Craft "Caterpillar" from leaves

Every child loves to create crafts from different natural materials. It is always interesting and fun to create different figurines from autumn leaves, cones and acorns. And also such a pastime teaches children to concentrate their attention on one lesson, to be neat and attentive.
Various animals, including insects, are often used as images for making crafts. These small representatives of the animal world surprise with a variety of shapes and colors. Take the caterpillar, for example: its bright colors always attract the attention of others. There are a lot of options for crafts "Caterpillar". It can be made from plasticine, colored paper, recycled materials, as well as from various natural materials: cones, acorns, leaves. We offer several options for making the "Caterpillar" craft with a step-by-step explanation of all the stages of work.

Material preparation
In order for the craft to turn out beautiful, and its production was not problematic, it is necessary to properly prepare the material from which you intend to create it.
On the next walk with your child, collect autumn leaves from different trees. For babies aged 3 to 5 years, large leaves should be chosen: it is easier for children to work with them.
Choose only blank and complete sheets. If there is a small insect or parasite on any of them, the craft will quickly deteriorate.

When you get home, wash and dry all the collected leaves.

Purchase several pairs of fake eyes from craft stores in advance. Although the eyes of the caterpillar can be drawn or cut out of colored paper. For the background, pick up a sheet of cardboard or thick paper of the required color.Large amounts of glue can stain a regular sheet of paper.

How to make an applique?
The simplest version of the autumn craft "Caterpillar" made of leaves is to create an applique. Even the smallest can cope with this type of work.

To make the applique, you will need the following components:
- dry leaves;
- thick paper or cardboard for the background;
- a set of colored paper;
- black felt-tip pen;
- scissors;
- PVA glue and a brush.

Before starting work, kids need to provide a sample of the finished application. It could be a picture on the Internet. Next, it should be said that the glue must be carefully applied with a brush directly onto the leaves.
To make it more interesting, provide the kid with several types of leaves, let him independently choose the same ones from the whole variety. If wrong, that's okay. Let him learn from his mistakes.

So let's get to work.
- For our craft, we have chosen the leaves of a rose bush. In autumn, they acquire a beautiful burgundy color. We begin to glue the leaves one after another so that their tips are directed downward.
- We glue them not in a straight line, but creating a bend.
- Closer to the tail of the caterpillar glue smaller pieces of paper.
- Next, cut out a circle from a large leaf of light color – head our caterpillar. We glue it to the applique.
- We make eyes out of paper. To do this, cut out two small circles from white paper, and two circles slightly smaller than white ones from black paper. We glue the eyes on the insect's face: first white circles, and then black ones. If possible, you can stick on ready-made plastic eyes.
- Cut out from a red sheet of paper nose and smile. We fix them on our composition.
- Now with a black felt-tip pen draw the legs of the caterpillar. This insect has a large number of legs, so we draw at least 8-10 of them, depending on the length of your caterpillar.
- Draw antennae on top of the head. A beautiful leaf applique is ready!
To create the body, you can use a variety of leaves: poplar, ash, elm, oak, etc. It is better to take medium-sized leaves consisting of one blade.

Step-by-step creation of a volumetric craft
Volumetric crafts are always highly appreciated by teachers, because such items are technically more complicated than flat ones, and they look more original. Therefore, we have prepared for you a master class on making a volumetric craft "Caterpillar" from leaves.
To create it, you need the following materials:
- many different leaves;
- a piece of decorative wire;
- artificial eyes;
- thread and needle;
- bead of bright color;
- scissors;
- sheet of white and colored cardboard;
- pencil;
- Super glue.

The stages of work are as follows.
- Made of white cardboard cut out a circle with a diameter of 6-8 cm.
- Next, we take the leaves and, in turn, string them on a thread. We try to ensure that the leaves do not adhere too tightly to each other.
- Apply the cut out circle to colored cardboard and outline it with a pencil, then cut it out.
- We glue artificial eyes on it... If there are none, you can draw them or make them out of colored paper.
- Then from a piece of decorative wire make a smile and glue it on the face.
- We make caterpillar antennae from decorative wire of a different color. We measure the required length and cut off two identical pieces. We fix our antennae on the back of the head.
- We attach the head to the body. To do this, pierce the head of the caterpillar. Then we string a bead, which we will use as a nose. We fix it on the head, puncture and fasten the thread on the back of the head. The voluminous autumn beauty caterpillar is ready!

There is another version of the volumetric caterpillar. It is made from leaves of one tree - maple. This craft looks neater, and you don't need to use a lot of materials to create a face. So, to make such a craft, you will need the following:
- a sheet of cardboard for the stand;
- green cardboard sheet;
- beautiful yellow maple leaves;
- strong thread or thin wire made of aluminum;
- a needle (if you intend to use a thread);
- PVA glue and a brush;
- white and pink sheets of cardboard;
- corrector;
- black felt-tip pen.

Let's consider the stages of work.
- To create the body, prepares the leaves: wash and dry... We do not cut the tails, as they will be used as hairs on the body of the caterpillar.
- We put a small circle of cardboard on a thread or wire, then we begin to put on maple leaves. We place them quite tightly to each other.
- Getting started creating a face... To do this, we can use a ready-made template that you can pre-print or make yourself. We chose the second option. To begin with, on the back of the green cardboard, draw a head with antennae, cut it out.
- Next, cut out two ovals from a white sheet of cardboard. For the spout, cut out an oval from a pink sheet.
- We glue the ovals in place.
- Next, outline the eyes with a black felt-tip pen, we finish drawing the pupils and eyelashes, and also draw eyebrows and a smile.
- Glare we put it in front of our eyes with the help of a corrector.
- We connect the head and torso... This can be done with the same wire or thread on which the leaves were strung. The joint will be hidden behind the spout. A cute maple leaf caterpillar is ready!

Next, watch a video on how to make a funny caterpillar from maple leaves.