Walnut shell crafts

Walnut shells are the ideal material for making a large number of crafts. The simplest of them are available even to the smallest children.

Making animals and insects
A variety of animals and insects are easily obtained from the halves of the shell by simple transformations: from hedgehogs and chickens to crabs and octopuses. To create crafts, only basic tools and materials are usually useful:
- plasticine;
- colored paper;
- glue;
- scissors;
- paints.

Themselves, walnuts are most often pre-opened and freed from the kernel. This has to be done carefully with a knife so that the shells remain intact. The surface of the workpieces is painted with thick gouache, colored nail varnish, food dyes or water-based paint for construction.
The substance should always be applied in layers, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly. The eyes of the creatures are drawn with white gouache directly on the nut, molded from plasticine, or cut out of white paper.
A simple stationery touch is also suitable for this purpose.

Making a turtle from natural material with your own hands will be an easy task for children. Her "shell" body is decorated with dots and patterns applied with a marker, after which plasticine legs and a head are attached to it. The eyes of the turtle are molded from plasticine, and the smile is squeezed out in a stack. For work, it is customary to use a lot of brown, gray or green colors.

The creation of a ladybug does not require any additional details at all. It is enough to decorate the walnut shell with red gouache, cover it with black dots - and it becomes clear that this is a creature. In principle, it additionally makes sense to mold a rounded animal's head from a piece of black plasticine and fix cardboard antennae on it. Some children prefer not to bother with paints, covering the embossed surface, but to completely cover it up with red plasticine, on top of which spots are applied from the black mass.

To turn a nutshell into a spider, you will need to attach a plasticine head and several "legs" from short thin twigs or fragments of fluffy black wire. The latter are also conveniently fixed on plasticine.

The body of a hedgehog, as in all other master classes, is formed from natural material. His needles can be made from plasticine, thin sticks, sunflower seeds or even buckwheat. Fruits from an elastic mass or dried hawthorn or rose hips will look good on the thorns of the animal. The finished figurine is mounted on colored cardboard, which, in turn, is decorated with dried leaves from maple lionfish.

The creation of a mouse begins with processing a walnut shell with gray paint. Next, teardrop-shaped ears are cut out of thick paper, which are fixed on the body with hot glue. Small beads or beads are suitable for the eyes of the creature, and a thin string will form a tail.
For a more fabulous look, the ears and tail can be cut out of felt or fleece in bold colors. The eyes and nose are easiest to draw with a black marker.

Crafting in the form of a penguin requires the use of an unopened nut, which is painted with black and white acrylic paints so that the creature has a tummy. A small triangle made of red colored paper will become the nose of the animal. The eyes are drawn in white, and the elongated cardboard legs are fixed with glue. Alternatively, you can use pumpkin seeds for the limbs and felt for the beak.

Very few materials are required to create a tiny owl:
- Walnut;
- felt green and brown;
- fluffy wire;
- scissors;
- brushes;
- hot glue;
- miniature red thread pompons.

Wings are cut out of brown felt for an owl, which are glued to a closed shell with hot glue. The creature's face is drawn with paints. Owl ears are also formed from brown felt and fixed at the crown. Green felt, folded in half, will allow you to get two identical holly leaves - a stand for crafts.
The brown wire is glued to the back of the owl at the very bottom, and the joint is masked with green leaves. Thread pom-poms become the berries of the plant. To put the owl on the tree, the brush on which she sits will need to be twisted around the branches of the tree.

When creating a bunny, the natural material will first need to be painted white or gray, after which long paper ears and a cotton wool tail will need to be attached to the body. It is more convenient for the animal to draw the face with felt-tip pens.
For an octopus, 8 long legs will be cut out of fluffy wire, which, after fixing, will have to be slightly bent. The shell itself is pre-tinted in a pinkish or light brown shade. The fluffy wire will also make the antennae for a bee covered in black and yellow stripes. Frog legs are most often formed from pumpkin seeds.

New Year ideas
When decorating a house for the winter holidays, it is quite possible to create some of the accessories from scrap materials, including walnut shells. For example, it can be a luxurious wreath on the door. To create this element you will need:
- a large number of empty halves of nuts;
- a piece of cardboard;
- a fragment of fleece fleece for covering the base;
- decorative moss;
- cones;
- wire.

In addition, you cannot do without:
- tapes;
- super glue;
- aerosol golden paint.
At first, the shells are painted golden, and after drying, they are glued together into whole nuts. After securing them to the base using wire, you will need to fill the empty space with artificial moss or cones. The base of the structure is pre-formed from cardboard covered with fleece. The finished product is hung on a ribbon.

The garland of "nut" apples will also look interesting. The creative process will not be complete without:
- walnuts;
- paper clips;
- multi-colored threads;
- pieces of green felt.
You should also prepare acrylic paint, a sponge and brushes. First of all, you need to cut out the leaves from felt and, having made a hole, attach them to a paper clip bent by an eye. The resulting structure is inserted into the nut shell joint. The surface of the latter is painted white. A ruddy barrel is drawn on the dried workpiece. Loops of apples are put on a garland made of tinsel.
By the way, just walnuts, covered with gold, which are hung on a Christmas tree with a golden thread, also look decent.

Autumn crafts
Almost every year, young children need to bring fall-themed crafts to elementary school or kindergarten. In this case, a panel made on the bark of a tree gives a lot of room for imagination. In addition to a small foundation, you will also need:
- a couple of walnuts;
- thin twigs;
- dry blades of grass;
- leaves (optional).
A pair of dry twigs is first fixed on the bark, and then owls, obtained from two halves of a nut, "sit down" on them. Small pieces of yellow filaments are transformed into paws, and apple seeds into the eyes of birds. The background of the panel is decorated with dry branches, leaves and flowers.

Interesting options
More complex products can also be based on nutshells.
Quite quickly, a doll is obtained from a single nut. A head made of a large light bead or a wooden ball is fixed on the body, after which a face is drawn on it. A small piece of fabric glued to the walnut will allow you to make a dress. On the head of the doll, you can fasten a ribbon tied with a bow, or several woolen threads that form a hairstyle.

Even the smallest ones will be able to make mushrooms from walnuts. A half of the shell is coated with plasticine, for example, in the case of the fly agaric - red with white spots. The leg rolls down from the white mass. To securely fix the hat on it, the inside of the shell should also be smeared with plasticine.

To create a sunflower from natural materials, you will need:
- nutshells;
- pumpkin seeds;
- sunflower seeds;
- flour.
You can also not do without:
- balloon;
- yellow and green cardboard;
- wire;
- old newspapers.

The main tools in the master class are:
- scissors;
- gouache;
- brush;
- glue "Titan".
At the first stage, a vase is created using the papier-mâché technique. The balloon is inflated to a diameter of ten centimeters, and the paste is diluted with one part flour and two parts water. The newspaper is cut into small pieces, which are soaked in the solution and glued to the ball. It is necessary to follow from top to bottom, leaving the hole uncovered. After the first layer has dried, the sequence of actions is repeated as many times as necessary for the strength of the base.

In parallel, it is worthwhile to start creating a sunflower. From yellow cardboard you will need to cut two circles with a diameter of 10 centimeters, and from green - two ovals in the form of a leaf. The circles are connected to each other and pierced in three places. At the same time, the three wires are twisted together, leaving the ends free. It is they who are then inserted into the holes of the yellow circle and bent.About 9 walnut halves are glued along the edge of the resulting blank. They are immediately covered with two coats of yellow gouache.
The middle of the flower is formed from a plasticine cake with a diameter of 6 centimeters, filled with seeds. A wire is attached to the green leaf, which is then wound onto the stem of the plant. A small layer of plasticine will mask the metal. If desired, a ladybug from a walnut shell and a butterfly from pumpkin seeds are fixed on the sunflower. When the vase dries, it is freed from the ball and painted over with two layers of paint.

To decorate the vase with peeled walnut halves, you will first need to create a cardboard base, the parts of which are fastened together with a stapler. Having decorated all 4 walls with natural material, all that remains is to spray black spray paint on the product in several layers. The finished product can be decorated with golden paint and decorated with rhinestones.

To create a basket, in addition to a peeled walnut half, you only need material for creating a handle. It can be a thin flexible twig fixed on hot glue or "Moment", plasticine, twine, cardboard strip or ribbon. The finished container is filled with miniature live buds, beautiful pebbles or plasticine mushrooms.

Quite simply, topiary is created from walnuts - artificial trees that serve as a worthy interior decoration. The base for the crown is formed in the form of a ball, which, in turn, is created using the papier-mâché technique. To do this, the balloon is pasted over in several layers with napkins or old newspapers. First, the paper is cut or torn into thin strips. At this time, PVA glue is combined with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.
Having inflated the balloon to the required size, its surface will need to be covered with paper. The first layer is simply moistened with water, but the next ones are already pre-soaked with an adhesive solution.
Each piece will need to be pressed firmly to the surface and smoothed with a soft brush.

After applying all the layers, the base will need to be allowed to dry, and then it will be possible to carefully remove the ball. The crown of the tree is covered with pine cones, acorns, nutshells and sisal, "planted" on hot glue. The trunk of the topiary is best made from a thick branch, peeled of bark and, if desired, wrapped in twine.
It should be mentioned that it is not forbidden to make a spherical base from a foam sphere. The barrel will be connected to it with hot glue. The nut circle can be painted white with a sponge, and then slightly gilded with sparkles. It is more convenient to push the sisal between the nuts with a skewer. The finished tree is plunged into a flower pot filled with uncured gypsum.

For how easy and fun it is to make golden nuts for a Christmas tree, see the next video.