We make a mass for modeling with our own hands

Thrifty parents know: the mass for sculpting in a house with children is spent at an incredible speed - it is not surprising that many are thinking about how to make it at home with their own hands. The composition of such a product will definitely turn out to be safe for a child, therefore, in the course of creative mums and dads, you can usually find the simplest recipes with putty, from starch and other improvised materials. Details on how to obtain a self-hardening and universal mass will help make the first experience of its manufacture successful even for a beginner in creativity.

How to make with flour?
Almost all recipes for modeling mass involve the use of flour in the composition. The ready-made mass for modeling, created by hand, turns out to be plastic, it is well stored in a bag in the refrigerator. One batch is enough for 2 weeks of active sculpting.
To make the mixture, take 160 g of flour, 125 ml of warm water, vegetable oil in a volume of 25 ml, 80 g of coarse salt. Dyes, if the mass is colored, are also purchased and prepared separately.

The work process is step by step.
- Pour water into a container, put on fire and bring to a boil.
- Mix all dry ingredients, add oil.
- Stir gently into boiling water.
- Having achieved a spherical shape from the mixture, the fire is turned off.
- The resulting mass is spread on a board sprinkled with flour. Cool down.
- The cooled mass is kneaded until it becomes elastic.
The finished mixture is put into an airtight bag, placed down in the refrigerator chamber so as not to freeze.

Starch recipes
A versatile home sculpting mass is easily created from ingredients found in a cupboard in every kitchen.A glass of starch and 500 g of baking soda can easily make a safe, tactilely pleasant mixture for children to play with. The same ingredients that are used in cooking will help to tint the mass.
You can even use beet juice or blueberry juice to make toning completely eco-friendly.

Here is the procedure for making a sculpting mass.
- Mix dry ingredients. It is important that the soda and starch become a homogeneous mass.
- Place them in a saucepan or stewpan, put on fire, adding a little water.
- Stir the dough while cooking. Water can be added as needed.
- When the mixture reaches a spherical shape, it is removed from the container, sent to cool on a cutting table.
- The cooled ball is kneaded by hand until it stops sticking to the palms.

When choosing starch for making the mass from which the child will sculpt, it is worth giving preference to corn starch.
It gives the mixture great plasticity, makes it pleasant to the touch. In the absence of cornstarch, potato starch will work as well, but it has a coarser texture initially.

Putty options
Children love to save their crafts. A self-hardening sculpting mass will easily help them in this. It is made from a mixture of culinary and building ingredients. The main feature of such compositions can be called the fact that the mass turns out to be solidified, hardening in air - it does not require baking or drying with heat. Any kid's craft can be easily saved.

A set of basic ingredients for making a homemade alternative to plasticine will look like this:
- starch - 1 glass;
- fine-grained dry putty 200-250 g;
- glycerin - 3 drops;
- citric acid on the tip of a knife;
- PVA glue - 1250 ml.

Such a mass is prepared for modeling in a slightly different way than all its other options. All ingredients are placed in a fairly deep and spacious container. Mix with a wooden spatula or spoon. It is important for the dough to gradually acquire a uniform consistency. After the mass is sufficiently compacted, you can begin to knead it with your hands.
To do this, the mixture is placed on a board, hands are lubricated with cosmetic oil or fat cream. The "dough" is thoroughly kneaded until it is completely elastic and homogeneous. After that, it will be enough to put it in a bag for storage. Small pieces of mass are taken for sculpting, the rest is sent for storage. It is worth considering that the dough may have a specific adhesive smell.

Paper based mass
Modeling masks, figurines, Christmas tree decorations will become easier if you use a special mass in the process of creativity. It is a bit like papier-mâché in composition, it allows you to ensure the safety of creativity for the child. In the work, the master will need a polymer mosquito net, latex or oil-glue putty in the amount of 15 tbsp. l., 15 ml each of PVA glue and dishwashing detergent (can be replaced with liquid soap). And also in creating the base, they use hard toilet paper (at least 3 rolls) or strong trays made of cardboard for eggs.

Let's analyze the manufacturing process.
- Divide toilet paper / trays into small pieces. Pour the resulting mass with hot water, knead until it looks like a dough, similar to sour cream.
- Strain the mass through a net attached to a bucket or saucepan along the sides. It is important to act gradually, without haste. The mass is drained in small portions, wrung out.
- The collected pulp is placed in a blender bowl. It is ground to a state of fibrous groats.
- Transfer the resulting base to a clean container. Mix with the rest of the ingredients. If the composition turns out to be sticky, it is worth increasing the amount of dish soap or liquid soap. Too loose mass is corrected with PVA glue.

This modeling mass is convenient because it is easily restored after drying. It is enough just to soak the composition in water. This is convenient if you want to have some creative headroom.In addition, finished products can be easily painted, which is important when making masks or decorative elements.

How can you paint the mass?
The modeling mass is usually rather faded in color, reminiscent of putty. To fix this problem, to make the composition more attractive to the child, you can use additional ingredients. The easiest way to tint is with a food coloring of the desired shade. But it can give color to the palms, which is not very pleasant.

It is much easier to use natural substances that also do a good job with these tasks. Among them:
- cocoa, which gives a chocolate shade;
- turmeric for yellow color;
- cherry juice - for red;
- blackcurrant - for a purple tone.

You can think of many options, and mixtures with such dyes will be completely safe for babies from 2-3 years old. You can add them to the composition at any convenient time - both at the beginning of cooking and at the kneading stage.

You can find out how to make a mass for sculpting with your own hands at home by watching the following video.