Applications "Autumn forest"

Creative activities contribute to the all-round development of the child. One of the most popular types of such activities is appliqué making. It develops fine motor skills of hands, teaches children to be diligent. And also promotes the development of creative imagination.
The extraordinary beauty of autumn serves as an inspiration for classes in various types of creativity. The autumn forest, dazzling with a variety of colors and colors, can be a great idea for creating children's applications. Materials for the manufacture of autumn compositions can be colored paper, secondary raw materials, various natural materials.
We offer you some interesting master classes on creating such an autumn applique.

How to make from colored paper?
Every year all kindergartens and schools hold exhibitions dedicated to the theme "Autumn". A great craft idea is to create an autumn forest applique that can be made out of colored paper. The variety of options for making such a picture gives a wide scope for creativity.
One of the simple options is a breakaway or, as it is also called, a torn applique. Its essence lies in the fact that all the objects depicted on it are made from pieces of colored paper that has been finely torn.
Even a kid 6-7 years old can handle such a craft. To make it, you will need the following materials:
a set of colored paper;
glue stick;
black felt-tip pen;
sheets of white paper.

The preparation for the tear-off applique is the production of the basic material - pieces of colored paper.
To do this, take orange and yellow paper, tear it into small pieces of approximately the same size.Do not tear a lot of sheets at once so that there are no extra pieces left, it is better to do this in the process of work.
Now you can start making the applique.
Draw two tree trunks on a sheet of brown paper and cut them out.
Draw a birch trunk on a sheet of white paper, draw black stripes with a black felt-tip pen. We cut out the workpiece.
Draw and cut out clouds from blue paper, as well as a circle from yellow paper.
Separately, draw and cut out green grass and 4 semicircles of brown paper - these will be the caps of future mushrooms. Draw and cut out the mushroom legs on the sheet.
We begin to collect our composition. To do this, glue tree trunks, clouds, sun on a sheet of white paper.
Next, we glue the details of the mushrooms - the legs and caps. Then we fix the grass so that it overlaps our mushrooms a little.
Now we proceed to glue the torn pieces. We try to glue them tightly, leaving almost no gaps.
Draw and cut out the silhouette of a hedgehog on a black sheet of paper. We glue it to our picture.
Now we will cut out the apple, which we will place on the back of the hedgehog. To do this, cut out a small red circle and a green leaf. We glue it on the hedgehog. With a felt-tip pen, draw the tail of the apple.
The application "Autumn forest with mushrooms" is ready.

Another interesting option is making a volumetric composition. To do this, you need to prepare:
a set of colored paper;
sheets of white paper;
glue stick;
black felt-tip pen.

We begin to make a volumetric composition.
We take a white A4 sheet and cut it into 3 parts - these will be birch trunks. Using a black marker, draw vertical strokes around the entire perimeter on 3 blanks.
Densely, with one line, do the same at the bottom of each sheet.

- We twist the blanks into a tube and fix them with glue. There should be three trunks.

- For the background, we take a sheet of paper of light blue color. We glue our trunks onto it.

- Cut the fourth strip into 5 equal segments - branches of birches, and we also apply strokes on them with a black felt-tip pen. We twist them into tubes, cut off one side obliquely and glue them along the tables.

- We make grass from green paper... Cut off the strip and fold it several times. Cut out sharp teeth on one side.

- We unfold the grass, we twirl the blades of grass a little and glue it onto our composition, as shown in the figure.

- For the leaves, we take colored paper of green, orange and yellow colors.... We cut each sheet into strips and fold them several times. After that, we cut out the leaf. We make small cuts along the entire contour of the leaves and bend them a little in half.

- According to this principle, we make leaflets. from each color.

- In any order glue ready-made leaves for trees. The volumetric application "Autumn Forest" is ready!

Making from dry leaves
Crafts using natural materials always look interesting and very beautiful. Therefore, we propose to create an application "Autumn forest", made with dry leaves. This requires the following components:
gouache paint;
thin twigs;
rowan berries;
PVA glue;
Super glue.

Consider the progress of the work.
We collect leaves from different trees in advance. We dry them.
Let's start with the background. Draw the background in gouache on a sheet of white paper.
Next, lay out the trunks and crown of trees from the branches. We glue them on superglue.
Cut dry castings into small pieces of different shapes and sizes.
We place them on the trees, forming foliage. We fix it with PVA glue.
Decorate with rowan berries, fix them with superglue. Our painting of dry leaves is ready!

More ideas
An interesting version of the "Autumn Forest" application can be made from cotton pads.
To do this, you will need the following items:
corrugated cardboard;
a sheet of white paper;
PVA glue;
We prepare our leaflets in advance. To do this, paint the cotton pads with water mixed with paint, which we collect in a pipette.Instruct your child to create foliage, this activity is quite interesting and exciting.
Cut the trunk out of corrugated cardboard and stick it on a white sheet.
We start to deal with foliage. To do this, glue the painted cotton pads around the trunk, placing them on top of each other. A bright autumn tree is ready!

We offer step-by-step instructions for another colorful version of the "Autumn Forest" composition, made with colored paper. You will need the following:
a set of colored paper;
PVA glue;
leaves of trees;
black felt-tip pen;
silver sheet of paper.
Here's how to do it.
Take a blue sheet of paper and cut it in half lengthwise. A dark green leaf will serve as the basis for the applique. Glue the blue half on top.

- Draw a river on a silver sheet and cut it out. Draw and cut out zigzag highlights from the sun on the foil.

- Made of white paper cut out the clouds.

- Glue the glare on the river... We fix the clouds and the river on the applique.

- Trace different leaves on orange, red, yellow, and brown paper. Draw the trunks on light and dark brown paper, as well as on white. We cut out all the blanks.

- We fix trunks, and distribute the leaves from above.

- Black felt-tip pen draw stripes on the birch. The colorful applique is ready!

Application "Autumn Forest" in the video below.