Crafts from disposable tableware

For those who cannot decide on the choice of material for crafts, there is a simple solution to the problem - disposable plastic dishes. Crafts from it are obtained no less original and interesting than from other materials. An important advantage is the budget price. Read about what products can be made from disposable tableware of different types in this article.

What to make of plates?
Since the invention of disposable tableware, the originality and imagination of needlewomen began to develop even faster. Most of the crafts are done easily and quickly, and also do not require attending professional master classes. Let's take a look at popular and simple crafts made from disposable plates.
- The simplest craft that you can make from disposable plates with your own hands is patterned items... Simply put, you can stick an image on a plate and put it as a souvenir. This is done quite simply: you need to take napkins with a pattern, cut it out and glue it to a plate using PVA glue. After drying, the surface is varnished. This technique is also called decoupage. If desired, the plate can be pre-painted. Paper plates work best for this process, rather than plastic ones.

- You can make a snowman from plastic plates, which will be used as a decoration on the wall. It is advisable to think over everything so that one plate is larger than the other. It is allowed to use both two and three plates of different diameters. The snowman's head needs to be decorated with a nose and paper-cut eyes. To do this, you need scissors, PVA glue and colored paper.

- Recently became popular and garlands of plates. They are made quite simply: small holes are cut out at the edges of the products for threading, they are located not far from each other. Products can be decorated according to your taste or according to the theme of the upcoming event. It is best to use a bright thread. This method is not suitable for children, as it requires skill and accuracy.

- Another interesting idea is Wall Clock. There are two ways to make a watch face: write the numbers yourself or print a finished image. It is best to use a mechanism from old watches or children's toys. It is also worth remembering that a small watch movement is easy to purchase on your own. The dial is glued to the plate, and the mechanism is installed through the hole in the middle. Such a watch can be placed on a stand or attached to a nail using tapes glued to a plate.

As practice has shown, when making such crafts, it is best to use colored plates.
Products from forks and spoons
Few people seriously thought that it was possible to make good crafts out of plastic forks and spoons. Nevertheless, this is so, and sometimes the results exceed all expectations. Here are some ideas for making spoons and forks.

You can make flowers from spoons. Crafts on the theme "Autumn" even elementary schoolchildren will be able to make their own. The most common options are roses... To do this, wrap the top of the spoon with red wrapping paper and fasten it with PVA glue. Next, you need to connect four such spoons in order to get a bud. This should be done by turning the spoons with the convex side outward and positioning them so that they "fit" into each other. Then you should wrap the long part of the spoons with green paper, gluing it with PVA. These flowers can be placed in a box or basket.

Another option is lotus... To do this, you need to cut off the tops of the spoons and glue them, imitating the arrangement of lotus leaves. The finished product is attached to cardboard.

The classic Christmas tree will also become an unusual craft from disposable forks.... The paper cone is attached to the wire, and the upper parts of the forks are glued along the perimeter row by row. You need to glue the products with the convex part to the cone. This craft is perfect for celebrating the New Year in kindergarten, because it will be immediately noticed.

An unusual option can be a lamp decorated with forks.... This option is not suitable for co-production with preschool children. But making a product for an adult is quite simple: you need to glue the forks along the edges of the horns (the decorative part of the lamp). It will look especially impressive in the dark when the lights are on, when the prongs of the forks will cast a shadow.

Spoons can also be used to decorate vases, photo frames, mirrors. Spoons painted in bright but matte shades (for example, mint or red) look spectacular.

Knife craft ideas
Less crafts are made from knives than from other types of disposable tableware. However, fantasy remains the main factor in this case. Usually knives serve only as an additional part of the decoration of any product. For example, a wall clock can be decorated around the perimeter with alternating knives, forks and spoons. Such a clock will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen.
It is best to paint all disposable items to match the color of the mechanism frame.

Photo frames are also decorated with knives. For a more complete picture, small details such as snowflakes or beads are glued to the devices. Knives are also similar to feathers and are used to imitate them. For example, the “Owl” craft can be decorated with knives to simulate feathers on the head.

In conclusion, it is worth noting the installations of contemporary artists. One of the most famous is the installation on the lawn using disposable items (forks, knives and spoons) as flowers.

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