this place. You can make a dress with a gradient: use the lightest and smallest leaves in the bodice area; closer to the hem, they become darker and larger.

- When the dress is fully pasted over, you can think of additional decor. The doll in the photo has a jug in its hands (a suitable element of children's dishes is used), from which the gifts of autumn flow in a generous river - berries, chestnuts and acorns, heads of physalis. Here you can also use moss, seeds, flowers, etc.

- On the doll's head is a wreath of fake leaves (these can be found inexpensively in a fixed-price store). The composition on a stand is decorated with hemp with gifts of autumn.And at the hemp, the author planted a small red chanterelle (this can be made from foamiran, for example).

- It remains to generously sprinkle the craft with varnish. There is no need to feel sorry for the varnish. You can even use a polish with gold glitter, which will only add persuasiveness to the fall composition.

Instead of a jug in the hands of an autumn girl, there can be an umbrella, for example. Its canvas can also be pasted over with leaves, it will be very beautiful. If you fantasize, what else you can add to this doll is makeup... Gold sparkles to make her cheeks blush. Cut out a thin line of long eyelashes from orange or burgundy velvet paper and fix the pupa along the edge of the eyelid. Lips can be coated with burgundy nail polish.
In a word, options for decorating a craft can be born during its manufacture.

How to make the "Autumn Girl" craft from leaves, see the video.