What kind of crafts can you make from traffic jams?

Do you have a whole collection of all kinds of traffic jams at home? It doesn't matter - they are from wine, from beer, lemonade or champagne, because in any case, if they are available, you have a chance to make a rather useful thing for the household out of a simple trinket without much effort. It is especially great that you can do this kind of crafts together with your children.

What to make of wine?
Collecting beautiful corks from your favorite wine or festive champagne is a small hobby for many fans of these drinks. First, the corks are aimlessly folded into a large and beautiful cognac glass and for a long time serve as a creative decoration for any modern interior. But one day the very moment comes when this glass is filled with collected corks to the very top, and corks still continue to accumulate over time and there is nowhere else to put them. It just means that it is worth finding a much more original and, most importantly, practical application for them.

It's actually quite simple to create a stylish accessory with your own hands. You will need to purchase several simple elements for decorating the craft and arm yourself with irrepressible imagination - just add colored pebbles, beautiful beads to the cork, you can paint it in an unusual way with the children, give names, for example, "house", "car", or sign the names of the household for whom they are intended.
But even without such decor, your new keychain will still be very original.

A toy
To keep your child busy for 2-3 hours and spend your free time with him, you can design a few simple toys.
- For example, a primitive boat. To make it, just gently glue 2-3 identical-sized wine corks together. Build a large sail from a sheet of colored paper, put it on a regular toothpick stuck into the cork. Decorate the finished boat to your liking. Experience the boat with your little one in the aquatic environment. For children, the process of such creativity is very entertaining.

- You can make a snake. If you have a lot of whole corks, cut them across into 3 pieces, and then connect them together again using thin fishing line and colored beads of different sizes. Carefully cut one solid cork so that the mouth of the snake's head appears. Decorate the resulting craft however you like.

- A wonderful way to keep the children attending the holiday - to make all together puppets for a small theatrical plot. Heads for such crafts can be made from small balls - they can be rolled out of foil, thick threads will make excellent hair, hands will be made of strings, and the body itself will be made of cork wrapped in braid. This whole structure is fixed on a long wooden stick - the appearance of this character on the stage will look spectacular and fun.

In addition to all kinds of pleasant trinkets with your own hands, you can also create unusually designed frames from cork corks. In this case, you should boldly implement any ideas:
- glue solid plugs on the workpiece along or across;
- lay them in a herringbone pattern;
- carefully cut in half;
- cut into small circles.

Cork can be used to decorate not only frames in an unusual way, but also mirrors of different sizes, chairs, tables, walls and whatever your heart desires. Cork stoppers can often be found in the decoration of watch dials.
Printing for decoration
This is a very practical thing for creative paper letters, colorful greeting cards and other paper crafts. To make such a seal is quite simple - draw the image you want on the cork and cut off the space around the design.
If you are doing this craft with your children, then it is better to leave the cutting process to yourself.

Christmas cork wreath
Such decoration can be an original solution for creating a festive atmosphere in the home. The technology for making a wreath is very simple: a frame is prepared, with the help of good glue, various or identical corks are "planted" on it, and the wreath itself is brightly and beautifully dressed up. Such a craft can even be taken to kindergarten in order to brightly decorate the group for the holiday.

In addition, from wine corks of various sizes and colors, you can easily create catchy decorations, paintings, rugs, durable dish stands, a creative phone holder, you can add tender confessions from them, make a birdhouse and much more - this material will allow your imagination take a walk to your heart's content.

Plastic cork ideas
Plastic corks, ribbed metal lids are much easier to assemble and much faster than corks from expensive wine, and they also produce funny-looking crafts that you can make with your own hands, as well as creative interior decor. When working, do not forget about the correct choice of colors and textures of the material used, because corks are not only different in color, but also differ in thickness and even diameter. It is very easy to collect them, but to lay out unique ornaments or patterns from them is much more difficult and longer in time.

Beer bottle caps can often be found in the decoration of country countertops, modern kitchen aprons, and decorating baseboards and floors. Real beer fans more often than not just aimlessly lay out all surfaces in a row with the corks they have gathered, but try to select them by color, a certain year or even the country of origin.

There are quite a few ways to attach metal beer caps in crafts.
- When working on a craft, you can "plant" the caps on superglue, liquid nails, and gently paint the finished product with a persistent odorless varnish.
- The lids are sometimes filled with clear resin. In this case, the surface gets a shiny and fairly even appearance, in addition, the resin effectively holds the caps folded in the pattern together.
- The lids can be "pushed" onto the ready-made cement mortar, and the lids themselves are gently pressed into it until the mortar has solidified. Ideas of this kind are more relevant for the decor of floors and street paths.
- The caps can also be nailed to the base with thin nails. To make their hats invisible, they can be painted.
- The lids are also often fastened together with a thin wire.

Metal beer lids can be folded, flattened and soldered.
It is for this reason that they should be considered excellent material for fantasy creativity.
From plastic and metal covers, you can build various crafts for your home, cottage or garden.

Frames for mirrors
A frame decorated with beer caps will look great in a modern apartment, in a country house, in a beer bar, in a purely masculine modest interior.

A great tool for a light breakfast in bed or a quick snack. You can decorate both a new and an old tray with bright lids, thus giving it a second chance at life.

Curtains made of small covers can be easily used in a house in the country, in a summer kitchen. They are designed to divide the living space, most often used in places where there are no doors. Such creative curtains are in demand in bars and pubs. Curtains made of beer caps folded in two and flattened will look stylish.

Panel on the wall
Very often you can find craft made from beer lids in the form of a pike or any other fish. A master class on creating such a panel is quite simple.
- The desired image is selected, which is transferred to the cardboard blank;
- The covers are neatly arranged in colors and patterns and glued to the cut out blank.
- According to the selected color, the covers are overlapped in layers. So you can simulate fish scales in a rather interesting way. Step-by-step instructions will allow you to get your hands on a creative craft in a matter of minutes.

The realization that plastic bottle caps can be actively used to decorate a home and create all kinds of handicrafts appeared due to the variety of their bright and rich colors. Colored caps and stoppers are one of the best foundations for fancy crafts for kids and adults.
Wall paintings
The covers are very similar to the details of a bright mosaic, and therefore they can be used to make interesting pictures on the walls or completely decorate the facades of the dwelling. The principle of creating wall panels is quite simple:
- first, on paper you need to draw up a multi-colored diagram of the image you like;
- then the caps are sorted out by color or painted in the required colors in a certain amount;
- the covers are "pushed" onto the glue according to the scheme; if desired, they can be nailed to the wood base.

As a beautiful pattern for the panel, you can choose a pattern for embroidery, weaving with beads or a small mosaic.
Trash can
It should be noted that the work will be quite painstaking. Of course, you can always improvise.
With the help of transparent adhesive tape, a dense base is glued from the lids in 2-3 layers. The walls will grow on it - when gluing the covers, row by row up. For reliability, you can secure the rows of covers with wire. You will have a creative trash can or any other storage container.

Refrigerator door magnets
First, you can pick up lids with brand logos, original patterns - with them magnets will look stylish on the refrigerator door. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the selected lids, after which they dry well, wipe dry with a clean cloth so that the glue on the surface of the crafts keeps better.

To create magnets you will need:
- small plastic plugs;
- small magnets for the size of the lid;
- sharp knife;
- glue;
- wood plank (you can use foam or cardboard).

A piece of plank with the dimensions of the cork depth is cut out with a knife. A magnet is glued to one side of such a strip, the other side is glued to the inside of the lid. When the glue is dry, you can try attaching the lids to the refrigerator door to see if it will hold.

Also, unusual robots, primitive cars, interesting figures of animals come out of plastic lids. Children will be able to make some of the listed toys themselves, under the supervision of adults, since working with small details will help develop the motor skills of children's fingers.

Use cases for champagne corks
The material from which durable corks for sparkling wine are made is completely safe, and for this reason it is ideal for various children's crafts, adds originality to them, and does not require significant financial investments.
Panel for notes
Notes for loved ones can often get lost or go unnoticed. To prevent this from happening, you can create a convenient small panel. They are often made flat (from slices of cut cork caps) or voluminous (using unchanged), they can be framed, in the shape of a heart. You can hang such a board both in the hallway and in the kitchen, combining 2 functions at once - practicality and interior decoration.

Notes on such boards can be easily attached using pins, buttons or needles.
Refrigerator door magnets
The most simplified option is to cut the wooden cork in half lengthwise, glue a small magnet to it and fix it on the door.

Cabinet handles
Champagne corks with a thick head can be perfectly used as handles for drawers of a chest of drawers or a large cabinet. Most often they are used as a temporary replacement for real pens. In some cases, all standard handles are specially replaced with cork, in order to easily give the furniture more originality. In order to properly attach this kind of handles, inside them you need to carefully drill a hole for small screws for furniture with a screwdriver and fix the product well.

Plastic champagne corks are rarely seen as a good material for children's crafts, but you yourself can easily find practical uses for them in your home. For example, if you repaint them in different colors, then you can create the same useful household items from them as from corks. With their help, you can even easily depict an autumn meadow in the forest, filled with mushrooms (in the form of corks repainted in boletus).

Helpful hints
When working with caps or plugs, it is worth observing safety precautions, especially if you make crafts from these plugs together with children.
Crafts for small children should be simpler. The child is just beginning to learn to do something beautiful on his own, for this reason, you need to select the simplest, but interesting variations for him.

School crafts should be more difficult. If the crafts of preschool children have the simplest forms, then teenagers in high school have quite serious skills, and with their help they can easily arrange much more creative compositions. DIY crafts for a school involve a huge selection of any suitable raw materials, including all kinds of improvised means.
For information on how to make toy birdhouses from wine corks, see the next video.