Options for making an autumn craft "Hat"

With the onset of the autumn season - the time of golden leaf fall and harvesting - preparations for autumn exhibitions and competitions for the best crafts made from natural materials, including autumn hats, begin in full in children's and educational institutions. Well, in the houses "creative fever" is in full swing.

How to make from maple leaves?
From maple leaves you can make an original autumn craft "Hat" for a beautiful girl.

First you need to collect at least 250 whole and beautiful leaves with long tails. In addition, you will need:
autumn flower for decoration, for example, aster.

When everything is ready for work - tools, materials - you can proceed directly to all stages of making a hat. The green hat in the photo is very nice, but in the red and gold palette it will be amazing.

Step-by-step instruction.
- The first thing to do is sort the leaves by size. To complete the hat, you will need 10 large leaves, medium leaves 150-200, small leaves about 50.
In order not to waste time on repeated busting, during sorting it is necessary to simultaneously cut off the thickening of all cuttings, making a cut obliquely for more convenient subsequent work.

- Now they begin to make the bottom of the future headdress. The three largest sheets are stacked on top of each other, while slightly shifting the location of each relative to the center, thereby slightly expanding the coverage area.

- These leaves do not need a stem - the petioles are cut to the base.After that, you need to visually outline in the center a small pentagon with sides of about 2.5 cm (if it is more convenient for someone, you can cut out a geometric figure from a white sheet and put it on top as a temporary reference point).

- Now 6 more large leaves come into play. With the tail of one you need to make a puncture in the prepared pile in the upper corner of the pentagon. This sheet is folded in half, holding it in this state.

- This is followed by a similar action with the next of 6 leaves: it is also folded in half and a puncture is made with its tail in the next corner of the "quality mark", while capturing the previous leaf.

- Thus, using all 6 leaves, a braided pentagon is obtained. As previously decided, 10 leaves were set aside for making the bottom, however, only 9 were involved in the work - the 10th leaf was a spare one, just in case (suddenly some petiole breaks off).

- And now the participants in the process have a ready-made base of the bottom - it must be turned over. The look will open the wrong side with long tails, which are to be tied together in pairs with the most common single knot.

- After the knots are tied, the protruding ends are simply cut off.

- The first stage is over, a very neat part of the hat is ready. The time has come for the next stage - the crown has to be decorated.

- Weaving continues - the next row begins. Getting started, one must strive to maintain uniform indents from the center so that the product is neat and does not turn out to be lopsided. Now they use medium-sized leaves for execution, of which the majority. The pentagonal shape is no longer used, punctures are made in the next row.

The center is braided, the work continues in a circle in the same algorithm.
After the completion of each circle, the product is turned over, the tails are intertwined and tied in an already familiar way, without forgetting to cut off the excess.
It's okay if one of them breaks off - the sheet must be removed and replaced with a new one.

- The action continues until the crown is woven to the desired parameters, that is, until the required head height is obtained. During work, you need to try on the product several times so as not to go beyond a certain diameter.

The top is ready, the crucial moment comes - the bend for the formation of fields.
- On the resulting canvas, an overlap is made to form a fold. The last loose leaf in the row is applied to it, not forgetting about its addition.

- Finally, the turn has come to the awl (or toothpicks) - the resulting fold is pierced through, the tail of the leaf is inserted into the puncture, it is still folded in half, after which it is applied to the product, not forgetting to hold it, and a new fold is made.

- In this way, continue (fold, awl, hole, sheet) until a full transition to the field is obtained.

- From now on, tying cuttings will have to be given more careful attention - you need to turn the product over and fasten the tails after each pair. The thing is that it will be more difficult to tie them, and if the tail suddenly breaks off, you don't have to unweave the entire row - you can correct the mistake right away. If you unweave the row and then restore it, the product will take on a sloppy look from new punctures.

Weaving fields.
A bale with small leaves enters the work. Their sizes are due to special requirements - thin tails will be visible, therefore, you need to take care of beauty, harmony, aesthetics.

- The hat must be turned over, the last through puncture must be made with an awl and a small sheet folded in half must be inserted into it. The sheet should be facing to the left, its tips will look out from the outside, the fold will lie on the previous material.

- Weaving should be continued until the required width of the field is reached, the tails are tied, intertwined in time, all excess is cut off. This also applies to the last, final sheet - it is simply trimmed.There is no need to fear that it will slip out or unravel - nothing will happen to it, it is securely fixed.

The craft for school or kindergarten is ready, it can be worn in the summer as a full-fledged headdress, can be woven with a panama, reducing the size of the fields, can be taken to an exhibition or worn at an autumn ball.
There is another excellent, gift option - to use the product as an original basket: put garden berries in it and present them as a surprise when going to visit.

Making a male accessory
A top hat for a boy assumes a more restrained design than for a girl, even if it is a carnival attire. Today we have to make a hat on a paper basis. The product will need painting and decoration with natural materials.
Tools and materials
To create a carnival autumn hat, you need the base itself. You can use a ready-made hat, but this is far from as interesting as making it yourself from start to finish. Therefore, you need to prepare everything you need for work:
masking tape;
glue gun;
a plate;
centimeter tape;
gouache paints (they give rich shades);
plant material for decoration: dried flowers, bright leaves, rowan berries, cones and acorns.

The time has come for the hat to be made, for which cardboard is needed. You can, of course, use drawing paper, but this is too soft material for such a product: careless touch - and deformation is ensured.
The first thing to do is to measure the head circumference of the future "carrier" with a measuring tape. Divide the result in two, add 1 centimeter for free fitting and gluing.
Crown expanding upward - to make it, you need to cut out a couple of stripes. Their width is equal to the height of the crown, the upper part is 1-2 cm wider than the lower one.
Both parts are connected to form a tapered cylinder. For this, the side sections are coated with hot glue and connected together. After the glue has set, the glued places must be fixed with masking tape for reliability, gluing the gluing places with it from the seamy and front sides.
Fields - to complete them, you need to make a blank. To do this, you need a plate with a diameter suitable for the size of the fields. The dishes laid on the cardboard are outlined with a pencil, in the center of the resulting circle, the finished crown is set with the lower edge and also outlined with a pencil. The final result will be the brim of the top hat. All that remains is to cut them out.
To connect the cylinder with the margins, you can make small cuts on the lower cut of the crown, bend them, and glue the margins to them. However, you can do it more delicately. The thickness of the cardboard allows you to glue the inner edge of the field directly to the crown using a glue gun. After that, you need to repeat the process with masking tape. Since it is much thinner than cardboard, it will not be visible on the finished product. To do this, cut off strips of adhesive tape of the required length, the upper part of the strip is glued to the crown, and the lower, with cuts, to the fields on both sides.
It remains only to arrange the top of the hat, and the base is ready. The upper cut of the cylinder is traced on cardboard and cut out. The cut of the cylinder is coated with glue, the cut out circle is glued and the technique is repeated with tape.

The main work has been done, the original hat is ready, you can proceed to the most creative stage - the decor.
- The cylinder is painted in a suitable color - first you need to carefully consider the prepared decorative elements, think over what color they will be clearly visible against and competently combine with it. For example, yellow leaves will be almost invisible on yellow or orange, acorns and cones will be "lost" on a brown background. We must try to ensure that all the details are well visualized, in harmony with each other, otherwise the effect of the work done will be minimal.
- After the cylinder is painted, the paint has dried well, they begin to decorate, observing the autumn theme.
Using the power of your imagination, you can create a unique top hat for a boy.

Magic hat on the theme of autumn
Take the hat in the photo as a base. This is the gnome's magic cap. It can be done in the same way as the cylinder, replacing the crown with a cone. After that, it remains to paint it in lilac or purple and decorate it with bright decor.

Useful Tips
To make crafts, you need to use good tools:
sharp scissors to cut paper, cardboard, leaf cuttings;
high-quality glue sticks - the glue must withstand the weight of the cardboard;
maple leaves for the cap can be of different sizes and shades, but always with flexible cuttings;
if the hat will be worn, and not stand as an exhibit, then during the manufacturing process you need not only to use the measurements taken, but also not to forget about fitting.

In the following video, you can find great ideas for making an autumn craft "Hat".