Crafts on the theme "Cipollino"

Making crafts from different materials is a very exciting and useful activity for both children and adults. In the process of such creative work, creative thinking is revealed, imagination develops, and fine motor skills improve. Each parent has more than once faced a task for a child - to make a craft on a topic for a school or kindergarten. The article presents several ideas for making figures of characters from the cartoon about Cipollino.

DIY onion cipollino
Let's start with the main character of this tale. As conceived by the author, her characters appear in the form of fruits and vegetables. Cipollino is known to be an onion. This naughty, restless guy can be made from onions.
You will need some simple materials and stationery tools:
- an onion of a suitable size;
- a small glass of yogurt;
- any flat lid made of thin plastic;
- scissors;
- glue;
- markers;
- decorative "eyes";
- sheet of cardboard.

Choose a slightly sprouted onion so that our Cipollino has a characteristic green tuft.

If you don't have one at hand, then you can put onions in a container with a small amount of water in advance for 1-2 days.

Cut a hole with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm in the bottom of the yogurt glass.
Turn it upside down and glue it to the plastic lid. This will be the body, it will also be the basis for holding the onion head.

We glue the eyes on the bow, and draw other parts of the face with a marker.

Cut out the handles and legs for the character from cardboard. Here you can completely surrender to imagination and creativity, choosing the shape and coloring that you like.
We glue the prepared and painted body parts to the glass. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

A little moistened earth can be poured into an inverted glass through the hole in the bottom. Then the "crest" of the Cipollino craft will grow a little every day.

What else can you do?
You can also use a small decorative pumpkin to create the main character. It is good if the fruit has a peduncle. In this case, you can simply paint it green.
If the pumpkin was cut at the very base, to create a green "whirlwind" on top of it we glue a narrow cone of green paper.
The "face" of the craft can be colored with markers or gouache. Or make an applique for the eye, nose and mouth cut out of paper.

Making other heroes of the fairy tale
Invite your child to make a whole composition based on the work. Let Cipollino be surrounded by other heroes as well.
For example, Radish and Prince Lemon, by analogy with the first of the above methods, can be easily created from a vegetable and a fruit.
And to make the figures more durable (after all, the radish and lemon, unlike the onion, will soon begin to wither and deteriorate), the characters can be cut out of cardboard.
- Prepare in advance sketches of the silhouettes of the selected characters. Decorate and color them to your liking. Cut them along the outline.
- As a base, we will use small tubes with slots at the top.

Roll a small piece of heavy paper or cardboard into a tube and glue it in this position. Use scissors to make small, symmetrical cuts on one side. After the glue has dried and all parts of the craft are decorated, secure the prepared heads of the heroes by inserting them into the slots on the cardboard tubes.

You can also cut out a stencil of the Cherry castle from cardboard or whatman paper., decorating it with decorative details and making appliqués with characters on it.

DIY crafts on the theme of "Cipollino" in the next video.