We make a jug from plasticine
You can sculpt a jug from plasticine without any problems. But it is important to know how to mold it to children in stages with their own hands using a tape method. Knowing how to do it in other ways will also come in handy.
Simple option
They begin work by preparing a piece of plasticine of the same color and a ballpoint pen case closed on one side. Then they take another piece of plasticine. From it you need to mold a ball. Such a ball is put on a case. After removing it, a recess (hole) remains.
Then they take another piece of mass for sculpting. It is rolled into a flagellum, the flagellum is twisted into a ring. The edges are just adjacent to each other. The top of the ring is attached to the workpiece. Further work on sculpting the product for children includes kneading the stuck ring, creating a smooth transition from the vessel to the neck, shaping and attaching the handle. The creation of a plasticine jug is completed in stages with an ornament or the formation of depressed circles.
Modeling for senior preschoolers
At this age, you can already perform a lot more different jobs than before. Begin by rolling a ball of plasticine. Its lower section will have to be narrowed. This is achieved by neat rolling in the palms. Then the plasticine mass is placed on the board - in this position it must be pressed in order to create a neat and harmonious bottom.
The neck is pulled out diligently, as it should be quite long. By rolling the material in the palms, it is just stretched and leveled. Then separate fingers are used. They continue to knead the top of the neckline, while expanding it.After the formation of the nose of the jug, it is the turn of its handle - this part must also be done with great care; then it only remains to make decorative patterns with a toothpick.
Making a jug from plasticine is possible, however, in a variety of ways:
- constructive;
- sculptural;
- combined;
- tape method.
The reader is already familiar with how the work is proceeding in a constructive way. The sculptural approach implies that a whole piece is taken as a basis. It is not difficult to roll a plasticine ball with your own hands. Next, a groove is prepared in it with a finger. They put the index finger deep into the workpiece, then they and the thumb give the vessel the necessary configuration.
The tape option looks like this step by step:
- sausage is made;
- roll it into a perfect tape;
- a piece of tape is pulled into a ring, which is gradually transformed into a cylinder;
- put this blank on top of a flat, pancake-like bottom;
- cut the bottom with a stack to a predetermined section;
- the top of the cylinder is pulled out to form the neck;
- attach a handle to the jug.
Children often prefer to use the spiral technique. Modeling in this way goes on a solid board. The stages are as follows:
- formation of the bottom of the vessel;
- cooking thin, but rather long plasticine sausages;
- laying it out in a spiral over the bottom;
- giving the structure, as you move up, a curved configuration (usually it turns out quite gracefully, and additional decoration of the product is not required).
Gradually, you can move on to an even more complex version of the execution. In this case, the parts for the jug are prepared separately. They work like this:
- separate a piece of plasticine, which is needed for the handle;
- knead the main material until soft;
- make a "hole" in it with your finger;
- for a long time and diligently expand everything, at the same time grinding the surface;
- simultaneously form the outer bottom of the container;
- expand the throat with the thumb;
- lengthen the neck, removing the finger smoothly, and only gradually squeezing the product;
- attach the handle.
Useful Tips
It is not as easy to mold a plasticine jug as it might seem at first glance. Even experienced amateurs do not always manage to do it the first time. Choosing a high-quality material helps a lot, but you must always be mentally prepared for failure. In many cases, a special knife, familiar to all lovers of sculpting, helps to simplify the work.
Beads and rhinestones can be used to decorate the finished product.
For information on how to mold a Play Do clay jug, see the next video.