Autumn craft "Basket"

At the competition for autumn crafts, I want to surprise the viewer, impress, and, of course, be branded as an original. Or just to make an aesthetically perfect work that will become a decoration of the exhibition. Often the decision on the choice of theme or object of manufacture is an autumn basket. Its content can be very different.

How to make from cones?
Cones are a versatile decorative material, as they correspond to both autumn and winter seasons. Such an unusual basket will last a long time, and can be used even after the exhibition ends in a garden or school. It is ideal if adults have prepared in advance for possible creative challenges, and use not freshly picked bumps, but already lying in a dry room for a month or two. It is easier to work with them, and the safety of the craft increases.

To make a small basket you will need:
- 40-45 pine cones;
- glue "Moment" or its equivalent;
- strong fishing line;
- scissors;
- nippers;
- ribbons, sequins, beads and any other decor as decided by the author.

Let's see how to make a basket of cones.
- The base of the magic basket will be 9 cones, they should be the same or almost the same size. You need to lay large bumps with the bottom outward: this is more convenient. Another row is glued to the closed circle, only the bottom of the cones will be turned inward. Parts are taken 1 less.
- In the next row of cones there will already be 7. The bottom of the basket is made of one of the largest cones, which is turned over with the bottom to the floor. There can be as many rows as the author wants. The main thing is to create circles with cones that form the walls of the product, firmly fixing to each other. The diameter and height of the basket can be adjusted to your liking.
- It's time to make a pen. To complete it, you will need wire or fishing line.Nine cones must be glued together, and all are turned upside down, except for the central, topmost cone. For strength, the handle is wrapped with fishing line, but delicately so that the line is not striking.
- It remains to fix the handle in the right places, having previously outlined them. We fix everything with glue only.
- The finished product can be varnished with sequins, wrapped with ribbons, etc.

Since this is an autumn-themed craft, there may be ruddy apples or other appropriate harvest inside the basket.
Do-it-yourself composition "Gifts of Autumn"
Samples of such works will tell more eloquently how to make several versions of baskets with this name.
Here are some great review ideas.
- Basket with nuts. It can be a real basket filled to the brim with nuts: no exhibition is spoiled with such options. But you can go further by making a basket of newspaper tubes, only a small one, since a paper product cannot withstand such a mass of nuts.

- Tray basket with wooden pumpkins (optionally, papier-mâché pumpkins). Also a solution that claims to be original. Pumpkins can be made of papier-mâché, paper, or even real. But it is precisely such an unexpected basket that will definitely be remembered by everyone.

- Rowan, dried flowers, wild rose, ears - the basket with gifts may contain the most variegated mixture of autumn plants. Such wealth will not last long, but it will last a couple of days.

- A basket with unusual plants. Among the more or less traditional vegetation inherent in autumn compositions, something exclusive may appear that can attract attention. Unexpected flowers or weaving of bizarre branches will be the very "highlight" that makes this composition stand out from the rest.

- Basket with a dog. The doggy, cute and airy, is made of hydrangea twigs. You can also use any white flowers that are arranged in a similar way. Short-lived, but very effective composition.

Typically, the basket includes everything you can get your hands on, from sunflower heads and corn cobs to shrub twigs and autumn flowers. Even an occasional improvised composition can become a small masterpiece of a craft exhibition.
More ideas
There are several more options, perhaps more popular, that help make a decent craft in one evening.

Pumpkin is a symbol of autumn. It is impossible to imagine seasonal decor without it, and it is also a very convenient product for creative transformation. Any pumpkin can be creatively decorated, and even more so, turned into a basket.

Here's how to do it.
- Find a suitable pumpkin without obvious defects, wash it and dry it.
- At the top, make a cut in a circle.
- Remove this detached segment, which resembles a cap with a ponytail.
- Thoroughly clean the inside of the pumpkin, remove all the pulp, leave solid walls.
- Then the pumpkin is washed again outside and inside, dried. It is easier to do this by filling the fruit with newspapers or paper.
- Outside the pumpkin with a felt-tip pen, you need to draw the borders of the future basket.
- Then it all depends on the individual skill. Someone cuts out the simplest shape, dispensing with patterns and protrusions. Someone tries to make all sorts of notches, notches in order to maximize the decoration of the work.
- The handle sometimes remains "native", but for greater strength and beauty, you can make it attached. For example, build it from dense, but well-bending branches tied with an inconspicuous fishing line. You can attach them to the pumpkin base with superglue.
- The basket needs to be filled. If this is a craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten, grades 1, 2, 3, etc., any seasonal harvest can be placed there: apples, pears, berries, beautiful zucchini and squash. If the pumpkin is turned into a basket for home decor, you can fill it with sweets (preferably for an autumn theme). It will be both a beautiful and alluring art object.

Sometimes a handle made of cones glued to each other is attached to the pumpkin.It can also be a wire that is braided with thick orange knitting threads or satin ribbons.
With leaves
You can make a pretty basket using artificial maple leaves and a balloon. Artificial specimens will retain their original appearance for a long time, and natural leaves will fade unacceptably quickly.

Let's consider how to form a vase basket.
- Inflate the balloon so that its diameter matches the approximate diameter of the basket.
- Take artificial leaves and start gluing them to the ball. Not all, but only a part of it. PVA is suitable for gluing.
- When the desired part of the ball is pasted over, it can be pierced. It will burst, and excess rubber will need to be carefully removed from the formed basket.
- You can leave the craft in such an ascetic form, but it is better to supplement it. For example, put beautiful autumn fruits inside the basket: either real fruits, vegetables, berries, or their artificial counterparts (made of plastic or papier-mâché).

By the same principle, you can build a basket of paper leaves. Good quality watercolor paper should be tinted orange, yellow, greenish, red. Then cut maple leaves from these painted sheets using templates. They are pasted over any suitable round cardboard box. From the inside, such a box can be pasted over either with paper with an autumn print, or with a cloth of a suitable color.

The paper basket handle is formed from cardboard. It should also be decorated with an orange satin ribbon, for example, or golden braid. The basket can contain nuts, homemade maple leaf cookies, or individually wrapped pumpkin pie pieces.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a handicraft that is inaccessible to small children. But parents and older children will easily master this unusual technique.

To weave a basket of newspaper tubes, you will need:
- the newspapers themselves;
- thick cardboard;
- box;
- knitting needles;
- stain of any shade;
- acrylic lacquer;
- Ruler and pencil;
- scissors;
- glue;
- brush.

The work algorithm is as follows.
- Newspaper pages should be cut into 7 cm wide pieces. You can take a stack at once and cut several sheets at the same time: this will be faster.
- The resulting strips must be wound on a knitting needle, glueing the joints with glue.
- The needle is not removed from the strip until the glue dries.
- At the bottom of the selected cardboard box, you need to glue the ends of the formed tubes, without touching the corner zones.
- Thick cardboard is glued there, which needs to be pressed with something and allowed to fix well in the base.
- Next, you need a glue gun, with which the newspaper vine is glued to the gap between the fixed cardboard base and the bottom of the box.
- The vine is woven between the vertical elements, the tubes must be pressed tightly against each other. The last tube must be fixed with glue. All surplus must be cut off. The rods must be clamped inward, glued.
- A newspaper sheet is glued to the bottom of the box.
- The product must be allowed to dry, and then covered with a stain, which will finally turn the paper tubes into an imitation of a vine.
- Acrylic varnish is applied over the dried stain.

You can decorate and fill the basket at your discretion. If the craft should last the entire fall season, it would be more logical to fill it with artificial vegetables and fruits.
From paper with flowers
A chic little basket is made from paper strips. Many have forgotten this technique, and undeservedly. You can fill it with anything, for example, a bouquet of paper autumn flowers. How to construct them is noted below.
- For making baskets, you can take both plain colored paper and printed paper. Any thick glossy magazine copes with the role of raw materials for such a craft. It must be disassembled into sheets.
- Cut rectangular elements from each sheet, indicated in the drawing.They will have to be folded, bent, and the already bent element will be the unit of the future weaving.
- Next, the elements need to be connected to each other, forming a kind of paper snakes. Weaving is created from these snakes. You can simply lengthen the snake: it bends well, and a whole circle of the basket is formed from one such part. The circles are fixed to each other by stitching them together.
- The dimensions of the basket, its height and width are adjusted by the author of the work.
- The handle is also made from a long snake and sewn in the same way.
- Someone decides to varnish the finished basket, but this is an optional step.

You can fill the craft with anything: from real fruits to their successful imitation. But to continue the paper theme, you can make flowers or autumn branches out of paper.
Here are some paper fall decor ideas.
- Plain crepe paper will help in the formation of these picturesque leaves. A twig can be a wire, also wrapped in paper and dyed brown.

- Similar delicate flowers are made from the same corrugated paper. They are very realistic. Such a paper craft will delight you for a very long time.

- These options are also available to children, because ordinary colored paper is needed to implement them. But a certain sleight of hand, of course, is indispensable.

- Paper asters look especially autumnal. And the color is suitable. You can use cloth instead of paper.

- Chrysanthemums from music sheets look romantic and unusual. Instead of music paper, you can use the pages of books, especially those devoted to autumn. There will be deeply symbolic decor.

For information on how to make a basket of cones with your own hands, see the next video.