Crafts from buttons

Buttons can be called a very creative material for many original ideas and creative crafts. Buttons are large and very small, glossy and matte, vintage, mother-of-pearl, they are produced from different materials, and you can get confused in the variety of their shapes.

What kind of pictures can you make for children?
To create a beautiful children's applique from various buttons, even the simplest drawing is suitable at first glance. It can be a small fungus with an original hat of solid brown buttons, a bright flower, a large butterfly, a romantic colorful house. Sometimes the choice of crafts is determined by the age range: some of the options are quite difficult for preschoolers, other ideas are too simple for decades.
It is also extremely important to pay attention to safety issues. - you need to tell your child how to use scissors and glue correctly, about precautions when working with small buttons, beads, decorative rhinestones.

For 3-4 years old
An applique made of colored paper for preschoolers is already a full-fledged product in itself, but it will become even more interesting if you choose bright buttons of various sizes to decorate the background. It's amazing how an ordinary button can transform an entire children's craft.
To make the simplest button applique, you may find it useful:
- black and white picture (you can even from children's coloring);
- cardboard sheet;
- safe adhesive;
- buttons of the same size and shape, but different colors;
- rhinestones;
- half beads.

First you need to glue the drawing onto the cardboard. If you have chosen a coloring, then the child will be able to color the image before starting work or after the glue dries. Highlight stripes, squares, triangles or other details of the drawing with a black marker. Now it's time to carefully fill these areas with the prepared buttons (glue them carefully together with the baby).
It remains only to place the applique on the cardboard in a frame, place it in the child's room or present it to one of the relatives. Such elementary work is not only truly beautiful, but also very useful from the point of view of the qualitative development of children's imagination, fine motor skills of tiny pens.

For 5-6 years old
A very worthy piece of work for the guys of the specified age range - "Snail".
You will need to prepare:
- bright cardboard sheet;
- a small piece of wire;
- an old, possibly scratched CD;
- flat small buttons;
- safe adhesive composition;
- double-sided adhesive tape.

First, you will need to carefully cut out a small curly element that will become the body of the snail, its length should be about 10 cm. Then you will need to fix the disc on the figure obtained from the cardboard sheet with tape. Using a small amount of glue, attach the pre-selected fittings to this disc. It remains only to make funny wire snail horns, and your craft is completely ready.

If you need to create an unusual applique of buttons on the theme "Autumn" for a preschool institution, then it is best for you to opt for an interesting autumn craft "Tree".
To bring this idea to life, prepare:
- buttons in brown, red and bright yellow colors;
- good watercolors;
- adhesive composition;
- cardboard base;
- photo frame;
- simple pencil.

Here is a master class on creating crafts.
First, a sheet of cardboard must be coated with the named paints. Use blue to represent the sky. The lower part of the base can be made green if you have grass there, yellow - if there is sand. After the paint is completely dry, you can draw the outlines of the future tree on the canvas with a simple pencil.
The barrel is purposefully filled with buttons in dark colors: brown or black. Red and yellow fittings need to be glued to the crown. If necessary, you can choose other autumn colors for decoration.
Place the resulting painting in the finished frame. And you can safely take her to kindergarten.

For 7-8 years old
This Easter egg with buttons is an idea that is perfect for younger students. At the initial stage of all the work, the child may need a little help from an adult. To create crafts you will need:
- blank in the form of an egg (it can be made of wood, foam, plastic);
- candle or special plaster;
- glue gun;
- smaller colored buttons.

If there is no first named component, you can easily use a regular chicken egg. To do this, you need to make one hole at the bottom and one at the top of the egg. Content is blown out neatly. Next, you can fill the empty shell with pre-melted wax, and as soon as it cools down, the workpiece is 100% ready for further action. Plaster of Paris can be used instead of regular wax. Find the most suitable in size and shades beautiful and catchy buttons and paste over the entire workpiece with them, you can even overlap.

You can always create creative crafts at home with your kids, as this is one of the most fun activities for them.
For such an unusual craft as "Bowls of buttons", we will need:
- buttons of various colors and parameters (small in size will be optimal);
- safe adhesive;
- balloon;
- scissors and brush;
- jar.

The creative process should be performed strictly step by step.
- First you need to carefully inflate the balloon.
- Then you can place it on the prepared jar so that the tied part of the ball is on the bottom.
- Gently smear half of the inflated balloon with adhesive, while the baby can use a brush or his own finger.
- When it is completely dry, a kind of "protection" will be formed between the inflated ball and the fittings.
- When applying the next layer, the prepared buttons can already be glued to the product. It is best to lay them out as tightly as possible.
- When all available fasteners with holes have been glued, the blank should be left again. This process can take a long time - several hours.
- When everything is completely dry, you can additionally apply 1 more layer of glue - just in case.
- Now you just need to carefully cut off the tail of the inflated balloon and simply release all the air inside it. With the help of sharp scissors, you can quickly get rid of excess glue residues.

As a result, you will have in your hands an interesting homemade bowl made of stylish buttons, in it you can store whatever your heart desires.

To make an applique on Butterfly fabric, you will need:
- different buttons;
- a small piece of cloth and a sheet of cardboard;
- adhesive composition;
- scissors.
This applique will look great if laid out from old (vintage) buttons. First you need to cut out the shape of the butterfly you need from a piece of fabric. This fabric will look quite textured if you stick it on cardboard (or maybe on a pillow, handbag, panel).

The buttons are selected in such a way that their color ideally matches the color of the fabric blank and shades it. For example, if you pick up a dark blue fabric, then the buttons should be light blue, turquoise, ultramarine, purple, light blue.

Sections of fabric that are not filled with buttons can be decorated with rhinestones or beads.

Interior items ideas
Photo frame made of buttons
A similar item made of bright accessories will simply fit perfectly into various interiors. There are two options to make such a thing: decorate a wooden or plastic frame, make a template from a cardboard canvas. It is best to choose a simpler template for a child's work. If parents are ready to help their child in creating such a craft, you can use more complex options. You can glue the selected buttons to the workpiece using a glue gun or PVA glue. Buttons are usually located on the craft in different ways, the effect of combining and combining them in color and size is used.

From a fairly large number of buttons, you can easily make original decorative paintings. It is only necessary to lay out the selected pattern on a cardboard base, burlap, felt: either different in color, or carefully selected in shades, or decorated with paint of a suitable color with buttons. Next, an adhesive composition is used, and the finished product is enclosed in a stylish frame.
The original panel "Tree" with buttons will uniquely decorate the study, the living room in the house. It is quite simple to make such a stylish panel with your own hands together with the children.

You will need:
- blank for the panel;
- multi-colored paints;
- stencil of any tree;
- glue;
- flat and large buttons.

You can draw a tree using a stencil or draw it yourself on colored thick paper. After that, the workpiece is carefully cut and glued to the base. The joints of the glued surfaces can simply be decorated with paints, and then they can be used to depict the lines of thick and thin branches. Buttons in such work will successfully play the role of leaves - they can be attached to glue or sewn on if you want to create a panel from rough burlap.This tree will differ from the children's version of the craft in a more complex image and the number of buttons used - up to several hundred.

Such a panel can be made a meter high or even more - and this kind of solution will look very cool. Pictures of countless buttons sometimes resemble real masterpieces of modern art and therefore always look catchy and interesting.

Christmas wreaths from buttons
A wreath on the front door on New Year's Eve has become a fairly popular decorative element. Most often it can be seen from the side of the street, but recently many ordinary people use them to decorate the interior of their apartment.
You can create such a thing very quickly, without spending a lot of effort. You can find different variations of this highly sought-after craft. An elementary solution is to carefully cut an even circle out of the cardboard sheet, making another round hole in the middle. Next, you just need to glue it over with different buttons, additionally applying decor from branches of a Christmas tree, cones, rhinestones.

The second popular idea is to sew a case in the shape of the letter "O" and fill it tightly with padding polyester. When the workpiece is completed, you can sew the prepared buttons on it.
Jewelry making
If kids from 3 years old simply string various buttons on a strong thread or fishing line under the supervision of their parents, then they can already get interesting beads or a stylish bracelet. Perhaps this will not be the most elegant decoration, but the kid himself will clearly be delighted with his craft.

Older children can themselves make a more elegant and complex necklace from old buttons, just covering them with beautiful fabric. Moreover, the latter can be either monochromatic or multi-colored. If you sew such bright buttons on a black base (black ribbon), you will get an unusual necklace for your beloved mother. It will be possible to complement the decoration with rhinestones or beads.
It is quite easy to make a stylish bracelet from medium-sized buttons with your own hands. To do this, you will need to purchase an elastic band in the form of a thread and carefully put on it the most original buttons that have long been stored in a closet or were previously purchased in a specialized store.

If you have long dreamed of creating a bracelet from buttons of various types and sizes using metal, then in the store just buy a thin chain and a strong clasp to it. Next, you measure the length you need (this is determined by the girth of your wrist) and with the help of special hooks you simply attach all the buttons to the chain. You can make the future product completely monochromatic if you use buttons of the same color and tone, or you can choose colors so that the eyes of others scatter from the bright colors used.

Other crafts
With the hardware under consideration, you can also easily glue an old plate, a vintage mug, a shabby casket, a boring pencil holder, a solid organizer - here the end result will depend only on the inspiration and imagination of the master himself and his assistants. Simply chic button decor can be created on garments, belts, handbags, sofa cushions. If there is a male-type shirt at home, it will turn out to give it femininity and charm, just by decorating the collar with beautiful buttons.

If you have a table lamp with a fabric shade at home, you can always creatively decorate it. You just need to glue or sew small multi-colored buttons over the entire surface of this lampshade. Similar actions can be carried out with curtains.

Creative get-togethers with children is quite an exciting gameplay., which will help to convey to the child new and useful knowledge and strengthen the emotional connection of the baby with adults. The main thing is to constantly encourage and motivate the baby, praise and cheer him up.

How to make a beautiful flower pot out of buttons, see the next video.