Crafts from egg trays

Egg trays are great material for creativity... Most people just throw them away after cooking. But if you learn how to use empty containers correctly, you can make a large number of original and useful things in everyday life from them.

How to make flowers?
Egg packaging is often used to make flowers of various shapes and sizes. They can be a great interior decoration or a gift for a loved one.
Simple bouquet
Making a bouquet of simple flowers with your own hands is very simple.... For this, the tray is first cut into individual cells. The edges of each of them need to be carefully trimmed. Using sharp scissors, a small flower with four petals is cut from each cell. All of them must be interconnected.

These simple blanks can be painted in any suitable color. For coloring, it is best to use gouache or acrylic paint. The metal wire stem should be wrapped in green corrugated paper. The middle of the flower should be carefully pierced with a large needle or awl. This will make it easier to secure the bud to the stem. The attachment point can be decorated with beads or beads. They are attached to the base of the flower with glue.
The bouquet can be tied with a colored ribbon or placed in a papier-mâché vase. This craft looks very beautiful.

Panel of tulips
A panel made of scrap materials is no less decorative. The process of creating such a composition includes several steps.
To begin with, the base of the panel must be painted in a suitable color. You can use a wide brush or sponge for this.

- Separate cells are cut from egg trays.

- Each of them should be carefully trimmed. A flower with four petals will look pretty cute. The blanks can be painted in any color.

- The stems for the future bouquet are made from a variety of materials at hand. To create them, corrugated paper, yarn or colored cords are used.

- The blanks of egg trays, like the stems, are attached to the top of the panel. The middle of each flower can be decorated with a button or a small circle of soft felt.

When the panel is ready, you must wait until it is completely dry. You can decorate such a craft with a simple plain bow.

Making a caterpillar
One of the simplest crafts for kids is an egg-box caterpillar. To create it, the child will need:
cardboard egg tray;
scissors and a stationery knife;
paint and brush;
colored paper.

From one egg tray, two blanks are obtained at once. For this, the cardboard base must be cut into two equal parts. It is best to do this with a sharp utility knife. Pressed cardboard can be scattered when using scissors.

Before painting, the desktop must be covered with oilcloth or newspaper. Each cell is colored green. It is best to use gouache for this purpose. This paint has the desired thickness and density. But watercolor has to be applied to the cell surface in several layers. This is the only way to achieve a bright and saturated color.

When the workpiece is dry, you can start decorating it. To decorate the caterpillar, parts made of colored paper and thin pieces of metal wire are used.

More ideas
Egg trays can be not only beautiful, but also practical.
Even small children can make such a craft with their own hands. The bright paper garland can be used to decorate your home for a birthday or any other holiday. All that is needed for such a craft is egg trays, thread, gouache and a twig or any other attachment. The process of creating such a decoration consists of several stages.
First, the egg containers need to be cut into separate cells.
The edges of each should be carefully sharpened using scissors.
Bend the resulting corners slightly.
The workpieces must be painted with gouache or acrylic paint. The paint layer should be fairly dense. It is better not to use watercolor in this case.
Each of these flowers must be pierced with a needle or awl.
After that, the flowers are strung on a dense thread or twine.
Finished garlands must be attached to a branch painted in a suitable color.

You can use this decoration to decorate any room. It is worth noting that such a garland is reusable. After the holiday, it is put into the box until the next event.

Photo frame
At home, you can create a beautiful frame. We offer a master class on creating such a craft.
The base for the frame is cut out of a thick piece of cardboard.
From the cut out cells from the eggs, it is necessary to form blanks for flowers. Their edges need to be twisted slightly.
To create one color, 2-3 parts are connected together with glue.
The color shade can be left as it is. But most often they are covered with paint and also decorated with sparkles.
The finished flowers are carefully glued onto the frame prepared in advance.

This craft can be decorated with beads, rhinestones or felt sheets.
Egg trays can also be used to create a variety of toys. The child will definitely like the figurine made in the form of a small chicken. The process of its creation is as follows:
first, you need to cut out two cells from a cardboard container;
each of these details must be well painted over;
on the front of the figure, you need to draw the eyes and beak;
both parts adhere well to each other, pressing tightly against each other.

To decorate such a craft, you can use autumn natural materials, paper or beads. Using the same scheme, figurines of fish, penguins and other cute animals are also made from cardboard trays. They look unusual and cute.

Papier mache
Empty egg trays are often used to craft papier-mâché products as well. To prepare the mass, you need to take a cardboard container, one and a half glasses of hot water and thick glue. Preparing the basis for crafts is quite simple.
To begin with, the egg tray must be torn or cut into small pieces.
They must be filled with hot water. It should completely cover the torn paper.
When the water has completely cooled down, it must be carefully drained.
The pulp must be ground with a hand blender. A powerful mixer can also be used instead.
After that, the product must be passed through a colander or sieve.
The paper lump must be transferred to an empty bowl and mixed with PVA glue. The mass should be homogeneous. It is best to work with it with special gloves.
This product can be used to make vases, bowls, decorative figures and other decorative items. They come out neat and durable.

The process of making egg trays crafts can be fun for both kids and adults. Therefore, an evening spent on creating original bouquets or decor items will definitely not be wasted.

For information on what else to make from egg trays, see the video.