How to mold a traffic light from plasticine?

Plasticine sculpting will be a great activity for almost any child. It will allow you to easily develop fine motor skills of the hands. In addition, this material is quite soft and ductile, so it is easy and convenient to work with it. Today we will talk about how to make your own plasticine figurine in the form of a traffic light.

Classic version
To begin with, let's look at how children can step by step make a simple classic craft with their own hands. First of all, you should prepare all the materials necessary for this:
- plasticine (black, red, green, yellow, brown);
- wooden skewer or stick;
- plastic bottle cap.
The material should first be thoroughly kneaded in your hands so that it becomes softer and more plastic. After that, a black mass is taken, from which they form the basis for future crafts. Plasticine should be given the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

Then, four balls of the same size are rolled from the green, yellow and red material. Each of them is squeezed slightly with your fingers, giving them the appearance of small circles. The resulting flashlights are neatly attached to the black base, while deepening them a little.
The red blanks will need to be on top. Yellow lanterns are attached to the central part, and green ones below. Next, a stick or skewer made of wood is stuck into the base of the formed product.

At the end, the finished craft in the form of a traffic light should be fixed on a homemade stand. In order to make it, you can take a plastic bottle cap. It is completely filled with brown plasticine. The other end of a wooden stick with a traffic light is inserted into this mass.
At the final stage, small visors are made for all flashlights. In this case, you will need to pinch off small pieces of black plasticine, roll them into balls, and then flatten them with your hands. All this is attached on top of the colored parts.

How to make with cardboard?
Now we will analyze step by step how you can make a handicraft in the form of a traffic light with cardboard with your own hands. To do this, you should also first prepare all the necessary materials:
- plasticine;
- paper;
- cardboard.
In this case, you can make a beautiful plasticine applique with your own hands. To do this, first take black plasticine, knead it well, and then form the basis for the future product from the material. It should be oval. After that, take plasticine in red, yellow and green. From each of them, pinch off a small piece. They create even balls that are flattened by hands. The result should be flat circles.

Next, a sheet of white paper or cardboard is prepared. The latter option is more preferable, since the cardboard surfaces will better hold the plasticine applique. First, a black base is carefully laid out on a sheet, and ready-made colored circles are attached to it.
If you want to create a whole composition, then you can also make various other parts from plasticine or cut them out of cardboard or colored paper. Figures of cars, people, trees are often made separately.

Useful Tips
If you decide to mold plasticine figures with your own hands, you should remember some useful recommendations. So, don't forget that for children, it is best to purchase wax plasticine. It does not contain any harmful components. In addition, the wax material is considered to be much more plastic, bright. It is practically odorless and can be bought at an affordable price. You can also use homemade clay.
Before proceeding directly to modeling from plasticine, it should be well softened. Only in this case it will be possible to give the material the desired shape. As a rule, it will be enough just to hold it in your hands and wrinkle it a little. If the mass has been lying for too long and has not been used, then it is better to place the bars for a short time in a heated liquid - this way they will become malleable quickly enough.

Do not throw away the remains of plasticine. After all, such a mass can be processed and reworked many more times. From such bases, various blanks are often formed, which are subsequently painted.
If you want to apply painting or other patterns on plasticine, then you must first degrease it, otherwise the paints will not stick and will quickly be erased. In this case, it is permissible to process the craft or applique with flour, apply a primer.

For information on how to mold a traffic light from plasticine, see the next video.