Making crafts from seeds
![Making crafts from seeds](
Crafts from seeds are an obligatory part of children's teaching about technological work. As soon as the child reaches the age of safe interaction with such small material, you can try to make thematic applications with him. It is also useful for the development of fine motor skills. However, adults are also happy to make crafts, paintings, panels and other types of work from seeds.
Making animals and birds
There are several levels of complexity of crafts: from elementary flat appliqués to volumetric shapes, which are not easy for a child to create without the help of an adult.
Seed chicken - a simple master class.
- For work, you need sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, light plasticine and PVA glue. You will also need plasticine of other colors; a comb, beard, beak and eyes are made from it in advance.
- Then the body, the body of the bird, is formed from white plasticine (it will take a lot). This is the head and torso with a tail bent upwards.
- The body is covered with PVA glue - a continuous layer. Then you can make the chicken plumage. Its base will be made up of black sunflower seeds, but the wings and tail will be made of pumpkin seeds.
- Further, the figure is supplemented with eyes, beak, comb and beard, molded from plasticine in advance.
Such a cool volumetric craft is obtained quite quickly and simply.
Other cool ideas for kids.
- Owl. The eyes are made of sunflower flowers, the legs are made of ordinary flowers (chrysanthemum, daisies). Whole seeds are used to form the body, and the wings and head are made from peeled.
- Goat. Applique with an expressive ethnic motif, made of different seeds and cereals.A cardboard figure of a goat is glued onto the background, along the contour of which the seeds are laid out on glue and laid out. Small leaves, beans, and ash seeds (sometimes called "noses") can also be used in such crafts.
- Stork. A simple idea, and therefore even older preschoolers can handle it. Instead of a stork, you can make a heron according to the same principle. It is proposed to supplement the elements of the craft with plasticine. You will need black sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
- Duck. Very beautiful, delicate work done on a decorative plate. For its production, in addition to seeds, you can use rice (dark and light), as well as plants.
- Cockerel. The burlap applique is made up of various seeds, as well as beans and lentils.
- A large panel with two birds. Burlap can also become the background, and even the frame is made of seeds. Two birds on a floral background look like an illustration for a folk tale.
The format of the work, size, background can be adjusted at the discretion of the author. Ideally, these applications should be behind glass.
How to make autumn appliques?
At competitions and exhibitions in kindergarten and primary school, they are often asked to make crafts or applications on the theme of "Golden Autumn". An example of such work is described below: a child can do each step with his own hands, with minimal parental help. For crafts you will need: cardboard for the base (or thick paper), pumpkin seeds, colored paper, paints, brushes, water in a glass, scissors.
Manufacturing stages.
- You can start right away with the background and frame design. You can simply take a thick sheet of colored paper and glue a smaller white sheet on it - this will form a frame. The background can remain white, or you can take an old toothbrush, ruler, paints and spray fill the background.
- Pumpkin seeds should be well dried.
- The trunk of a tree can be drawn or cut out of brown colored paper. Now on sale they sell paper with different decorative effects: metallized, corrugated, velvet, printed, with sequins. For barrel decoration, such paper will come in handy.
- The pumpkin seeds will have to be colored first. To do this, they need to be laid out on a sheet of paper (you can on a newspaper) and each one should be painted by hand. However, instead of brushes, you can easily use a sponge to make things go faster. The colored seeds should be allowed to dry.
- You can start attaching leaves, that is, colored seeds, to the glued tree trunk (or drawn). Children work with PVA glue.
- And to make the craft even more cute, you can glue a figurine of a hedgehog or chanterelle below near the tree. They can be printed and cut in advance. Or you can ask your parents to draw an animal.
The child does all the stages in this work himself. But he needs good and safe scissors, time and lack of rush.
Another option is a hedgehog, which is made from sunflower seeds and buckwheat. To make it, you will also need: a base (can be rectangular, can be round) made of thick cardboard, PVA glue, a pencil, a ruler, scissors. You will also need white rice.
How to make an applique with a hedgehog.
- A template of the future hero is drawn on white paper, which then needs to be cut along the contour.
- The cut template is fixed to the cardboard.
- The elements of the picture must be filled in turn. The right place is smeared with glue, cereal is poured onto it. These will be mushrooms on the thorns of a hedgehog - buckwheat and rice.
- Then spikes are made from black sunflower seeds. The surface is preliminarily greased with glue.
- The hedgehog should stand on the ground, which means that a small "island" underneath should be laid out with buckwheat.
- White areas that have not been glued can be sketched with colored pencils.
In order for the applique to have a frame, a sheet of cardboard must be glued onto a larger colored sheet.
How to make flowers?
Bouquets of seeds are also very interesting.
10 impressive "seed" bouquets and more.
- Bulky flowers from pumpkin seeds, twine and burlap are an idea for a large family craft.
- A simple bouquet of seeds painted with gouache (sometimes they are also varnished).
- Topiary from seeds, as well as pistachio shells - an idea for children over 10 years old.
- Ears with flowers are a good theme for an uncomplicated children's applique. Parents may end up varnishing the work.
- Seeds, it turns out, "get along" well with pasta. Such unromantic things make cute compositions on the theme of the harvest.
- The seeds in the applique can be combined with other plants, with dried flowers, for example.
- Compositions in a circle are still popular, and the patterns in them can be ornamental or fantasy.
- Professional painting from seeds is a much more difficult task, but you can take an idea as a basis and try to lay such a mosaic.
- Another cool idea for serious work from professionals - with this there is every chance of winning in a school show.
- Inside the pumpkin flowers there may be a buckwheat core. You can use a culinary skewer instead of a stem. As a vase - an ordinary jar wrapped in a neutral-colored cloth, tied with twine. An excellent craft in the eco-boho style.
Seeds mix well with cereals, so you can put them together, combining different sizes, textures, colors.
More ideas
Paintings and crafts using natural materials are made from the most unexpected elements. For example, to make a voluminous hedgehog as natural as possible, an avocado fruit bone is used as its basis. Already on top of the bone, plasticine is glued, in which small seeds will be kept.
Some helpful tips:
- even in the summer, you can collect and dry seeds - especially in the season of watermelon and melon, do not forget to do this;
- it is not necessary that the hero of children's crafts should be animals, insects, birds - even a small child can lay out a beautiful ornament from seeds;
- seeds are perfectly combined in crafts with other gifts of nature - tree bark, flowers dried in semolina (acacia, lilac), with dried fruit peel;
- even small vegetable seeds for planting (cucumber, for example) are also used in creativity.
If it seems that nothing difficult can be done, and simple ideas cannot compete with the crafts of other participants in the exhibition, you need to look for a compromise.
For example, to make a musical craft with seeds - it will be based on an old record.
The pattern should be thought out in advance, it should not be laid out impromptu. With the help of a compass on the plate, it is necessary to mark the lines of the circles in which the seeds will be laid out. You can move from the center to the edges. This work is very simple, the only requirement for it is accuracy. Instead of grains, you can take peeled sunflower seeds, which, together with pumpkin seeds, make up a floral pattern. Brown beans, not very large, will complement the work. From above, the composition can be varnished.
Also, do not be afraid to supplement the work from natural materials with paper, fabric, buttons, beads, beads, if this corresponds to the concept of the craft. Interesting experiments!
For information on how to make a picture of pumpkin seeds with your own hands, see the next video.