Making crafts "Sunflower"

Almost every child loves to create various crafts with their own hands. They can be made from a variety of materials. The product in the form of sunflowers will look beautiful and unusual. Today we will talk about how to make such a craft correctly, from what materials it is better to do it.

How to make from paper?
In this case, you will need the following elements:
- corrugated paper (brown, dark brown, green and yellow);
- scissors;
- wire;
- ruler;
- stationery glue.

First, brown and dark brown corrugated paper is taken. Strips 5 centimeters wide are cut from it. They will be needed to create stamens. A fringe is formed on the cut out parts using scissors. After that, the finished fringe of two colors is connected to each other. All this is fixed with a wire.
Then they begin to create the petals. To do this, you will need to cut rectangular blanks from yellow paper. Their length should be about 6-8 cm, and a width of 2-3 cm. They also make green petals, but their size should be slightly larger.

Next, the edges of the finished leaves are carefully twisted with fingers slightly moistened with water. After that, the edges of the yellow blanks are also slightly twisted with your fingers.
You can start assembling the sunflower. All petals are attached to the stamens. Green parts are attached on top of the yellow elements.

Wire is used to create twigs. It is braided with green paper, on which a little clerical glue is applied in advance. A branch of a tree can also serve as a stem. It is better to wrap the twig with corrugated green paper in advance.
In this way, several sunflowers should be made. All of them are best placed in a vase. The resulting craft will become a beautiful interior decoration.

You can also make a beautiful sunflower applique using watercolor paint and wax crayons. In this case, it is better to immediately print the finished template with a sunflower. At the same time, you need to prepare a sheet of white thick paper. It is painted in various shades of green, blue, yellow and orange. The base is set aside to dry out.
Then they cut out all the necessary parts from paper of the corresponding color. It is better to paint the central part of such a flower with wax crayons, on top it is all covered with black gouache. When the middle is completely dry, you should apply the texture using a thin wooden skewer.
This technique is called scratching.
All the resulting parts of the craft are glued to the painted background. From ice cream sticks, you can make an imitation of a fence, it is also attached to the base, this should be done on plasticine. This summer version will be a great craft for elementary school children.

Products from natural materials
Such products can be easily made from various natural materials. Let's consider some options that are suitable for kindergarten and school. Often these crafts are made with seeds. To do this, you will need the following materials:
- disposable paper plate;
- yellow paper;
- glue;
- scissors;
- seeds;
- stapler.
Oval leaves for a sunflower are cut from the yellow base. They should be approximately the same length and width. Towards the end, they should be slightly sharpened with scissors. Then the finished parts are attached with a stapler to a paper plate. Many squares are cut from the same material.
Later, a thin layer of glue is spread on the inside of the plate. On this part, they begin to gradually glue yellow squares, while all the white space should be filled. Glue is again applied over the finished coating. Seeds are laid out on it. The adhesive composition must be completely dry.

And also a sunflower is often made from dried leaves and dry seeds.
To make such an autumn version, you should use various sheet plates; for making crafts, it is better to take those elements that have acquired a yellow tint during the drying process.
First, cardboard of any color is taken. A round base is cut out of it. It is pasted over with dried leaves in a circle, while it is necessary to start from the edges and gradually approaching the central part.
You do not need to glue the middle. It is coated with a thick layer of plasticine of any color. Seeds will be laid out on it. The plasticine mass should not be visible, it is completely covered.

More ideas
Crafts in the form of sunflowers can be made from other materials.
From tin cans
In this case, you need to take two coffee cans. The base of each of them must be marked into 16 equal parts. From each mark, parallel lines are drawn on the side. The material is cut according to the received marks.
After that, the formed tin elements are carefully unfolded. The result should be a blank that looks like the sun. Each of the petals should be shaped appropriately. A small hole is formed in the central part of both containers. And also the holes must be made along the contour of the petals.
All petals are braided with yellow and orange threads. Later, you will need to connect them, skipping all 16 stitches in the middle of the circle. All of them are entwined with a thread liner with a needle under every two stitches. In this case, you should only move in one direction.
To make a stem for such a tinned sunflower, you need to take a thick wire. It is wrapped with special tape for windows. And also separately you should cut out a couple of sheets of colored paper or cardboard. They attach to the stem. All this is colored green.
At the final stage of manufacturing, the assembly of the sunflower is started.The flower itself is placed in the central part of the base, the stem is placed below, to which the leaves are attached.

Salted dough
To make such a sunflower, you need to roll a long sausage out of salted dough, it will act as a stem for a flower. It is recommended to paint all elements in advance. To create a floral middle, roll a small ball, flatten it slightly with your fingers. Fried sunflower seeds are inserted into the resulting part. The central part should be completely filled with them.
The finished salt dough craft must be dried at room temperature. If you want to speed up this process as much as possible, then it is permissible to use the oven.

From cereals
This option can be suitable even for toddlers aged 2-3 years. First you need to take a sheet of A4 cardboard. It will serve as the basis for the craft. Using a simple pencil, draw the silhouette of the applique.
The contours of the future vase are filled with glue. Rice groats are gradually poured onto the prepared surface. This should be done evenly. Press the product lightly with your hands. All the excess is shaken off.
The central part of the sunflower is glued. It is better to fill it with buckwheat. Sometimes fried sunflower seeds, watermelon or grape seeds are also used for the same purpose. The product is also pressed with your hands and not released for a few seconds so that it can adhere securely.
At the final stage of creation, the stem and foliage are formed. For this, it is better to take just colored paper. But sometimes it is replaced with completely natural dried material, such a craft will look as realistic as possible.

Sunflower magnet
To create this product, you will need to take a yellow viscose napkin. Oval-shaped petals are cut from it. If there is no such material, then it is permissible to take a felt base.
Then a cardboard sheet is taken, a base in the form of a circle is cut out of it. A circle is made of black fabric, while it should be slightly larger. The cardboard is covered with a woven material, having previously put a synthetic winterizer inside.
Petals are fixed to the base; this can be done using a thread with a needle. At the end, a small magnet is taken. A little glue is applied to one side of it, and then the finished sunflower is attached there.

Sunflower hat
The first step is to prepare a cardboard template for the petals. They are cut out and painted yellow. After that, crepe paper of various colors is taken. It is cut into separate elements of a square shape with sides of 3-4 centimeters. They all crumple into small lumps.
The resulting parts are attached to the top of the future hat. The most convenient way to do this is with a glue gun. The top can be painted with paint spray. Wait until the product is completely dry after this.
Then, around the edges of the hat, cardboard petals are overlapped. First, two layers are made on top, and later they are already proceeding to the bottom.

Then watch the video on how to make the "Sunflower" application.