How to make a hedgehog from a vegetable marrow?

Some vegetables can be used not only as healthy foods, but also for making crafts. In this regard, zucchini is a multifaceted material.
A lesson on turning a vegetable into a hedgehog can be offered even to a baby. Any such craft will be a good reason for the development of his perception of the world and imagination.

Material preparation
Making a hedgehog from a vegetable marrow with your own hands is a snap. The animals turn out to be very unusual and funny. Autumn is the most fertile time to try such activities in practice. Zucchini harvest season offers this vegetable in different sizes and colors - from light green to rich green.
It has been a long tradition to hold exhibitions of handicrafts made from vegetables in autumn. And it is the zucchini that often takes the lead at such events as the main material.
He has a lot of obvious advantages.
- It is very cheap.
- Unpretentious in work, easy to handle.
- Its flesh does not darken on the cut like a potato. The fruit can be used not only as a whole, but also cut into pieces.
- The structure of the squash is moderately firm and pliable, but not firm. These are the characteristics that are ideal for carving vegetables.
Smooth marrows with an intact surface are suitable for making crafts.
From ordinary zucchini, original crafts are obtained for a competition in a school or kindergarten. To do this, you just have to fantasize a little, show perseverance and pick up vegetables that are visually suitable in size and appearance.

To make a cute and original zucchini hedgehog, you can use everything that is at hand.
For needles: matches, cotton swabs, toothpicks, skewers, seeds, spruce twigs and cones.
For decor: plasticine, acorns, berries, small vegetables, coffee beans, beads, buttons and everything that your imagination tells you.
A plastic cookie sheet or a cardboard counterpart from under sweets will also come in handy. And also real or paper autumn leaves.

Required tools
As for the tools, these are ordinary office supplies like scissors, glue, a stack, or a stationery knife. Sharp objects should only be handled under adult supervision.

Manufacturing options
We offer several master classes that will tell you step by step how you can make a hedgehog from a vegetable marrow.
With toothpicks
A small hedgehog from a vegetable marrow with apples-berries on thorns from toothpicks looks cute.
To create it you will need:
- 1 visually suitable courgette
- large berries to imitate apples.
From berries for crafts, viburnum, rosehip or mountain ash are suitable. You can string mushrooms and more on thorns. Three cherries are useful to design the eyes and nose of a vegetable animal. They are quite capable of replacing grapes, plums or three black olives. Forest dweller's legs are best made from potatoes. Toothpicks are used for needles.

First you need to prepare a picturesque natural bedding for the squash hedgehog. He will sit comfortably on an impromptu clearing of fallen leaves and spruce branches.
Next, you need to place the hedgehog right in the middle of the clearing, and do the design of the eyes and nose.
The legs must first be cut from the raw potato tuber. Now the hedgehog looks like a real one, and it is much more interesting to work with him.
Create a needle back from pointed toothpicks.
Cooked berries and mushrooms should be put on sharp "needles", and you can also put whole branches of berries.
The remains of the material (mushrooms, berries, etc.) should be spread out in the meadow so that the thrifty hedgehog will later return for them. After all, he prepares in the most thorough way for winter.
All that remains is to call the hedgehog some cute name - and present to the audience at the harvest festival. All adults and children will be delighted. With such an animal, you will certainly want to take a picture and take it home with you. Or do the same yourself.
If the celebration of the harvest is not planned, but there is a trip out of town for barbecue, such a hedgehog will definitely come in handy as a present to the owners of the house. They can be used to decorate the table as a symbol of autumn. Such an unusual present will give you a good mood.

With plasticine and spaghetti
Place the courgette on a flat dish. Stick equal pieces of spaghetti into the back area.
Next, you need to take brown plasticine and roll a small diameter ball out of it for the hedgehog's head. Make a smaller ball for the nose.
Attach the head to the vegetable. Attach a nose and two buttons - eyes to the plasticine head.
Form all kinds of mushrooms, red apples and orange carrots from different pieces of plasticine.
Tape all fruits and carrots onto spaghetti spines.
So the hedgehog is ready with the gifts of autumn: mushrooms and a supply of vegetables and fruits.

With seeds
Zucchini hedgehog with sunflower seeds is an interesting combination of edible natural materials. The spines will be sunflower seeds, which, due to their black color, are as similar as possible to the cover of the back of the animal.
For the craft, you need to pick up an oblong zucchini, it is better if it is with a stalk. It will be easy to form a nose from it.
It remains to glue the paper eyes (you can use cardboard).

Prepare the required number of seeds. You can attach them to the back in different ways.
- Glue the zucchini to the skin with hot melt glue.
- Attach with plasticine.
- Put raw seeds on toothpicks, and stick them into the pulp of the vegetable.
This design of the "prickly coat" of the animal looks very interesting and decorates the finished craft.
Instead of seeds, acorns or plasticine can be glued to the zucchini base, but this will be a completely different type of craft in the form of a hedgehog.
Seeds can be taken elongated or pumpkin... Any of their types will work fine to create a prickly hedgehog. If desired, pumpkin seeds can be dyed black. This will complicate the work, but it will be more interesting for the children.

With pine branches
Such a hedgehog will turn out to be completely green. To make it, you will need a supply of natural materials: cones, coniferous twigs, thorns from a Christmas tree.
Take a small zucchini. Make holes in it with a toothpick. Insert pine (spruce) needles into them.
The denser you place the needles, the thicker the fur coat you will get a hedgehog.
Make the nose and eyes of the animal from dark plasticine. Attach a pea of black pepper, a bead or one spice clove on the plasticine.
The fur coat of the animal can also be made from pine needles, simply by gently inserting them into the flesh of the zucchini. The hedgehog can be placed "standing" or in a natural, horizontal position.

With cones
First you need to arrange the bow of the zucchini craft. Small areas can be decorated last, and large areas should be covered as much as possible.
To do this, you need to prepare a dozen cones of different diameters. In addition, some of the "scales" on the buds can be trimmed to fit better.
Once the bumps cover the entire base, it's time to start decorating the craft. To do this, you will need several chestnuts, acorns, rowan twigs, autumn leaves. They need to fill the existing voids between the cones. Such an addition will also advantageously decorate the craft, making it more spectacular.

With matches
Place the prepared zucchini in the middle of the clearing. It can be laid out from dry leaves, or using paper foliage.
To make a hedgehog small eyes, a round nose. Make the animal's legs from a raw potato, cutting it into pieces, or sculpt it out of plasticine.
Such an animal looks almost like a real one, and now it is more interesting to work with it.
Use toothpicks to attach eyes to him, cut out or paint a good-natured smile.
Now we have to do the most routine part of the work - add the needles. Put matches on the back, and fix mushrooms and berries on them, you can also small leaves.
Working with matches develops fine motor skills and perseverance in children. But preschoolers should play with matches under the supervision of adults!
It is important to remember that this is a fire hazardous item, and not just parts of the craft.

With grapes
You will need grapes of any kind and a pack of toothpicks. You can replace this material with thin and long bamboo skewers. Or choose plastic counterparts.
Such a hedgehog can be safely served on the table as a fruit dessert. Especially if you add strawberries, kiwi slices, pineapple cubes and other fruits or berries to the skewers.
Children are happy to undertake the task of planting grapes on sticks. It is advisable to supervise the kids, since the work is carried out with pointed objects.

And also a zucchini hedgehog can be with needles on which olives or olives are strung. This is already a classic snack serving. But it is quite suitable for the competition. And if it is already decided to serve it to the table, load the hedgehog with slices of cheese, ham, mushrooms and cucumbers. You can stuff the zucchini. This should be done with a baked vegetable. But make sure that it does not become too soft, otherwise the needles on the hedgehog will not stick.

Next, watch a video on how you can make a hedgehog from natural materials.