
What kind of crafts can you make from threads?

What kind of crafts can you make from threads?
  1. Making paintings
  2. How to make pom poms?
  3. More ideas

Modern needlewomen use threads not only for knitting or embroidery, but also for creating original jewelry, toys, and even full-fledged paintings. Crafts made from leftover threads are original and cute.

Making paintings

The remains of multi-colored threads are often used to create paintings. The finished images are voluminous and beautiful. The process of creating these types of crafts consists of the following steps.

  1. The first step is to draw a future picture on a piece of paper or print a finished drawing.
  2. Next, you need to prepare threads of suitable colors. They need to be cut into small pieces using sharp scissors.
  3. Use a thin brush to apply glue to certain areas of the painting and fill them with thread segments of the selected color. In the process of work, you need to ensure that there are no voids in the picture.
  4. When the craft is ready, it must be allowed to dry completely. After that, the picture must be cleaned from the remnants of the threads.

The finished craft can be framed and hung on the wall. Using this simple scheme at home, you can create both simple pictures depicting animals and original landscapes.

How to make pom poms?

Bright pom-poms are also often made from the remains of colored yarn. The most lush and beautiful crafts are made from soft threads with high pile. Step-by-step instructions for creating pompons are as follows.

  1. An even circle must be cut out of a piece of thick cardboard.
  2. Another circle should be drawn in its center.
  3. It also needs to be cut using a clerical knife.
  4. On one side of this part, you need to make an incision so that it is more convenient to thread the threads and wind them on a paper base.
  5. After that, the cardboard circle must be tightly wrapped with yarn.The thread layer should be three-dimensional.
  6. The skein of thread needs to be cut along the edge. After that, it is necessary to remove the cardboard frame from the workpiece. The bundle must be tied with a working thread in the middle. The edges of the knot must be trimmed with scissors.
  7. The threads must be carefully straightened, while trimming the edges of the round pompom.

The finished product can be used to decorate hats and sweaters. Pom-poms also make beautiful toys, rugs, and home decorations. Let's take a closer look at this list.

  • Rug. To create a colored rug, the prepared pom-poms must be connected to each other using a hot gun. They are attached to the base of any dense fabric. The craft turns out to be durable and cute.
  • Ottoman. A bright cape for a ottoman is made according to the same principle as a rug. It is sewn from a plain fabric and then decorated with colored pom-poms. The cape turns out to be not only beautiful, but also very soft.
  • Letters. Volumetric letters, consisting of colored pom-poms, can be used to decorate the room for the holiday. To create them from thick cardboard, you need to cut out a blank of a suitable shape and cover it with glue. Pompons are attached to it very easily.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Using threads of different colors, you can create bright toys of a small size from ordinary pom-poms. Such crafts will appeal to kids 3-4 years old.
  • Flowers. Bouquets of flowers from pompons also look spectacular. The blanks are attached to the stems of wire wrapped in green thread. These simple flowers are complemented by felt leaves.

Such simple thread crafts can be presented in a competition or used to decorate a room.

More ideas

Other interesting crafts can be created from knitted yarn and soft woolen threads.


From the remains of the threads, beautiful reeled dolls are obtained. Previously, such crafts were used as amulets. Now they are used for room decoration or as ordinary toys.

The technique for creating dolls from threads is very simple.

  1. First you need to prepare colored threads and a warp of a suitable size. You can use a piece of cardboard or a thin board to fix the yarn.
  2. A bundle of threads must be wound around the base. Using a small piece of yarn, separate the head from the body by tying the figurine in a suitable place.
  3. After that, the lower part of the skein must be carefully cut.
  4. A piece of cardboard must be removed from the workpiece and set aside.
  5. Now you can start forming the doll. The craft needs to be tied in the middle of the bundle.
  6. Hair should be made from threads of a different color. The yarn is wound around the base, cut on one side and threaded through the loop at the top of the doll.
  7. The hair of the figurine can be tied with a thread or braids can be woven from it.
  8. Hands for this toy need to be made in a similar way.
  9. The edges of the threads must be carefully trimmed with scissors.

If desired, eyes, nose and mouth can be sewn onto the face of this figure. In addition, beautiful outfits are often sewn to motankas. To create them, you can use burlap or the remains of colored fabric.

With nails

Children 7-8 years old may like the process of creating paintings from threads and nails. It consists of the following steps.

  1. The first step is to prepare the base for the painting. For work, you can use a wooden board or a piece of plywood.
  2. On its surface, with a pencil, you need to draw a diagram of the future drawing. The required number of nails must be driven in along its perimeter. The distance between them should be no more than 1 centimeter.
  3. The end of the thread must be tied to one of the studs.
  4. After that, you can wind the threads around the rest of the fasteners in a chaotic manner. To fill the shape, you can use multi-colored yarn or materials of the same color.

This painting technique is suitable for both adults and children.

With buttons

Very often, needlewomen have a large number of colored buttons in stock. They can be used to create colorful and unusual garlands. Such an activity will captivate even the smallest.

Making a garland with your own hands is very simple. To do this, the first button must be tied to the edge of the thread. Then you can string the rest of the details onto it. The length of such a garland from scrap materials can be any. When the craft is ready, you need to tie the last button to it. The edges of the knot must be carefully trimmed with scissors.


Bulky mushrooms made of multi-colored threads can be used to decorate a nursery or as New Year's toys. The step-by-step process for creating such a craft is as follows:

  1. first, you need to cut out a base of a suitable shape from cardboard;
  2. the leg of the mushroom must be wrapped with a dense layer of white threads;
  3. the hat can be decorated with red, orange, brown or green yarn;
  4. a small loop must be attached to the back of the mushroom;
  5. the finished toy can be tied to a ribbon or thread of any color.

Mushroom caps are sometimes additionally decorated with white beads or beads.


This fall-themed craft can be used to decorate a home for Halloween. To create it, the baby will need a minimum amount of materials: dry leaves, thick branches, threads and plasticine.

  1. You need to start work by preparing the foundation. The branches must be fastened together in the form of a snowflake. For this, you can use glue or strong threads.
  2. After that, you need to start decorating the workpiece. Individual branches are tied with threads. To make the pattern even, their edges must be fixed on the branches, tying knots.
  3. When the craft is ready, you need to decorate it with dry leaves. They are glued to the base in different parts of the web.

A plasticine spider or a regular toy bought in a store will complement such a craft.


A 5-6 year old child can make a beautiful volumetric applique out of cardboard, threads and PVA glue. The process of creating it looks very simple.

  1. To begin with, you need to make a base for a toy from cardboard of three colors. A dark back and a black round nose are attached to the light body of the hedgehog.
  2. Cut the brown threads into pieces of the same size.
  3. The edges of the cardboard figure should be generously greased with glue.
  4. Dark threads are attached to the base of the craft. The rows should be straight and neat.
  5. The finished craft must be left to dry overnight.

This applique can become part of a full-fledged autumn composition with flowers, leaves and colored beads.


To create a soft fluffy rug, you need a nylon mesh, scissors, threads and a crochet hook. You can do it yourself in just a couple of minutes.

  1. A blank of the desired shape and size should be made from a strong mesh.
  2. Cut the threads of a suitable color into pieces 10 centimeters long.
  3. Each of these parts folds in half and is pulled from one hole to another using a hook.
  4. In the loop created in this way, you need to stick the tail of the thread. The resulting knot must be tightened tightly.
  5. The same procedure needs to be done with the rest of the details. They should be located as close to each other as possible.

The rug turns out to be soft and very beautiful. Products made of threads of different colors look most impressive.


A bright flower arrangement will be a great gift for a loved one. The craft creation process consists of the following steps.

  1. The first step is to form petals for flowers from metal wire.
  2. Such blanks need to be wrapped with a dense layer of thread. The edges must be tied in a knot and trimmed neatly.
  3. Petals of the same color must be held together with a small piece of wire. The figurine will turn out to be smooth and neat.
  4. Long stems are also made from metal wire and strands. They are joined by buds.
  5. The place where the flower is attached to the stem must be decorated using the remnants of a green thread.

A bouquet of these flowers looks beautiful both in a tall vase and in a small pot.


From a small hot pink pom-pom, you can make a cute toy with your child. The process of its creation will take very little time.

  1. To begin with, the rings of cardboard must be wrapped with a dense layer of threads.
  2. They need to be cut along the top edge.
  3. Having slightly parted the rings in different directions, the bundles of threads must be tied.
  4. The edge of the working thread should be twisted into a bright pig's tail.
  5. The resulting pompom must be fluffed up and carefully cut off the protruding edges with sharp scissors.
  6. Two pairs of legs are attached to the base of the toy. They can be made from chenille wire.
  7. Pig ears are made of light pink felt and are attached to the crown of the animal.
  8. Instead of a patch, you can attach a regular pink button to his face. Eyes can be made from plasticine or bought at a store. They are fixed on the base of the pompom with a glue gun.

The craft can be decorated with a satin ribbon bow. She turns out cute and cute.

From a ball and thread

Another common craft that can be made from colored threads is a volumetric ball. The creation process looks very simple.

  1. First, you need to pour a little glue in the saucer.
  2. You need to dip a long colored thread into it.
  3. It is wound around a balloon in a chaotic manner. To make the craft look neat and easily take the desired shape, the threads should not be pulled too tight.
  4. After decorating the ball with enough thread, it must be left to dry overnight.
  5. After several hours, the ball must be pierced with a needle. You need to pull it out carefully so as not to damage your craft in the process.

Ready-made colored balls can be used in different ways. Garlands and lampshades made of colored threads look the most beautiful. They can be additionally decorated with acrylic paint or glitter.


A beautiful bird made of colored threads will be an excellent amulet and home decoration. Making it with your own hands is no more difficult than a thread doll.

  1. To begin with, a small piece of cardboard must be tightly wrapped with light thread.
  2. One edge of the workpiece must be cut with sharp scissors.
  3. The bundle must be tied in the middle with a thread. Having secured the knot, its edges should be cut short.
  4. After that, the part must be folded in half. A thread is tied to the bird's head. Its edges must remain free. The bird's beak must be wrapped with red thread. The edges need to be cut and hidden in the base of the craft.
  5. You need to step back a little from the base of the beak. The bird's neck is tied with a red thread. The mounting width can be any.
  6. From the remnants of the light thread, you need to form the wings of a bird. The remains must be wrapped around the base of a cardboard rectangle.
  7. The workpiece must be passed through the body of the bird. The edges of the bundle are carefully cut with scissors.
  8. On the other hand, the body of the bird must also be wrapped with red thread.
  9. The winding in the form of an oblique cross will complement the craft.

If desired, the tail of the crane can be decorated additionally. To do this, it must be divided into several small bundles and tied with colored threads. The craft looks beautiful and unusual.


Using blanks made from balloons and threads, children can make a beautiful snowman. Dealing with its creation is quite simple. Two balls of different sizes must be fastened using high-quality glue. The resulting snowman can be decorated with any details. Knitted hats and scarves, colored buttons are perfect for this. A similar craft can be taken to a kindergarten or used to decorate a room for the New Year.

Creating toys and figures from colored threads is an interesting activity that captivates both adults and children. Mastering this hobby is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

For interesting thread craft ideas, see the next video.

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