How to make a "Hedgehog" craft from seeds?

Children are very fond of making a variety of crafts. The most interesting activity is making adorable animals. Funny and cute characters can be made from the most simple and available materials. In this article we will tell you how you can make an attractive Hedgehog craft from ordinary seeds.

Applique making
Making a cute Hedgehog craft from seeds can be a task a child gets in school or kindergarten. Most often, such things are made in the autumn theme. There are many different instructions and diagrams on how to make an adorable forest animal using seeds. One of the most affordable, but no less fun, crafts is beautiful applique.
The child will be able to make a beautiful applique on a cardboard or paper base with his own hands without unnecessary difficulties. In carrying out such creative work, as a rule, there are no problems. To get the desired results, young masters will need to carry out certain manipulations.

Let's consider a detailed procedure.
- At the first stage, you will need to prepare a layout for the future hedgehog.
- You need to take a sheet of white (or colored) cardboard, on which you need to draw a hedgehog figurine.
- When preparing the drawing of the animal, you should make the contours clearer and more accurate.
- A sketch of a forest animal can not be drawn, but printed on thick paper using a printer.
- Next, the back of the drawn or printed image of the hedgehog will need to be covered with plasticine. The child can choose the color of the plastic material at his discretion, but one of the shades of brown will be more natural.
- The next step is to prepare watermelon or pumpkin seeds. They must be dry and clean, with no pulp residues on the surface.
- The seeds will need to be carefully inserted into the plasticine back of the hedgehog. These details should resemble needles.
- To shape the muzzle of a forest dweller, you will need to take a little more plasticine mass. From it it will turn out to prepare the mouth, nose and eyes of the animal.
- As an original decor, berries or mushrooms, molded from plasticine mass of the corresponding colors, can be attached to the prickly back of the hedgehog.
- The finished beautiful composition can be additionally varnished, or decorated in other interesting ways.
This application is surprisingly simple, but it turns out to be very elegant. Instead of seeds from a watermelon or pumpkin, it is possible to use various cereals (for example, buckwheat), sunflower seeds or other similar elements.
To make the muzzle look brighter and more attractive, you can glue a neat piece of brown colored paper to it, and attach your eyes and nose to it.

How to make with dough?
The child will definitely be fascinated by the creation of an original craft from seeds and salted dough. From these components, chic homemade products are obtained that look interesting, bright and naturalistic. In addition, the dough can serve as an excellent substitute for ordinary plasticine.
To make an attractive and neat craft, you first need to make salted dough. It will be prepared from the components listed below:
- flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
- salt - ½ cup;
- water - ¼ glass;
- vegetable oil - ½ tbsp. l .;
- PVA glue - 1.5 tbsp. l.
All of the listed ingredients are combined in a separate bowl of sufficient volume. One should start to make a single mass with bulk components. Next, the dough will need to be kneaded well. This should be done for at least 15 minutes. The consistency should be uniform. Salt crystals should not stand out from the total test mass.

Now let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for making an autumn "Hedgehog" craft from dough and seeds.
- From the finished dough, you will need to form the body of the future prickly animal.
- Further, seeds will need to be attached to the prepared torso from the dough. They are inserted with a sharp tip inward. To make the fixation more reliable and strong, it is advisable to use a PVA adhesive solution.
- The seeds should be fixed almost over the entire surface of the back of the future hedgehog. Only the pointed end of the base should remain unfilled as it will serve as a muzzle.
- At the final stage, it will be necessary to select the nose of the animal from the tips of the matches. The nose can be molded from black plasticine. You can decorate a very beautiful craft at your discretion.
For example, plasticine berries or mushrooms attached to seed needles will look good.

Other seed craft ideas
The child can take advantage of other fascinating workshops on making a charming forest animal using seeds. Attractive crafts can come from combining these ingredients with a plastic bottle, potatoes, pear, and more. Below we will analyze in more detail how you can make a hedgehog from these components.

From the bottle
Young craftsmen will definitely be keen on making cool "Hedgehog" crafts using seeds and a plastic bottle. For these purposes, you will need to prepare:
- a plastic bottle (it must be cleaned of all labels and remnants of the glue to which they were attached);
- gypsum;
- universal adhesive solution or hot melt glue;
- seeds;
- paints or gouache.

If all of the listed components have been found and prepared, it is worth starting to create the craft.
- So that the body of the future prickly animal does not come out too long, the plastic bottle should be cut in half at the first stages. The resulting parts must be inserted into each other and securely fixed with an adhesive solution.
- The next step involves preparing gypsum diluted with water. The mass obtained as a result of these actions will need to be thoroughly smeared on the base-body. It is recommended to do this not in 1, but in 2 layers.
- Now you can start fixing the needles-seeds on the back of the animal. For this, it is recommended to use a thermal gun. It is recommended to work with this device either by adults or under their careful supervision to avoid accidental injury and burns.
- When the needles-seeds will completely cover the required part of the animal's body, you should begin to design its face.
The finished voluminous homemade product can be supplemented with autumn leaves, apples, mushrooms or cones. A very elegant creative composition on the theme "Autumn" can come out with such decorations.

With potatoes
In kindergartens, vegetables are often used to make various crafts. For example, a cute "Hedgehog" can be obtained if you use seeds and potatoes. To make such an unusual thorny animal on your own, you will need to stock up on:
- potato tubers (it is recommended to choose a vegetable that has an oval structure, since it is closer to the shape of the hedgehog's body);
- seeds;
- plasticine mass (plasticine can be both simple and soft);
- several toothpicks;
- with a simple pencil.

We will illuminate a step-by-step master class on making "Hedgehog" from seeds and potatoes.
- First, you need to properly prepare the potatoes for modeling crafts. The vegetable should be very well rinsed and dried, after which markings should be prepared on its surface using a pencil. It is necessary to note the places where the future needles-seeds will be located.
- After that, starting from the marked lines, you will need to make small cuts. The seeds should be inserted into them so that their point is directed downward. It is advisable to place improvised needles as close to each other as possible.
- Having filled in most of the potato, it is worth moving on to the design of the animal's face. It is necessary to make a nose, eyes, ears from plasticine mass.
- You can complete the original autumn craft thanks to a variety of decorative elements.
In order to model a truly attractive and neat forest dweller, it is imperative to use only fresh potatoes. The tuber must be in perfect condition.
The presence of traces of rot, mold or dents is excluded. Only an untidy and very short-lived craft can be made from a rotten or damaged vegetable, which will soon begin to smell unpleasant.

With plasticine
The easiest way to model a hedgehog is from a combination of seeds and plasticine mass. Even the smallest masters will be able to cope with such creative work. For all creative manipulations, it is recommended to use only high-quality branded plasticine from a well-known manufacturer.
You should not immediately buy a sculptural variety for your child, as it is unnecessarily tough. It will be extremely difficult for a novice master to work with it.

Let's get acquainted with the correct course of work on modeling an attractive plasticine hedgehog with seed needles.
- You will first need to take the plasticine mass. It is recommended to use snow-white or brown plastic material. It should form a base-body for the animal. You will need to make a slight sharpening at one end. A muzzle with all the necessary elements will be formed on this site.
- The next step is to take the seeds. They should be attached to the back of the future hedgehog.It is advisable to insert seeds with a sharp tip down. Most of the body of the craft should be covered with improvised needles.
- At the final stage, the child will need to devote time to the design of the hedgehog's face. It is necessary to roll balls out of black plasticine, which will play the role of a nose and eyes. They are stuck in the appropriate places.
As in all the cases discussed above, such an interesting children's craft can be decorated in a variety of ways. It is worth entrusting this step to the child. Let the little master independently choose how best to decorate the plasticine inhabitant of the forest.

With pear
A child can make a very original craft using seeds and a ripe pear. It is very easy and simple to work with these components. In many ways, the scheme of actions will repeat the work with the use of potatoes.
Let's divide into stages the process of modeling a thrifty animal using seeds and pears.
- The pear itself has a structure similar to the shape of a hedgehog's body. The narrowed part, to which the twig is attached, can play the role of a muzzle.
- To make the craft more stable, you will need to trim the pear a little in the area of the animal's tummy. After that, it will stand firmly on level surfaces, and not roll from side to side.
- The pear will definitely need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Try not to leave the fruit wet, as this will not be able to attach all the other necessary parts to it.
- As soon as the base-body of the future animal is fully prepared, you can proceed to its more detailed design. First of all, it is advisable to fix the needles on the back of the animal.
- You can attach seeds in different ways. If there is such an opportunity, they can be thrust into the pear with a sharp tip inward, or they can be planted on an adhesive composition. Of course, the first method will be much more reliable, because thanks to it, the seeds will hold much stronger and more stable, they will not fall out.
- The seeds must be fixed over the entire surface of the pear base. To make these parts easier and easier to insert, you can first make many small cuts under them using a small sharp knife. It is not necessary to make cuts that are too wide and deep, since the seeds will be held weaker in them.
- When the entire back of the craft is filled with seeds, you will need to proceed to the design of the hedgehog's face. At this stage, the child can fully express his imagination and use a variety of materials that seem the most interesting.
- Nice little eyes can come from black peppercorns, cloves, or tiny seeds from other fruits. Similar components will make an excellent nose, fixed at the very tip of the elongated base of the body.
- The hedgehog will turn out to be pretty, the eyes and nose of which are molded from high-quality plasticine mass.

The finished animal will surely please the child. The main thing is to use exclusively fresh pear. In no case should the fruit be too soft, with "hints" of spoilage or staleness. From a poor-quality base, it will not be possible to make a beautiful craft that looks neat.
The finished pear hedgehog can be decorated in various ways. A layer of transparent varnish will look very nice on the surface of the seed needles. Thanks to this, the animal will shine elegantly, attracting attention to itself.

To learn how to make a cute hedgehog from seeds with your own hands, see the next video.