Crafts from the crop from the garden

Harvest festivals are often held in schools or kindergartens. Along with this, there are also thematic exhibitions called "The Tale Grew Up in the Garden", "The Merry Garden", "Garden Fantasies" and others, to which children are required to bring handicrafts made from gifts from the garden. We will describe below what crafts can be done for such an exhibition.

What to make from zucchini?
There are many ideas for DIY kids' crafts on the theme of "Miracles from the Garden Bed" or for an exhibition on Harvest Day in school or kindergarten.
To make such a craft with your own hands, you just need to turn on your imagination and make a little effort.
In addition, some materials will be needed, including:
- vegetables from the garden;
- felt-tip pens;
- plasticine;
- threads;
- any other materials that your imagination dictates.

You can make a wide variety of crafts from zucchini.
- So, for example, you can make a whole Chinese set. Of course, in order to make such a craft, the child will in any case need the help of parents, since in the process of work you will have to work quite a lot with a knife.

- Another option for an unusual craft from the crop from the garden is an airplane. It is not difficult to make it, for this you will only need a couple of zucchini and toothpicks to fasten the individual parts of the craft.

- If you add a couple of other vegetables to the zucchini, for example, onions and potatoes, then from all this you can make a whole car with passengers.
From a vegetable marrow, you can make the car itself along with wheels, and from onions and potatoes - passengers in the form of people or animals.

- There is also a more complex version of the craft from a vegetable marrow, which is made using the culinary technique of carving. This technique involves cutting one or another vegetable using a special knife, which is able to gently remove all vegetable surpluses. As a result, you should end up with an unusual and unique pattern or drawing.
To create such a craft, you will need patience, perseverance and a desire to work long and painstakingly, but the result is worth it.

Original ideas from beets
Vegetables like red beets are also great for making DIY crafts for the harvest festival.
- So, for example, you can make a mouse from this vegetable. In addition to red beets, you will also need plasticine and toothpicks, from which the muzzle and tail will be formed, as well as colored cardboard from which you will need to cut the ears.

- It will not be difficult for a child to make a hedgehog from red beets. To create such a craft, you only need toothpicks as hedgehog needles, beets and plasticine to make eyes and a hedgehog's face out of it.

- It will not be difficult to make from beets and a small pretty pig, however, to create it, you need a root vegetable that is small and oblong in shape. In addition to the reddest beets for crafts, you also need plasticine and a stack. Sculpt all the necessary parts from plasticine, including the legs, patch, tail, ears and eyes, and glue to the beet.
If necessary, you can cut out individual parts with a stack to add certain details to the craft.

- This root vegetable is also suitable for creating a character from the cartoon "Smeshariki" known to all children - Sovunya. To do this, you also need a medium-sized red beet and plasticine, from which legs, wings, ears, a hat, eyes and a beak will be molded.
The big advantage of this craft is that the child can make it on his own, without intervention and help from the parents, while it will not take a lot of time to make it.

Other options
There are many other options for crafts from vegetables for a school or kindergarten show.
- So, for example, you can make a harvest basket. The easiest way is to take a ready-made shopping basket and put the vegetables you want there. However, if you have a desire to make something, you can make the basket yourself. So, for example, it can be made from watermelon.

- If you have a pumpkin, beads, beads and doll eyes on hand, then from all this you can easily make a snail.
You can decorate such a craft to your taste, while you can use not only beads and beads, but also plasticine, ribbons and more.

- Cucumber can also be used to craft crafts. So, from this vegetable you can make an unusual turtle, the shell of which will consist of cabbage, which is its basis, and cucumber circles.

- From the same materials, you can make a pretty hare. For it, you need two small cabbages, a squash for the legs, carrots, a cucumber and toothpicks, with which you can fasten the individual parts. For the manufacture of a peephole, you can use ordinary paper and felt-tip pens.

- For a children's exhibition, you can also make a Cipollino from a fairy tale known to many. To do this, you need to make a body out of colored cardboard. As the head of a fairy-tale character, you will need to take a bow, having previously formed a face on it from plasticine.

For information on how to make crafts from vegetables, see the next video.