How to make plasticine ice cream?

In role-playing games, children very often use toy food. They can be made from plasticine. And the most interesting will be the modeling of plasticine ice cream. You can make different options: in a glass, cone, or popsicle. Crafts can be made not only by adults, but also by children themselves. You only need a little skill in working with plasticine, as well as a minimum set of materials and tools.

How to sculpt a horn?
To create ice cream in a cone, you will need plasticine of different colors, as well as a toothpick. The process should begin with the creation of the horn itself. To do this, you need to take a piece of brown or beige plasticine and knead it well in your hands. Further, the step-by-step sculpting process is as follows.
- First, it is necessary to form a shape resembling a cylinder from plasticine. Gradually, you need to pull out its lower part so that the tip becomes sharp. After these manipulations, the figure should resemble a real ice cream cone. You can not stretch, but leave the form as it is, narrowing a little towards the end. This will make a regular waffle cup.
- For naturalness, you need to apply a pattern to an impromptu waffle cone with a toothpick. You can draw oblique longitudinal and transverse lines on it.
- Next, you need to choose a material of some other color. It is necessary to decide what kind of ice cream will be: strawberry, chocolate or pistachio. The color depends entirely on the imagination. A piece of plasticine of the selected color must be rolled into a "sausage" and then twisted as if it had been squeezed out of a pastry syringe.
Baby dolls ice cream is almost ready. Now you can make the decor.These can be decorations in the form of small balls or sprinkles.

Modeling ice cream in a bowl
The next dessert option for dolls can be ice cream in a bowl. It is better to start the creative process by creating the cup itself. For sculpting dishes, you can choose blue or white plasticine. The creation process is carried out in several stages.
- You need to blind the cylinder, and then make a depression in it. The result should be a glass. The edges can be folded to make the bowl look more attractive.
- Additionally, you can make a spoon from plasticine.
- If desired, the bowl can be decorated with plasticine flowers or patterns.
Now that the bowl is ready, you need to fill it with the contents. It is necessary to make ice cream in the form of balls from plasticine of the selected color - this will be the filling. You can also use smaller plasticine balls as decoration.

DIY chocolate popsicle
Do not forget about the classic form of ice cream. To create a popsicle you will need:
- wooden stick from real ice cream;
- plasticine white and brown.

The sculpting process is simple. It consists of several stages. The first thing to do is to take a white material and form a flattened rectangle with rounded edges out of it.
It is necessary to stick a half-prepared wooden stick into the base. The popsicle is almost ready, but in the classic version, this ice cream is always covered with a layer of chocolate glaze. To create it, you need to take brown plasticine and knead it very well in your hands.
It is important that the piece is as soft as possible, since you need to make a very thin cake out of it.

When the cake is ready, you need to put a popsicle on a stick on it and seal it on all sides. And at the moment, the children themselves may have a question about why make the inside white, because no one will see this anyway. However, it is not. For a natural look, the popsicle can be bitten. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon or dessert spoon, put the plasticine popsicle on the sculpting board, and then bite off a piece with the spoon. So the plasticine popsicle will look as natural as possible.
Now with such ice cream you can play dolls, cafes or other role-playing games. To keep the ice cream really cold, you can put it in the freezer for a short time. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise the decor may fall off.

For information on how to mold plasticine ice cream, see the next video.