Plasticine modeling for children 6 years old

In order for a child to develop correctly and harmoniously, he needs to be given different types of activities - both active and calmer. Fine motor skills play a critical role in brain development and allow you to quickly master any skill. To teach a child something new and useful, it is important to choose the correct way of presenting information and the type of lesson.... Modeling from plasticine is considered one of the most simple, fun and useful.

Advantages and disadvantages
Modeling from plasticine for children of 6 years old is important, because it allows you to use both hemispheres of the brain, to include physical skills in the work, to develop concentration, to have fun and interesting time. The positive aspects of working with plasticine include the following.
- Development of fine motor skills, which helps to improve the quality of speech, logical and abstract thinking.
- In the process of working with plasticine, kneading it, rolling certain parts, a child at 6 years old strengthens the brush, preparing it for writing.
- Systematic classes allow develop perseverance and concentrationwhat is important for this age.
- In the process of modeling lessons, children learn finish what you started, improvise during work, do not give up and control yourself.

In addition, there is also a positive effect of working with plasticine on the psychological development of children. Children can be offered to mold what they are afraid of, and then crumple the finished figurine to overcome the fear. Ready-made crafts can always be altered and changed, which allows you to see the same situation from different angles... If a baby has blinded a sad figure, you can show how it will change if you make it joyful.Thanks to collective activities, there is an opportunity to unite the team, making it possible for more introverted children to find friends.
Of the shortcomings, one can single out only the moment that dirty footprints may remain after class, especially if children do not use special sculpting boards. You can start working with plasticine from the age of two, but at this age it is important to monitor the child, show what and how to do and prevent the working material from getting into the mouth. During the sculpting process, additional tools may be used, which can cause certain injuries to children if they indulge in class or quarrel.
There are much more advantages to working with plasticine than disadvantages, therefore it is worth using such activities as often as possible, reminding children of the safety rules and rules of behavior during classes.

Preparation of tools and materials
To make working with plasticine as comfortable as possible, you must have all the necessary tools and materials with you.
- The board - it can be plastic or wooden, large or small, bright or plain.
- Knife for plasticine and a stack with a different tip - often comes in the kit, but you can buy it separately. This is a plastic product with a handle and a pointed, spherical or concave edge that allows you to cut off pieces of material needed for work or carry out other manipulations.
- Stencils - various forms with which you can cut figures from rolled plasticine.
- Oilcloth for the table and an apron for creativity - for especially active kids, it is worth covering the table with a tablecloth to keep it clean. Children can wear an apron and armbands to keep their hands and clothes from getting dirty in the clay.
Any specialized materials can be easily replaced by finding similar options from what is at hand, the main thing is that the child is comfortable working with this, and he can do any manipulations with the plasticine.

What can you sculpt?
You can start working with plasticine at home in order to introduce children to this material, to give a new type of activity and to keep the child occupied for a while. For preschoolers, modeling is an exciting activity, during which children not only play and learn new art for themselves, but also develop. It is very convenient that classes can be conducted for both boys and girls, asking the same or different objects for modeling. Ready-made crafts can help the parent and educator to better understand the child, his psychological state and level of development.
To make the process of working with plasticine interesting and bring maximum benefit, it is important to start with the simplest figures and gradually complicate the task, developing more and more facets of children. Thanks to the wide range of colors of plasticine, you can create a wide variety of figures, leaving them as a keepsake in the kindergarten, presenting them as a gift to parents or creating presents for friends.

To mold a donut, you must:
- take a piece of plasticine, from which the base will be created, and a different color for the top layer;
- mold a ball from the main material and press it with your palm against the table, making it a little flat;
- using a stack with a ball at the end, push a hole in the center, and on the other side cut off all unnecessary;
- roll out a thin layer of plasticine for decoration, it is better to make the edges uneven;
- place the rolled element on the donut blank and make the same hole on it;
- fly thin strips from multi-colored plasticine and cut them into small pieces with a knife, with which to decorate the finished donut.
There can be many design options, it all depends on the child's imagination.

A pineapple
To make pineapple, you need to stock up on plasticine of these colors: yellow, green (different shades) and any shade to create a base. The manufacturing process looks like this:
- choose any color to create a base and mold a ball, then roll it a little in your palms, deforming the product closer to an oval shape;
- using a knife, cut off the upper and lower parts of the workpiece;
- take a piece of green plasticine and roll it out in a thin layer;
- use yellow, also rolling it out in a thin layer;
- place yellow plasticine on top of green and use a knife to make cuts like a real pineapple;
- wrap the workpiece with the resulting yellow-green layer, evenly distribute and level, add a drawing with a knife if it is deformed;
- make small cone-shaped blanks of foliage from green plasticine, on which to draw a pattern with a knife;
- fix the leaves on the top of the pineapple - the craft is ready.
You can allow children to experiment with shapes and colors by creating their own fabulous fruit.

Animal lovers will be interested in making a husky dog, so you need to know what is needed for this and how to build a workflow:
- to create the main details, you need gray plasticine, you need to make a ball out of it and with a knife mark two triangles where the eyes will be located;
- take white plasticine and make two parts for the eyes out of it based on the previously drawn base on the previous workpiece;
- using white plasticine, you need to roll out a flat circle with which to cover the lower part of the gray blank of the head, under the eyes;
- with the help of white, the nose is also molded, which should have an oval shape and be located under the eyes;
- with a small black ball you need to complete the creation of the husky nose;
- using blue or any other plasticine, you need to mold small balls for the pupils on the dog's eyes, on top of which even smaller black circles are superimposed;

- thanks to the red color, you can make a tongue that has a narrow and oblong shape and is attached under the nose;
- to finish with the muzzle, you need to make the lower part of the mouth out of white plasticine and fix it under the tongue;
- using gray plasticine, two triangular ears are created and attached on both sides of the head;
- gray plasticine is needed to create the body, legs and tail;
- the belly and the lower part of the legs are created in white.
You can complement the look with a colorful collar.

To make an apple, you need to decide on its color and shape. The creation process looks like this:
- take plasticine of red, yellow or light green color and mold a circle, giving it the shape of an apple;
- make stamens from brown plasticine by cutting a piece of material with a knife and rolling it into a tube;
- make a depression on the underside of the apple blank and place the stamens in it;
- make a stalk from brown by rolling a small tube;

- make a depression in the apple blank from above and attach a stalk into it;
- make leaves from green plasticine by drawing a pattern on them with a knife;
- attach the leaves to the stalk - the apple is ready.
In a more complicated version, you can make an apple from several flowers or add a worm to it.

To create a panda, you need two basic colors: black and white, but if you wish, you can add other colored details to the craft. The creation process looks like this:
- roll a small ball out of white plasticine and, using a stack with a round end, make two recesses for the peephole;
- make oval flat circles with black plasticine, which are placed in the recesses on a white blank;
- roll a ball out of white, give it a shape similar to a heart and fix it under the eyes;
- roll a small ball out of black and place it on the white part of the previous part, thereby completing the nose;
- on black eyes, you need to make small white balls, on top of which you put tiny black details to make the eyes;

- from black plasticine, you need to mold a roller, slightly rounding the edges and giving the product the shape of a semicircle - attach this part under the head, which will form the arms and the upper part of the panda's body;
- mold a large ball from white for the rest of the body and attach it under the previous part;
- black plasticine will be needed to create legs and ears;
- the legs will look like a barrel and are attached to the white circle of the body;
- the ears have a semicircular shape and are installed on the sides of the head;
- on the legs, you can make dots from white plasticine.
As an addition, you can mold a bamboo twig or any other object.

To create chamomile, you need to take white, yellow and green plasticine. The work progress looks like this:
- mold a circle from yellow plasticine and press it with your palm against the table, making it flatter, with a knife you can make a pattern on it, you can supplement it with a thin strip with a raised edge that wraps around the middle along the edge;
- from white plasticine, you need to mold a sausage and cut it into pieces of approximately the same length, from which petals will be created, each piece is made flatter, it is given the desired shape: wider at the top, narrower at the bottom;

- all white petals are attached to the yellow center;
- mold a small ball from green plasticine and press it down, making it flat, with this detail you need to close the white petals from the back of the craft;
- the same green color is used to create a leg and leaves, after rolling out a thin sausage, it is attached to the head of the flower, making a depression in it with a stack;
- the leaves are cut with a knife from a rolled piece of plasticine, a pattern is applied to them, after which they are placed on the leg - the craft is ready.
Chamomiles can have petals of different sizes and colors, which can be taught to children.

To make a crocodile out of plasticine, you must:
- using green color, make a sausage and divide it into three parts, one part will have the shape of a carrot, it will be needed for the tail, from the other you need to mold an oval, and from the third, roll a ball;
- we cut the oval part with a knife to half and open it a little, resulting in a mouth;
- we make a thin layer of red plasticine and place it in the mouth;
- a thin strip is created from white plasticine, on which triangles are cut out with a knife, from which teeth will be created - having made the upper and lower jaw, it must be placed in the crocodile's mouth;

- a small piece is taken from a green ball, from which two round eyes are created, a flat white circle and a small black one are attached there to create pupils, the finished products are placed on the crocodile's head;
- the elongated part is processed with improvised means so that its appearance resembles the skin of an animal, when the workpiece is ready, it is attached to the head;
- 4 legs are molded from the remaining piece of green plasticine, semicircular in shape and a corresponding pattern is drawn on them with a knife;
- a strip is molded from a dark green color, on which teeth are cut with a knife, this strip is installed over the crocodile's torso.
The size of the craft can be any, children can fantasize and come up with their own options for creating this animal.

There are a great many options for crafts that can be made from plasticine, children 6 years old will be happy to sculpt:
- heroes of your favorite cartoons: Smeshariki, Fixies, Cars and many others;
- ice cream, gingerbread, candy and other delicacies;
- fruits and vegetables: grapes, strawberries, watermelon, tomato, cucumber, etc .;
- animals and birds: fox, hare, crow and many others.
In addition to working only with plasticine, you can introduce additional products, for example, cones, acorns, chestnuts, which, in combination with plasticine, will make it possible to make an original and creative craft.
Any manipulations with small objects that captivate the child, allow him to occupy him and usefully spend time.

For information on how to mold a Smesharik Krosh from plasticine, see the next video.