Variety of crafts for the Day of the educator

A huge variety of crafts for the Day of the Educator has already been invented. Therefore, deciding what to do in kindergarten with your own hands on the topic of Preschool Worker's Day is not too easy, it is important to take into account the advice of experts. It is necessary to pay special attention to the most light, but pleasant gifts for the holiday.

Postcard options
Everyone who goes to kindergarten should give its employees gifts to delight and express gratitude for all the efforts they make. The easiest way to do this is to create your own My Beloved Educator postcards. The base is made of white cardboard. It is advisable to select and print a background for the created picture.

Possible options:
congratulations between sunflower parts;
smiling children's faces (stylized);
homemade drawing in the theme.

A master class on making a postcard for the Day of the Teacher in the video below.
How to make a bouquet?
From sweets
Such a composition for the Day of the preschool worker is performed easily:
cut off the wire, make a "leg";
foil or corrugated paper is wound on it;
wrapping sweets in foil;
fix it in place;
pack the prepared products in ordinary flower paper;
decorate the assembly at your own discretion and taste.

From paper
It is very simple to make various flowers out of paper as well. For example, cornflowers, tulips or a bouquet made using the kusudama technique.
In addition to the options considered, you can start making:

Let it be decided to make lilies. Then you need:
cut paper blanks 15x15 cm;
fold a flower out of paper;
repeat the same procedure with the next several copies;
roll the paper into a rod (cylinder);
fix the stems to the bases of the flowers;
put it all in a vase.

Working with gladioli involves the use of crepe paper. A very small piece is enough. The tape is wound on the base and attached to the wire.
The same operations are performed in turn with the following buds. Flowers must be created immediately with a specific pattern.
More ideas
Flowers and postcards, of course, are good holiday gifts. However, monotonous presentations from the whole group at once can have a rather depressing effect. Especially when the same thing is repeated every year. But there is a way out - to take a closer look at various options for interesting original surprises, which can be both collective and donated on their own behalf. A good option is a basket with artificial flowers.

The basket is done like this:
line the cardboard;
3 short strips are stapled to a long thick section;
wrap the very first strip and attach its free end to a long segment;
repeat these manipulations with the second and third stripes;
completing the creation of the composition, joining the last fragments with a stapler;
a beautiful basket handle is formed from a long thin strip.

One of the best crafts for the Day of the educator from parents and their children has long been recognized as a cookie or other confection with congratulations. True, this option cannot be called easy - it is associated with noticeable hassle and work. You can combine a similar idea with previous ideas, for example - presenting an edible gift in a homemade basket. You can also pick up various unusual delicacies by decorating them with your own hands, again, in the same baskets.

There are also such options:
hand-painted porcelain sets or figurines;
gift bells, painted with images on the theme of the holiday;
painted plates and cups;
crockery carved from wood;
volumetric drawings from plasticine on cardboard;
embroidery and lace;
homemade fabric phone cases;
autumn-style leaf portraits - some of them are so graceful that they may even be shown in an exhibition;
knitted toys;
congratulatory newspapers with thematic and personal photographs (it is very good if they are made explicitly by hand, without computers and printers);
vintage-look pots (or made from old things).