Fire Safety Crafts
Fire safety crafts can be quite varied. You can make the most original things for kindergarten and school with your own hands. You just need to figure out how to make them themselves for schoolchildren and kindergarteners from felt and cereals, from other objects.
Making from plasticine
Fire can be both a faithful assistant to people and their terrible enemy, depending on the situation. And people should be prepared for such situations from childhood. A great option is plasticine crafts on the topic of fire safety. First of all, it is worth considering the manufacture of a fire engine. The main role in the composition is predictably played by the red material.
But in addition to it, you will have to use sometimes:
- black;
- White;
- yellow;
- blue plasticine.
The driver's cabin and body are rolled from balls of different sizes. They are pressed against a solid support and formed rectangular parallelepipeds. The cabin with the help of a stack is complemented by a slotted engine compartment. Later:
- make wheels (black tires are decorated with a ribbed surface using a stack);
- round yellow sections are fixed in the middle of the wheels;
- stretch the gray mass into a thin "sausage";
- cut it into pieces;
- mold gray plasticine on a pair of skewers or matches;
- oblong sausages are attached between these parts;
- mount the resulting ladder on the roof of the sculpted "special vehicle";
- they put windows in white or blue;
- install bumpers and headlights;
- attach a special signal;
- add a hose rolled into a ring;
- decorate the car with white signal stripes, the inscriptions "01".
But none of the best technology can handle fire if there are no professionals who know it. A staunch and unyielding fire fighter is molded from the head.The beige piece of plasticine must be given an oval shape. Then they create a couple of medium-sized white circles, which are given a flattened shape. Such eyes are placed on the head additionally.
The following actions:
- adding beige semicircles (eyelids);
- punching wrinkles around the eyes;
- the formation of the nose and ears;
- preparation of brown eyebrows;
- the creation of a mustache (without them, the image of a gallant firefighter is difficult to imagine);
- sculpting a helmet;
- preparation of the torso and legs;
- drawing a yellow round buckle;
- the addition of the figure with sleeves that expand from top to bottom in the manner of a bell;
- sculpting legs and arms, drawing fingers;
- the formation of a yellow collar;
- assembly of the figure;
- sculpting a hose, the end of which tapers and ends in a hole.
The composition "Protect the forest from fire" is very good. This aspect of fire protection has received little attention. In more detail, this idea is embodied as follows:
- mark on cardboard where what will be shown;
- glue the base with plasticine of the required color;
- attach the sun in the right place;
- complement it with rays;
- indicate a bonfire;
- fixing red-brown sausages over the logs;
- decorate the tree with leaves on top;
- draw the figure of a boy;
- form a magpie, a hedgehog, a bunny (sometimes other animals of your choice).
How to make from paper?
If there is no plasticine or experience with it, this does not mean that there is no chance to make a fire safety craft for a kindergarten with your own hands. The paper version can be obtained even easier and faster. A good way to do this is with corrugated paper. It is great for demonstration:
- flames;
- leaves;
- houses and their roofs;
- grasses, trees and shrubs.
A paper fire truck is a craft that is quite feasible for senior and preparatory groups (children 6-7 years old). Scissors are used to create it, so supervision by adults or a detailed explanation of precautions is necessary. It is useful to draw mark lines along all the planned folds, which allows you to get the workpiece in a short time. The cuts are sometimes made with the help of breadboard knives. Rectangular blanks with wheels are bent in two and glued; only when they are dry can the wheels themselves be cut.
Then it will remain:
- bend the workpiece of the machine and the signal beacon;
- glue everything in stages;
- cut and glue the bottom;
- attach the wheels and beacon last.
You can also make a firefighter out of paper - the origami method is often suitable for this purpose. It is better to take whatman paper as a basis. The process goes like this:
- fold the sheet in two;
- unfold and check if a clear fold has appeared;
- both parts of the sheet are bent towards it;
- new folds are properly ironed with hands;
- take the upper corners to where the sides of the sheet open;
- turn off the bottom corners;
- cut an oval from beige paper;
- raise the bottom of the triangular part so that the face looks out from under the helmet;
- open parts are glued;
- draw with a pencil (using a ruler, where necessary) the missing elements and clothes;
- print emblems, inscriptions and badges, stick them on a paper firefighter.
More ideas
From felt
This material is suitable for forming applications under the motto “Rescuers rush to the rescue”. It is very important that the size of the fabric is A4. Plain plywood works well as a solid base. The starting point when creating a picture is the study of the horizon. Green felt means grass, and blue - heavenly space.
Additionally, you need to cut:
- tree with a green crown;
- bushes;
- shining sun;
- burning house;
- a special car;
- 2-3 firefighters who actively fight the flames.
If you need to embroider a fire engine separately for grade 1 schoolchildren, it is also possible to make it out of felt. In kindergarten, flat figures are quite appropriate.
The base part of the case is naturally red. Glasses and doors are sewn with expressive, striking stitches, and other details are indicated. To activate fine motor skills, children should not sew on imitation of ordinary headlights, but beads.
Sometimes they make a paper pattern and transfer it to felt. Important: This method is not as easy as it sounds. The filler in this case is used to maintain a clear shape. In some cases, a fire truck is made in the form of a soft toy; if it increases to the size of a pillow, then the study of small details is not needed. Finally, special transport can also be crocheted - however, this already requires remarkable skills.
Salted dough
The figure of the winner of destructive fires can be performed in such a rather exotic way. The dough piece is kneaded in much the same way as usual. But additions of starch and wallpaper glue solution immediately make the dough unfit for food. The main details, as in modeling from plasticine, are "balls" and "sausages". Drying of workpieces is possible both in the oven and at normal home temperature; Finally, the product is covered with a choice of:
- acrylic varnish;
- hair spray;
- PVA glue.
From cereals
Semolina is also suitable for making appliqués with "fire trucks". The composition is created on colored cardboard. It is advisable to pre-dye the grains in the required colors and dry them. But painting after the semolina is completely dry is also possible - so the decision must be made taking into account the remaining time. The sequence of steps is as follows:
- mark the required image on the cardboard;
- draw along the contour with a black felt-tip pen so that the details are clearly visible;
- cover the surface with glue (it is transferred with a brush);
- sprinkle the picture with cereals;
- when the main part is glued, gently shake off the excess;
- apply paints or gouache for more accurate color reproduction;
- place an image in a frame.
From matches
This material only seems inappropriate for the formation of plots of fire prevention in school. In fact, good compositions are obtained from it. It is only necessary to remove all sulfur heads in advance in order to avoid aesthetic embarrassment. Under this condition, matches and boxes from them are suitable for creating an attractive fire engine. There are the following subtleties:
- glue the surface of the case with red paper;
- don't forget about paper lights and windows;
- it is advisable to use casters from old toy cars.
From napkins
When using colored napkins, you can make an applique using the facing method (the plot is chosen at random). Subsequence:
- scotch tape is evenly distributed over a sheet of paper;
- put the blunt edge of the pencil on the square of the napkin;
- after the square is closed, a pencil is rolled between the fingers, getting a "butt-end" tube;
- this tube must be inserted into the base and the pencil removed;
- make up the end faces tightly in a row, without the slightest gaps.
The list of possible options does not end there, however. A simulated fire truck is easy to do from a large box. You can decorate it with plastic wrap or colored paper with a self-adhesive layer. When the wrapping is completed, you need to stick the required parts of the car. Windshields and radiator grilles make it look remotely like a human mouth to attract more interest; all that remains is to install the flashers.
The layout of the fire shield must necessarily include all the basic inventory of this useful invention. Stages:
- cutting out of cardboard and special coloring of an ax, a shovel;
- printout of scrap and hook on the printer;
- converting an empty bottle into a fire extinguisher;
- imitation of a sleeve with an unnecessary old wire;
- folding a conical paper bucket;
- preparation of a box of red color with the inscription "Sand";
- placing all this stuff in a box from household appliances;
- pasting with yellow paper;
- designation of the shield with inscriptions printed using a printer.
A good solution is the composition “matches are not toys for children”. A match is glued to the cardboard. Of course, its head must be removed. Then they paint the flame with acrylic paints. When the inscription "Matches are not toys for children" is printed, all that remains is to insert the cardboard into a wooden frame.
Other options:
- a fire truck based on an egg box;
- imitation of an open flame with a tear-off technique;
- applications depicting fire extinguishing;
- the use of ready-made templates;
- single plasticine figurines of firefighters;
- images in the quilling technique, illustrating the danger of fire;
- creating an interesting fire craft (including using safe candles);
- felt panels;
- wooden houses with warning labels.
A good option is the formation of applications from beads, beads and sequins.
This composition is better for girls.
The plot is chosen at its discretion. It is better to apply the glue with a brush. It is better to take an album sheet or whatman paper as a basis; they allow you to create a large, dimensional drawing.
A sketch of the main details of the composition is transferred to the surface with a simple pencil. Then sequins of a certain color are attached to the contour. The dominant part of the image is done with ordinary pencils. With this application, you can also use pieces of textiles. Red and orange patches will symbolize fire.
The torn applique quilling method involves the use of thick blue paper. A picture is formed according to the template with a pencil. They simulate fire using special sheets of paper. The size of the pieces must be different. All fragments are glued separately, making sure that nothing goes beyond the contours of the image.
In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the following ideas:
decorative fire extinguisher from a bottle;
volumetric cardboard models of fire trucks;
- models of rescue helicopters and fire brigades.
Next, see a master class on making crafts on the topic of fire safety.