Plasticine crafts

How to mold a plasticine minion?

How to mold a plasticine minion?
  1. Simple option
  2. Modeling with natural materials
  3. Useful Tips

Plasticine is a material from which young craftsmen can make absolutely any figurines. Children often sculpt various animals and heroes of their favorite cartoons. In today's article, we will learn how you can mold a charming minion from plasticine mass.

Simple option

A funny minion (the hero of the famous cartoon "Despicable Me") can be fashioned in a huge number of different ways. Beginning young sculptors are advised to first master the simplest schemes. Having become acquainted with the basic basics of elementary modeling, it will be easier for the child to further improve in this matter.

A funny minion is done very simply and clearly. Before starting to create an original craft, you should stock up on some necessary components and accessories:

  • several plasticine blocks of different colors, namely: blue, yellow, white and black;
  • a set of a stack of plastic or wood (usually these tools come with plasticine, so you don't have to buy them separately);
  • with a toothpick or needle.

Having prepared all the necessary components, the young sculptor can start making a famous craft. Let's consider step by step how to do it correctly.

  1. Having carefully examined the minion, you can make sure that the main colors in its manufacture will turn out to be blue and yellow. Plasticine of other shades will be used as an addition.
  2. It is recommended to make a charming cartoon character using soft plasticine, therefore, each of the details must be thoroughly kneaded in your hands in advance. First, you need to roll a ball of yellow mass.
  3. The finished yellow ball will need to be carefully stretched so that it acquires an oval shape.On one side, this blank will need to be slightly crushed. A blue plasticine component must be glued to the flattened base. This will be the base of the character's denim jumpsuit.
  4. To make funny glasses, you should stock up on white circles, complemented by thin gray "sausages" for the frame. The minion can be made with one or with paired eyes. Stick gray thin "sausages" around the snow-white flattened details. Fix a small black plasticine pupil in the center.
  5. Ready-made glasses will need to be attached to the top of the prepared yellow torso. Absolutely all minions have a structure in which there is no neck.
  6. Next, you will need to stick the next component of the blue denim overalls. It is necessary to attach the straps, made in the form of thin rolled "sausages".
  7. Minion legs should be small. You will need to carefully sculpt the continuation of the blue jumpsuit in the form of short denim pants. You will also need to complement the composition with tiny black boots.
  8. The finished legs should be attached in the craft.
  9. Next, you will need to take a needle or toothpick. Using these simple tools, you need to apply imitation threads around the perimeter of the pocket on the minion's denim overalls. In the front of the same pocket, you will need to fasten a small round black button.
  10. At the next stage, the master must fasten thin handles on the body of the minion, complemented by gloves in the form of black circles.
  11. Complete the cute craft with a funny tufted bun on your bald head.

As a result, the craft will turn out to be very interesting and funny. The child will be interested in sculpting it, and the results obtained will certainly delight him.

Modeling with natural materials

Charming cartoon characters can be sculpted not only from plasticine, but also from a combination of plasticine mass and natural materials. Using these components, it is possible to make a very original and unusual craft.

If you plan to make charming crafts using natural materials, then first you should stock up on a number of necessary components:

  • gouache of different colors;
  • high-quality and soft plasticine;
  • spruce cones;
  • a deck made of plastic or wood;
  • a sculpting board;
  • brush.

When all the listed components are ready, you can proceed directly to making the cartoon hero. Let's consider in stages how you can make a cool minion from a combination of plasticine with cones.

  1. First, natural materials will need to be carefully prepared for further work. You cannot immediately let them into action. Cones should be thoroughly cleaned of street dirt, dust and foreign bodies. Make sure your child is handling clean and dry materials.
  2. When the buds are ready, they will need to be painted white. This layer of paint will be needed in order for all subsequent scales to be more saturated and bright. When the natural materials are completely painted, they must be left to dry.
  3. Then you need to use yellow paint. This color should overlap slightly more than half of the bud. Natural materials must again dry completely.
  4. The buds can now be coated underneath with blue or light blue paint. When this layer is dry, the workpieces will be completely ready for further manipulations.
  5. It is worth making a support for the minions from cones. Ordinary legs in this case may not fit, so you should take black plasticine, roll it into a "sausage", and then twist it like a donut. A painted cone should be placed on it.
  6. Next, you should take pieces of white plasticine mass. From this material you need to make 2 flattened round cakes. These will be the basics for the eyeglasses.The pupils can be made by attaching small brown and black circles to the white base.
  7. You will need to make eyeglass frames from black plasticine.
  8. Next, you need to take a black plasticine mass. Several flagella will need to be rolled out of it. They should be attached to the heads of the minions.
  9. The next step is to make mouths for the characters. After that, all that remains is to make the pens. They should be made from thin "sausages" of yellow plasticine. A black ball-shaped glove must be attached to each pen. The character can be fixed on a black plasticine base. A cool craft is ready!

In the same way, you can make not only a yellow, but also a purple minion. In this case, the young master can also complement the base with two or only one eye.

Useful Tips

Let's take a look at some useful tips for sculpting plasticine figures.

  • To sculpt minions or any other characters with your own hands, it is recommended to use a special board. If it is not there, an oilcloth or paper should be laid on the table. This will keep your furniture free from grease stains.
  • The child is recommended to buy only high-quality and fairly soft plasticine. It will be difficult for him to work with tough material.
  • At each stage of creating figures, the plasticine mass must be carefully kneaded in your hands. This will keep the material soft and pliable.
  • If light-type plasticine is used to make figures, then you need to work with it more quickly. This material sets quickly and holds the desired shape. It is much easier for children to work with him.
  • If the child decides to do modeling, a pack of wet wipes should be kept next to him. This is necessary so that the young master can clean his hands of the plasticine mass at any time. In addition, the smallest sculptors are encouraged to create under the supervision and careful supervision of their parents.

How to mold a plasticine minion, see the video.

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