Variety of cucumber crafts

Decorative products made from vegetables will be an interesting option for both kindergarten and school. Even small children make crafts from them, and on their own. Often, small products in the form of various animals are made from such material. Today we will look at how to make a variety of cucumber crafts.

Crocodile making
First, let's take a look at how you can make figures in the form of crocodiles step by step.
To create a simple craft, the following will come in handy:
- cucumber;
- tomato;
- a piece of plasticine;
- a match or a toothpick.
First, you will need to cut off the tail of the cucumber, while forming a triangular cut.
In this case, the core gets.

Small triangles are cut along the edges of the cut: they will act as the teeth of the future crocodile.

After that, black and white plasticine is taken. Two small balls are rolled out of it, and then flattened a little. You should have eyes. Legs are formed from the rest of the cucumber.

Next, take a small tomato or red pepper. A thin and long strip is cut off from the vegetable: it will become the tongue of a floating crocodile.

This figurine can be used for a school exhibition in the 1st or 2nd grade.

Gena from the cartoon
To create this craft with your own hands, you should prepare two cucumbers of different sizes at once. First, a larger vegetable is taken. It is trimmed on both sides. The resulting detail will be the torso. After that, a smaller vegetable is taken. Its tip is cut obliquely. Further, a piece is also cut off from the sharp end (to create a muzzle).

At the same place we make recesses for the eyes.The eyes themselves should be made of plasticine, as in the previous version, or from vegetables.

From the rest of the cucumber, a core is cut obliquely to form the jaw. Also, small legs are cut from this part.

Next, they start assembling the product. To do this, the body is fixed in an upright position, and then the lower jaw is placed on it. In the upper part, teeth carved from onions and a tongue made from sausage or carrots are attached. The mouth is closed by the upper part of the head.
Later, the lower legs are simply placed next to the figurine. The upper limbs should be fixed with dill, after making holes in the limbs themselves and the body. At the end, a tail is made. A small piece is cut from the cucumber, cut in half and cuts are made from the sides. A triangle is formed on top. The resulting tail is attached to the body.

Cucumber frog
Now let's figure out how to properly make a small frog-shaped craft. To do this, an oval is cut obliquely from one end of the cucumber to create a body. At the other end, two smaller ovals are cut to create the hind legs. The remains are formed into thin strips for elongated feet and forelimbs.
Next, the frog's head is cut out on the body. On the strips, cuts are made for the fingers with a knife. Both oval limb blanks are divided into two parts. The result is legs that are bent at the knees.

The individual parts of the craft are fastened to each other with a toothpick or a match.

The eyes are best made from match heads. They are carefully glued onto the frog's face.

What else can you do?
Many other original crafts can be easily made from this green vegetable. Let's consider the most popular options.
To create a product, you can take overgrown cucumbers. You will also need potatoes or bell peppers, toothpicks. First, the potato must be visually divided into 3 parts and cut off 2/3 of it. Then, using a spoon, you need to clean the groove in the vegetable and decorate the edge with carved teeth. So the pot for the future cactus will be ready. After that, one fresh cucumber is inserted into the recess. Next, toothpicks are taken. They form thorns for the plant. They can be painted if desired.
To make the craft more unusual, one large cucumber is placed in the central part, and several pieces of smaller vegetables are attached to its sides. All of them are also decorated with sharp toothpicks.
You can decorate all this with dried yellow leaves. Then you get a product on the theme of autumn.

To make this easy craft, you will need to take one cucumber. It is carefully cut across into two equal parts. Then four identical cucumber rings are made, as well as two elongated thin flagella. After that, the largest workpiece is taken. She will act as the torso of the mouse. On the side where it is thinner, create small incisions for the ears. Cucumber mugs made earlier are placed there.
Matches are inserted into the face of the mouse, while their brown ends should become eyes. For the tail, you need to make an incision in the back. The spout can be cut from the same vegetable. Cut off a small piece, remove the peel from it with a vegetable peeler and attach it to the muzzle in this form.
In the same way, you can make another mouse from another part of the cucumber.

For such a craft, it is better to pick up two cucumbers in advance. One of them should be slightly curved. You also need to prepare a small red pepper. Shark fins are cut from a cucumber, but this should be done from a strong peel so that they are sufficiently stable.

Next, the main cucumber is taken, at one end of which a mouth with teeth is cut out.
Sometimes this is done with a special curly knife.

A small piece of red pepper is also placed there. At the end, the gills and eyes of the shark are cut with a knife.

To create this product, you can take a simple ripe green cucumber or yellow vegetable. A small square or round piece is cut from the middle. Next, the carrots are taken. It is possible to cut out individual elements of the aircraft, including wings and landing gear. All parts are attached to the cucumber with toothpicks.

In this case, it is better to pick up 2 long and elongated vegetables. One of them is completely peeled off, due to which it will acquire a lighter color. Both elements are cut into rings, they should all have approximately the same thickness.

After that, a snake is made up by simply applying the resulting rings to each other. It is better to fix the first and last part of the craft using a skewer.

To make a tongue, a carrot is taken, from which a small thin slice is cut. It is bifurcated with a knife.

You can stick in two small decorative stars as eyes.

To create such an autumn craft, you will need to prepare one ripe cucumber. A small part is cut off from one of the ends. Several thin rings are also cut from this piece, which will become the legs of a hedgehog. Eyes can be made from white plasticine. Next, matches are taken and inserted into the body of the hedgehog, while the brown tips should be placed at the top.
To make an autumn-themed craft, you can place dried autumn leaves on needles.

To make this product, you will need to take a green vegetable and carefully cut it into 2 parts with a knife.
Then a small slice is cut from one of them. They turn it into a wing with a knife. A wooden skewer is inserted into the made wing. The workpiece is attached to the second part of the vegetable.

One toothpick is inserted into the upper section of the cucumber. With the help of it, the head is fixed (small cucumber).
Another skewer or match is inserted into the cut of the vegetable. A curved lobule is fixed on it, which will become the tail of the duck. A separate element in the form of a crown is cut from the cucumber. These will be the feathers at the end of the tail.

Poultry legs are cut out of a ripe tomato. Small eyes are formed from carrots.
You can also take peas for this.

The Royal Family
To make this product, you need to take a cucumber and cut it in half. At the same time, a tomato is taken. It is also divided into two equal halves. Everything inside is cut from one part. The finished element is attached to the end of the cucumber.
Then, using a toothpick, put a smaller and still green tomato on top of the tomato. He will become the head of the king. A crown should be cut out of the carrots, which is placed on top. All individual parts are connected into one figure using skewers.

To create a queen, you will need to do the same thing, but at the same time small zigzags are made at the end of the cucumber, on which another small cucumber piece is laid.

A car
In this case, a small green vegetable is first taken, which will become the basis for the craft. You will also need carrots. It is cut into thick circles. They will become wheels.
A ring is made from the zucchini and cut into two equal halves, one of which is attached to the upper part of the base. Next, several small grapes are attached to the car, which will be headlights and glass.

Such a product is created in much the same way as a snake. Prepare two green vegetables. One of them is peeled. Both vegetables are cut into circles of equal thickness and then joined together.
For more stability, you can use toothpicks.
To make the eyes of the caterpillar, it is recommended to use plasticine.

To make a cheburashka, it is better to take potatoes as a basis. One large vegetable (body) is combined with several small ones (ears, head, limbs). All these components should be attached to toothpicks so that the figure is strong and stable. At the same time, you can cut out the eyes, nose, mouth from the cucumber.

When creating a bird, you can take a special curly knife. With the help of it, wings with feathers are formed. There are two such elements to be taken. Also, a thin slice is cut from the cucumber, from which the body of the bird is cut. Using the same knife, it should be given the desired shape. Black peppercorns can act as eyes.

A boat
When making a boat, a small cucumber should be divided into two equal parts along the direction. Then the pulp is pulled out of one half with a knife. Later, a small and thin even slice is cut from the other part. Holes are made in it from both ends into which a stick or wooden skewer is inserted. All this is attached to the base.
You can cut a small flag from the yellow pepper if you like.
Also, the finished boat should be decorated with small items made from olives, tomatoes or carrots to make the craft look brighter and more interesting.

First, you need to pick up a denser and larger vegetable. It will become the basis for the product. Then carrots are used. It is cut into individual circles with the same thickness. They are all attached to the bottom of the cucumber with toothpicks.
Also, it is better to cut off the pointed end from the carrots right away. It is attached to the front of the locomotive. A large ring is made from the zucchini, which is divided in half. One of the parts obtained is also attached to the top of the crafts.

the Rose
The vegetable is cut into thin, elongated slices. This is best done with a vegetable peeler. One of them is rolled up into a tight and tight tube, holding the part with your fingers. After that, the rest of the workpiece is carefully turned 180 degrees away from itself. This action is repeated twice.
When only a small tip remains, you will need to take the next thin strip and place it in the place between this end and the rose. Further, one more petal is turned inside out. At the end, attach the third and fourth cucumber strip.

As a rule, this amount is enough to form a flower.

Such a craft is created from cabbage and cucumber. First, prepare half a head of cabbage, which will become the basis for the shell. At the same time, the other vegetable is cut into circles of approximately the same thickness.

Each of the cucumber circles is attached to the cabbage with three toothpicks. They will need to be inside the base. Next, a small end is cut off from the cucumber, which will become the head and neck of the turtle. The part is also attached to the head of cabbage with a toothpick. The eyes are created from black beads or black peppercorns.

Christmas tree
As a basis for such a craft, you should take a wooden long skewer. Fresh cucumbers are cut into thin small circles or ovals. All of them are gradually planted on the base. All elements are straightened a little to make the tree more voluminous and beautiful.

Next, you will need to make decorations for the Christmas tree. They can be crafted from red and yellow peppers. To do this, small circles are cut from the vegetables and attached to the tree. The star should also be carved from red pepper.

You will see another way to create cacti from cucumbers and carrots in the next video.