How to make plasticine men?

Modeling a plasticine man may seem like a daunting task for a child, but if you start from scratch and gradually move on to more complex figures, anyone can handle it. The only condition for a successful creative process is the use of high-quality plasticine in different shades.

Modeling a simple figurine
For joint creativity with children, you can use several types of plasticine.
- Acquaintance with the material most often begins with the soft variety - it is very easy for babies to work with it, creating balls, sausages and other details.
- Next, you can move on to the bars of medium hardness. This species softens from the heat of the hands, but does not lose its shape.
- Sculptural plasticine is suitable for older children and is most often used in the creation of wireframe models.
- Finally, to get funny people, you can also use a ball-type material consisting of foam. Its significant advantages are that the substance does not stick to the surface, which means that the child does not get his hands dirty during creativity.
In addition to a sufficient amount of plasticine of different shades, work usually requires a special knife or stack, toothpicks and a container of water. It is also important to provide good lighting in the workplace.

To teach a child to work with plasticine, it is better for him to offer to make a figure from a solid bar with his own hands, using the stretching method. In this case, he will not have to "fight" with small details and their connection. Before starting sculpting, the young master should practice rolling sausages and forming balls. Then you can proceed to the direct creation of a person.First of all, a bar of any color is kneaded until it acquires plasticity and pliability. It is more correct to determine its size in such a way that the material fits comfortably in the baby's hand.
A cylindrical sausage is rolled out of a piece, and then its upper part is slightly compressed while pressing the middle of the figure to indicate the head and ribcage. Arms are extended symmetrically from the body, and legs are formed by squeezing the lower part of the bar.
If desired, the face of the resulting man is drawn with a match.

A little more complicated is the construction of a figurine from a ball. To proceed in stages, you will have to start by rolling a plasticine ball slightly larger than a walnut. To indicate the head, its upper part is clamped. Having pressed a blind hole in the middle of the figure, it will be possible to select the body. The creature's arms are formed by pinching.
Legs are sculpted in several stages. The partially finished figurine is held with one hand, and the thumb of the other hand presses in the middle of the lower part. The legs continue to be sculpted until the legs have reached the required length and thickness. Feet are obtained by pinching the ends of the legs with two toes. Upon completion of the work, all irregularities are smoothed out and the waist is highlighted. Having mastered sculpting from a single piece, the child can move on to creating shapes from several parts.

How to mold with acorns?
Quite often, plasticine men are formed by adding a variety of natural materials, for example, acorns or cones. In this case, the plastic material, rather, plays an auxiliary role, connecting natural parts with each other. So, to create a forestry, you will need a cone, an acorn, several toothpicks and pieces of plasticine. The bump plays the role of a torso, into which the legs and handles from toothpicks, previously broken in the middle, are inserted. The acorn head is fixed on it with plasticine, just like a hat.

The colored mass is used to create thick and durable shoes, and to indicate the face of the little man. While sculpting a girlfriend for a forest dweller, she will need to make plasticine hair, the same sleeves and a base skirt.

Other options
It is recommended to create more complex crafts made of plastic mass according to the schemes.
With wire
Plasticine sculpture on a wire frame is not recommended for children under 11-12 years old. To create a real work of art, it is better to use a special sculptural clay and thin wire made of aluminum and copper. In addition, for the master class you will have to prepare:
- wooden planks;
- carnations measuring 30 millimeters;
- flour or talcum powder;
- wooden skewers;
- pieces of cardboard;
- glue;
- several types of paint: water-based, as well as gouache or acrylic.

You can create a sketch yourself or choose a suitable picture in a magazine.
The work begins with the creation of a frame from a piece of aluminum wire 70-80 centimeters long.
With the help of the tool, it is bent in half, after which a loop is formed at the place of the fold, it is also the future head. At the ends of the wire, two loops are made for attaching the product to the board. From the same wire, the shoulders, chest, waist and hips of a person are formed by wrapping them and fastening them in the required places with a thin wire or tape. Having fixed a fragment of 30-35 centimeters long on the shoulders, it will be possible to get hands. The finished figure is given the required shape by bending along the sketch.

Each leg is nailed to the board with studs. To complete the work, it remains only to coat it with plasticine, and you can additionally put pieces of foam or cork into the head and torso. If desired, additional parts are cut out of cardboard, and clothing, hair, face, hands and shoes are cut from the bulk. It is also recommended to mask the base with plasticine.

In move
In young children, the creation of human models in motion is carried out, of course, without constructing an additional frame, but simply from plasticine. For example, the specificity of this topic can be explained by the example of the work "Winter fun". First of all, a thin long cylinder is rolled from a green bar to indicate pants, and from a brown piece, a thick sausage for a jacket and a small testicle for boots. Future pants are folded in half, and the testicle is divided lengthwise into two parts. The top of the jacket will also need to be cut in half to get the sleeves.

Next, the pants are sharpened at the bottom, holes appear in the boots, and small dimples are pressed in the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket. By connecting the details together and adding the athlete's head with hands, it will already be possible to obtain a simplified model of the man. By changing the position of the figure and adding simple accessories, the "movement" will be carried out.

For example, an athlete can be put on skates or skis, put on a sled or forced to push, “teach” to play snowballs, or “offer” to collect snow with a shovel.

Young woman
To blindly mold a beautiful girl from ordinary plasticine step by step, you will have to use:
- a set of colored material;
- stacks;
- a modeling board;
- hand towel.
First of all, a small ball rolls down from white plasticine or its mixture with pink, which is then slightly crushed - the head of the figure. A special spatula on it denotes the recesses for the eyes and the nose, that is, the raised central region of the workpiece. Drops, sausages and balls roll down from small pieces of plasticine of other colors. These, in turn, will become the eyes, eyebrows and cheeks of the girl.

A few thicker sausages will help define the mouth, ribbon and hair, and three miniature balls form a lovely bow. As a hairstyle for the figure, you can blind a pigtail from crossed thin flagella or a pair of tails - two thick, slightly bent sausages. The dress will turn out from a cone, the lower part of which is flattened along the edges like a skirt, and a match or a toothpick is stuck into the upper part. The girl's head is pushed onto a stick, after which it is smeared with plasticine, forming a neck. Lantern sleeves are made from a pair of balls fixed on the sides in the upper part of the body, and arms are made from a pair of skin-colored sausages.

To get reliable legs, it is better to fix a couple of matches at the bottom of the dress, and then coat them with plasticine. The shoes are formed from a pair of beans. The finished product can be processed with a stack, for example, highlighting individual hairs and the hem of the dress.

In a way similar to the previous master class, a very nice guy is obtained. The set of material involved can include two main bars for clothing - for example, yellow and black, a small amount of beige or pink mass for the hands and head, a brown piece for hair and shoes, as well as literally droplets of white, blue and red colors for a face. The work process begins with the shaping of the man's torso. A ball with a diameter of about 2.5 centimeters is rolled out of the crushed yellow plasticine. Pressing it down on all sides, you will be able to get a small rectangle, in which you can also emphasize wider shoulders.
The short sleeves of a T-shirt are made from a pair of balls with a diameter of 1 centimeter. Each of them transforms into cone-like figures, which are then fixed on the shoulders of the body. To sculpt trousers, you need a black ball, the diameter of which reaches 3 centimeters. First, it will need to be pulled into a sausage, and then bend in the central part.
The guy's legs are placed vertically and slightly pressed down, after which a T-shirt is attached to them.

From the mass of beige, you will need to prepare three balls, the diameter of which will not exceed 1 centimeter. The first one will target the head.It should be extended, awarded with squeezed eye pits and a straight nose. You will need to place white eyeballs with blue irises in the recesses. Short eyelashes and eyebrows can be added immediately. Immediately, the mouth is fixed on the face, and the ears are added to the head.
Brown sausages and scones will help you get the look. The finished head is put on a match and fastened to the body, after which the stick is masked with plasticine. To get hands, the remaining beige balls will need to be pulled out in tubes and processed with a stack to highlight the fingers. The plasticine guy can be decorated with a collar, belt and boots.

A plasticine nurse is the same girl made of plasticine, but in specific clothes. To create it from a pink material, you will need to sculpt a T-shirt and pants, as well as white shoes. The nurse's head can be done in the same way as the girl's head in the basic master class. The finished figurine will need to hang a phonendoscope made of black mass around its neck, and place a syringe in its hands.

How to blind Miles Morales from the animated movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse", see the next video.