How to make a plasticine tree?

With the help of plasticine and clay, the child develops fine motor skills of hands and imagination. It will take a little time to create a small craft, but such sculpting is sure to cause a lot of positive emotions.

How to make an applique?
To sculpt a Christmas tree from a material such as plasticine, children will need the following tools and materials:
- a set of plasticine;
- cardboard sheet;
- stack;
- beads or beads, which can be of different colors and sizes;
- board;
- plastic knife and scissors;
- brown pencil;
- wet wipes.

To make the tree even more interesting, you can coat it with clear glitter varnish.
The advantage of the material we are considering is its versatility; any character or object can be sculpted from it.
Even two-year-olds are happy to devote their time to modeling. For such small ones, a craft in the form of an applique is suitable, since it is easier to make than to make a voluminous object.

Craft making consists of several stages.
- Use a piece of paper to create an attractive Christmas tree. It is better to choose it in white or silver color so that the product is clearly visible.
- You will need brown plasticine. A small piece is torn from a whole piece, rolled into a sausage and slightly flattened, then placed on cardboard. This is the trunk of our tree.
- For further work, only green plasticine is required. Sausages of different lengths need to be rolled out and then carefully placed from top to bottom. At the bottom, workpieces of a larger diameter are placed, and at the top, the narrowest and shortest ones. To give our tree a natural look, the branches smeared on the cardboard should be slightly raised up.
- Plasticine of other shades is used as decoration.You can make Christmas tree decorations and garlands from it.

How to mold a volumetric figure?
It is also very easy to create a large plasticine tree with your own hands, but in this case, the child should be able to work with a knife. Such modeling is available to older children. The step-by-step process looks quite simple.
- First, create a large cone. If it turns out to be uneven, then it does not matter, because this fact will not in any way affect the overall appearance of the future tree.
- To form the trunk of the future tree, you will need to use a brown pencil. It is inserted into the finished cone, from the bottom to the very middle. If desired, it can be coated with plasticine of the same color.
- After that, you need to take a knife and use it as the main tool. With its help, small cuts are created on a piece of green cone-shaped plasticine. And to make the tree more fluffy, the resulting cuts can be lifted up slightly.
- The best place for such a Christmas tree is a stand made of wood or thick cardboard. You can decorate the craft with beads of different sizes, as well as ribbons, stars and other elements.

Making a Christmas tree out of plasticine sausage is even easier. To do this, you need to warm up the plasticine well in your hands and roll a long sausage out of it. And the longer it is, the more our tree will turn out in the end.
Then it remains only to lay the resulting workpiece in the form of a cone. Plasticine is wound in a spiral on a table, stand.

The main thing is to do it evenly. Such a tree can be made in just a minute. Outwardly, it will be very similar to the real one.
You can even invite your child to create a modular fir tree. To do this, roll three green balls of different sizes. The smallest one should turn into a pointed cone, and the other two will become the middle and bottom parts of the tree. They should also be worked on and given the shape of a cone. Under the lower cone in the center, it is worth making a small stump of brown plasticine, Then the New Year's tree will take on a complete look. The tree can be decorated with beads, sparkles and small pieces of tinsel. Colored plasticine balls are also suitable as decorations.

Easily and quickly, you can create a modular tree using the following template:
- a small stump is made of brown plasticine, a match or a toothpick is stuck into its center;
- five cones are made from green plasticine, preferably of different sizes, after which they will need to be slightly flattened;
- the resulting blanks are strung on a wooden rod;
- the entire workpiece can be completed with an asterisk.

Helpful hints
Before you start making a plasticine tree, it is advised to prepare all the necessary materials and tools that will be useful for work. It is better to do this before the sculpting process begins, so as not to be distracted by such trifles every time. Children are more interested when the creative process goes in order.
Before making a Christmas tree with a child, you can read poems or fairy tales on this topic, talk about the properties of a tree, show pictures. All this has a positive effect on the overall development.

It is advisable to warm up the plasticine a little or help the child to knead it with his hands. Then he becomes more obedient, and it is easier to sculpt figures out of him.
To prevent your hands from getting dirty from plasticine, you can lightly grease them with sunflower oil or low-fat cream.
It is very important when working with a small child to make sure that he does not put plasticine in his mouth. It is advisable to use scissors and other sharp objects on your own, or to purchase special sculpting kits, which include a plastic knife and special scissors.

How to mold a Christmas tree from plasticine, see the video.