We make dishes from plasticine

Beautiful handmade dishes look much more interesting than purchased ones. A child of any age can make original cutlery from plasticine.

How to make a teapot?
To sculpt a small teapot, the kid will need white and pink plasticine, as well as a stack.
- A piece of plasticine must be kneaded and rolled into a small ball... Small cuts should be made along its perimeter with a stack. The teapot will look like a peeled orange.
- From plasticine of the same color, you need to tear off another piece and mold a smaller ball out of it. This part must be flattened on both sides and secured to the base of the toy.
- Above you need to attach another tiny round detail.
- It is necessary to roll a long sausage from the same pink plasticine. One end should be thicker than the other.
- The spout is attached to the side of the kettle... To make it look natural, it needs to be slightly arched.
- From another, thinner "sausage" you need to make a handle. It is attached from the opposite side. This part should also be slightly curved.
- After that, you can start decorating the craft with white plasticine... Thin sausage needs to be made into thin strips that are attached to the base of the kettle and its lid.
- Tfrom the same material is used to decorate the teapot - small flowers... They are attached to both sides of the toy.
Using these step-by-step recommendations, you can make a pretty plasticine teapot with your own hands in just a couple of minutes.

How to make plates?
Making a traditional round plate with your own hands is much easier than making a kettle. To create it, you should choose two bright colors, for example, yellow and blue.
From the main piece of blue plasticine, you need to form a large ball, then roll it into a thin circle.A long strip should be formed from a piece of yellow plasticine and folded, this circle should be flattened. It should be the same size as the base of the plate. The circle is pressed against the blue part of the saucer.
Next, the blue part of the plasticine is rolled into a thinner sausage. It is wrapped around a saucer around the perimeter. Divide the remaining blue material into small balls and decorate the yellow part of the plate with them. The dolls tea saucer is ready.
Such a craft can be additionally decorated with patterns drawn with a toothpick or a stack. In order not to spoil the product, do not make them too deep.

Modeling other utensils
Other interesting crafts can be created using the same material.
In order to complement the tea set, you can also mold a small cup. For her, you will need to prepare plasticine of 2-3 colors. The step-by-step process of creating it is simple and straightforward.
- Roll from a small piece of disposable plasticine neat ball suitable size.
- Inside we form a small notch... You can do this with your index and thumb.
- After that, the walls of the cup smoothly level, making them thinner and taller.
- From the same piece of plasticine we form a handle for a cup and a saucer... The material must be kneaded and divided into two parts. One of them will be larger, the other a little smaller.
- Big ball neatly roll out and fasten to the bottom of the cup.
- Roll a thin sausage from a small ball. The handle folds slightly and attaches to the base of the cup.
- Made of blue plasticine you can make a decor for a tea set. It must be carefully rolled into a thin strip.
- This material is used for decorating dishes.

A neat baby cup is ready. Using the same scheme, you can make several more tea drinking devices from the remnants of the material. They can be made in the same style or made of multi-colored plasticine. It all depends on the wishes of the child.

To create a small saucepan, you need a piece of plasticine of the same color.... From the base, you need to mold a large ball. We form a recess inside, and then carefully trim the walls of the wall. They should be higher than the cup.
We make a lid from another piece of material. It should be the same size as the diameter of the pot. The leftovers must be divided into 3 small balls. They will make small handles that are attached to the sides and lid of the pot.
Using the same scheme of work, you can make a deeper or higher pot out of plasticine. You can decorate its base with white circles, plasticine flowers or a simple light border.

Frying pan
Complement the collection of plasticine dishes and a frying pan. To create it, we prepare black and white material. You need to work with him according to the following principle.
- Knead a piece of black plasticine and divide it into two parts. We make a flat saucer with low sides from the main part of the material.
- Roll the second part of the plasticine into a long sausage. One part of it should be wider.
- A black plasticine handle is attached to the base of the pan. The attachment point must be carefully leveled.
- We form a separate part from white material, which locks onto the edge of the handle.
If desired, the craft can be decorated with additional details. For example, make scrambled eggs out of white and yellow material. The craft will turn out to be more beautiful and interesting.

Plasticine crafts develop the child's imagination and fine motor skills. Therefore, the process of creating colored dishes for dolls will bring the baby not only pleasure, but also benefit.

For information on how to sculpt plasticine dishes, see the next video.