Variety of pumpkin crafts

Interesting and funny crafts can be made from a huge variety of materials. Especially unusual and creative look those specimens that are made from fruits and vegetables. In today's article, we'll take a look at the rich variety of eye-catching pumpkin crafts.

Kindergarten ideas
Modeling a variety of pumpkin products is often a task in kindergarten. Kids with their own hands should make various crafts on the theme of "Autumn". Interesting autumn crafts with your own hands can be modeled without unnecessary difficulties, but at the same time you can get wonderful results.
Kids of kindergarten age are greatly fascinated by the process of creating any figures and characters from natural materials. Workshops involving the use of fruits or vegetables are especially interesting. So, from a beautiful pumpkin, little craftsmen can easily make heroes of their favorite cartoons, various animals, fairy-tale characters and so on.

Gingerbread man
The easiest way is to make yourself a charming bun from fresh pumpkin. The gingerbread man is a famous fairy-tale hero, so the child will definitely be carried away by the process of its creation. To make this character from an ordinary pumpkin, you will need the following simple steps.
- Since the gingerbread man has the same outlines and shapes as the pumpkin, it will be very easy to make it. From the materials at hand, it will be necessary to form eyes for the future fairy-tale character. You don't have to tinker with these components, but simply draw them on the pumpkin with paints or felt-tip pens.
- Also, by means of paints, it will be possible to draw the contours of the face of a kolobok: nose, cheeks, mouth, cilia, and so on.
- To prevent the craft from looking boring, it can be supplemented with some kind of decorative component.
For example, in the upper part, you can fix an elegant voluminous bow or put on a straw hat: there are a lot of decorative options.

Many kids really like the cartoon "Smeshariki". That is why the modeling of these cartoon characters is so fascinating for little craftsmen. The easiest way is to make a pensive and slightly confused Kopatych from a pumpkin. Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for making this character.
- First, you should look for a medium-sized vegetable. It should not be too small or too large.
- The pre-selected pumpkin should be thoroughly washed and rubbed. Not a drop of moisture should remain on it.
- So that the finished craft lasts as long as possible and does not deteriorate, the vegetable can be treated with high-quality varnish after drying. This stage of work is optional, but desirable.
- The limbs, as well as the nose and eyebrows of Kopatych, will be easiest for preschool masters to sculpt from plasticine mass. It is advisable to use brown plasticine.
- The character's finished nose will need to be stuck in the middle of the pumpkin, and the eyebrows - on top.
- Kopatych's limbs should be fixed from below and symmetrically.
- Eyes for a smesharik can be made from white and black paper.
- The resulting craft can be supplemented with a yellow hat or decorated in any other way that the little master chooses. With such components, Kopatych will receive a complete and original look.

From the decorative pumpkin, preschool children will be able to independently make another famous character in fairy tales - Cipollino. First, you will need to prepare all the necessary components and tools:
- 2 decorative pumpkins, 1 small shoe pumpkin;
- acrylic paints or gouache;
- hot melt glue;
- thick colored paper;
- decor elements;
- wire;
- brush;
- scissors;
- felt fabric;
- just in case, it is advisable to save an awl.

Let's analyze all the stages of work.
- First, the character's face is drawn on a clean and dry pumpkin. Depict eyes, cheeks, mouth, hair. It is advisable to shape the face, looking at the real hero of a famous fairy tale.
- The nose can be drawn with felt-tip pens, or it can be made out of a piece of felt.
- You need to wait until all the applied elements are dry. After that, it will be necessary to cut out the straps from the pants, arms, sleeves and collar for the hero from felt. If it is difficult to work with felt, it is better to use thick paper instead.
- Take the second pumpkin. The "tail" of Cipollino is glued to it, as well as cut-out straps and a collar. It is advisable to pre-paint half of this vegetable black. You can turn to other palettes, if you wish.
- By means of long skewers or wire elements, it will be necessary to connect the pumpkins together, which play the role of the head and torso.
- To make legs for a famous hero, you can use foam rubber. It is enough to cut off a little of this material, and then fix it with glue in the form of tubes.
- The legs should be supplemented with shoes. They can be modeled from a small pumpkin. First, it is necessary to remove all seeds from it. You can secure the shoes with wire components. The sole of the shoes can be made of felt pieces.
Next, arms and legs are attached to the body of Cipollino.

Adults should help the child in modeling such a figure. In addition, upon completion of all stages of work, the little master can independently choose any method of decorating Cipollino from a pumpkin.
And now let's find out how you can make another famous funny character from a pumpkin - the Minion.
- You should look for a pumpkin that has a slightly oblong structure.
- Cut out the pants of the character from a sheet of colored paper or cardboard, as well as his arms and legs, hair and mouth. All finished and cut components are glued to the pumpkin.
- We must not forget about the glasses, slightly crazy eyes and cartoon hero's shoes. These components can also be made from paper or cardboard, but shoes can be molded from plasticine or use shoes from old dolls in the house.

When making a Minion, a child can let his imagination go free, resorting to the use of a variety of materials. The finished pumpkin craft can be supplemented with any decorations and decorations.
A child with the help of adults can make a very original pumpkin turtle. To do this, you need the following components:
- 2 medium pumpkins
- 2 medium potatoes for the legs;
- 1 large potato for the head;
- 2 beads;
- 2 cloves;
- 4 self-tapping screws;
- plasticine of black and orange colors;
- scrunchy.

The turtle is going like this.
- First, the pumpkin is cut into 2 halves, all its insides are removed.
- Now, recesses for the paws and head are made in the vegetable, having previously tried them on.
- The potato-head is fixed by means of self-tapping screws. Attach beads-eyes with small carnations, cut out the mouth.
- You can sculpt glasses from plasticine, and you can also add an original small hat to the craft. Very small spout balls should be formed from black plasticine.
- Now the paws are being installed. You need to do this on self-tapping screws.

The pumpkin will make a charming pumpkin hedgehog. To make such an autumn craft you will need:
- base-cardboard for crafts;
- yellow autumn leaves;
- pumpkin (the body of a hedgehog);
- plasticine mass for the design of the face;
- fresh apples;
- matches.

Let's consider in stages how you can make a cute pumpkin hedgehog.
- first, foliage is laid on the cardboard base;
- the pumpkin is cut into 2 halves, the core is removed;
- now they make a muzzle out of plasticine mass;
- apples should be planted on toothpicks;
- after that, matches will need to be planted on the back of the hedgehog, imitating needles.

It's so easy to make a beautiful autumn hedgehog from pumpkin and apples!
School options
There are countless options for modeling creative pumpkin crafts for kids who are in grades 1, 2, 3, or 4.
So, a schoolchild can make a very unusual and beautiful vase from a vegetable. It is done very simply and quickly.
- To make a vase, the vegetable must first be washed and wiped dry.
- Further, in the place where the "tail" of the pumpkin is located, it is necessary to cut a hole. Through it, the vegetable will need to be freed from all the insides. This must be done literally to the very walls.
- A vase of water must be placed in the liberated middle. After that, it will be possible to put flowers in it. It will also be possible to place a flower pot here.

You can create a very beautiful and original cat or cat from a pumpkin. For this you will need:
- round pumpkin for the head;
- long pumpkin for the torso;
- thin curved pumpkin for the tail;
- very small pumpkins for paws;
- knife;
- felt or paper for the ears;
- newspaper;
- black paint in cans;
- candle;
- floristic wire.

The craft is made like this.
- Vegetables are prepared for work: washed and dried.
- Cut the top off the pumpkin-head, remove the pulp.
- This vegetable also needs eye slits. First, they are applied with a marker or pencil.
- Ears are cut out of cardboard or felt material.
- On the pumpkin-head, slits are made to fix the ears.
- The vegetables should be dyed black. The pumpkin-head is pre-filled with newspapers so that the inside is not painted through the holes.
- When the paint is dry, you need to assemble a single structure from the pumpkins in the form of a cat. Florist wire is suitable for secure fixation.
- In the middle of the upper part of the craft, you need to stick a candle. Ears are inserted into the workpiece, after which the head is attached to the body on a wire.The original craft is ready!

This product can be used as home decoration for Halloween.
A vegetable can make a gorgeous owl. It is done as follows.
- First, prepare a medium-sized pumpkin, paints, colored paper, felt-tip pens or markers, glue in the form of a pencil, scissors, pieces of felt.
- The stalk is first removed from the vegetable.
- It is not necessary to remove the pulp. It is enough to wash the product and dry it.
- If the pumpkin for crafts is too pale or whitish, then its back half can be painted orange or yellow.
- In order for the components of the craft to be firmly fixed with an adhesive mass, it is recommended to wipe all areas of the joints with a dense part of the sponge. A rough surface will make the glue hold more secure.
- The head of an owl is decorated with felt decorations. To make such components, you need to use small-diameter cups or saucers. They are applied to the material, outlined and cut out.
- Patterns of eyebrows, eyes, beak and wings of a bird are drawn on paper. These patterns are transferred to felt. In the same way, you need to transfer the contours of the bird's face.
- All blanks are cut out. The circles are folded into an oval of the face, fixed, mark the eye areas.
- After that, the funny face can be glued to the pumpkin, and it is also worth fixing the wings and beak.

A funny pumpkin fox can be made very quickly and easily. Consider the step-by-step instructions for making such a character.
- You can paint the pumpkin to make its orange color more even, or you can leave it as it is.
- Let the vegetable dry. After that, you need to proceed to the preparation of felt and paper parts.
- Using a stencil, the contours of the tail should be carefully transferred to the base. Particular attention should be paid to its tip. In addition, you will need to transfer the details of the face, tummy, ears.
- Each piece must be very carefully cut along the contour, after which the necessary components are connected together and attached to the pumpkin.
Using a black marker or felt-tip pen, paint the nose and eyes on the fox's face.

"Gifts of Autumn"
From a pumpkin in combination with cones, a young master can easily create a very interesting character in the "Gifts of Autumn" style.
- The shape of a pumpkin can be almost any shape, even pear-shaped, but it is best to use a medium and perfectly rounded vegetable.
- It is necessary to cut off the “tail” at the top. In this case, the pulp can be left alone. In the resulting recess, several large cones should be placed, dried leaves should be inserted: yellow or green.
- In addition to the decoration on the top of the head, for the pumpkin it will be necessary to mold eyes from plasticine. Sections of dry foliage can be used to shape the eyebrows.
- An original smile will turn out from a thin and slightly bent twig.
- On the cheeks, the acorn caps should be fixed.
The result is a very unusual decorative craft. It is worth saying that the expression on the "face" of a pumpkin can be absolutely anything: upset, and cheerful, and thoughtful.

Many more creative and elegant figures can be made from a fresh and beautiful pumpkin. It can be a charming and pretty chicken, a slow and large snail, a spectacular carriage or a spider with cobwebs. In any master class, it is very important to act without unnecessary haste, carefully and accurately. If a very small master is working on making a craft, then it is advisable for adults to help him at certain stages.

Useful Tips
Let's take a look at some tips that will prove useful when modeling original pumpkin crafts.
- For the manufacture of any figures and designs, only fresh pumpkin should be used. The vegetable must be free from defects, damage or hints of rotting. This will negatively affect the appearance of the craft, and its durability and safety.
- When creating crafts of any complexity, the vegetable must always be washed first. After that, it is wiped dry.It is undesirable to leave the pumpkin soggy, since this way additional parts will not be attached to it, especially when using glue.
- If an adhesive is used to hold certain parts in place, it should not be applied too much. Because of this, the adhesive will take longer to set.
- If other vegetables or fruits are used in the manufacture of crafts, they should also not have any damage or rotten areas. All components must be thoroughly washed before starting work.
- If vegetables are planned to be painted, then it is best to use special acrylic paints or gouache for this. Regular watercolor on a pumpkin will not be able to lie normally.
- If the master class involves the use of a knife, it is important to take care of the sharpness of its blade. If the cutting part is blunt, it will not work to make normal cuts. This will make the craft look sloppy.

If you take into account these simple recommendations, nothing will prevent you from making a beautiful and durable pumpkin craft.
For information on how to make a pumpkin house with your own hands, see the next video.