Variety of crafts on the topic "Traffic rules"
Teaching children about road safety is an important part of preparing for adulthood. Therefore, in kindergartens and schools, various exhibitions and competitions dedicated to traffic rules are often held. Crafts for such events can be done from any available means.
How to make a traffic light?
The simplest craft for learning traffic rules is a traffic light. It can be made from different materials.
- Colored paper. This is the easiest craft option. It is suitable for a child aged 2-3 years. First, cut a rectangle out of dark paper. After that, three colored circles are cut out from other sheets. These parts are glued to the base of the craft. The creation process helps to teach the child to work with colors and shapes.
- Cardboard. To create such a craft, thicker cardboard is used. After all, the traffic light must be stable. To begin with, a base is made from black cardboard. After that, circles of the desired colors are attached to the cylinder. To make them stand out against a dark background, they are glued to white details. You can attach your hands and a headdress to the resulting traffic light. They are made from the same cardboard.
- Plastic bottles. You can also create a beautiful traffic light from an unnecessary plastic bottle. To do this, it must be washed and dried, and then covered with a layer of blue paint. It is best to use acrylic for this purpose. When the paint dries, draw colored circles on the surface of the craft. Above you can depict the face of a cheerful character. To make the craft stable, legs are attached to its lower part. It is best to make them from plasticine. Cardboard hands are glued to the edges of the craft.
These simple crafts can be used in games or while teaching a child.
Creation of a mini-town
To create such a mini-town, you can use houses made of plasticine or Lego constructors. Even a 1st grade student can collect them. The layout on the theme "The road through the eyes of children" is done as follows.
- First you need to prepare the basis of the craft. To do this, paint a large sheet of paper black.
- Further, on this basis, it is necessary to outline all the transitions.
- On different sides of the craft, you need to install the selected buildings. The easiest way to attach them to a Whatman paper is to use plasticine.
- The finished craft can be decorated with plastic cars and road signs.
It is best to make such a town together with one of the adults. In this case, the child will receive not only pleasure from creating the craft, but also benefit.
Safe City layout
To create such a simple volumetric layout, you need to prepare printouts of all the main buildings in advance. After that, you can start working on the craft. The step-by-step process of creating it consists of several points.
- First, you need to draw a diagram of the future city on a Whatman paper. The sketch should be done with a pencil. In this case, it can be corrected at any time.
- When the scheme is ready, the road needs to be painted gray. It is important to mark white lines in the right places on it.
- With green paint, you need to draw the background of the future layout. The yellow one should outline the sidewalks.
- Further, from the templates prepared in advance, it is necessary to form all the necessary buildings. The paper is folded along the marked lines and glued neatly.
- The finished buildings must be attached to the base of the layout.
- After that, you can start creating various parts. Traffic lights and road signs are also easy to make from pre-printed elements. They are attached to wooden blocks or ordinary skewers.
- Further, all these details are located in the right places on the layout.
The original craft is beautiful and functional. It can be safely brought to the competition dedicated to traffic rules.
More ideas
There are other interesting ideas related to the topic "Traffic rules".
Road signs
This is a great craft option for kindergarten. Even the smallest can make simple road signs with their own hands. There are two main ways to create these crafts.
- The signs are easy to draw on sheets of paper of a suitable size. This can be done with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.
- Geometric shapes are used to create road signs. Cut out rectangles, circles or triangles from them. Then circles, stripes or arrows are glued to the selected base. They can be easily printed out on a printer.
To make such signs stable, they are attached to a plywood base.
Wall newspaper
An excellent craft option for school is a large wall newspaper. You can do it both alone and with friends or adults. The basis of such a wall newspaper is a large Whatman paper. Pre-printed texts with the basic rules of the road are attached to it.
You can make beautiful inscriptions under these pictures. This will allow the child to better remember the basic rules of the road. In the center of the wall newspaper, you can place a large photo or a cut-out image of a cartoon character.
Plasticine painting
This work was done in the technique of plasticineography. To create it, the child will need soft plasticine. A master class on creating such an unusual picture looks very simple.
- To begin with, you need to draw a diagram of the future picture on a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper.
- After that, you need to start filling the work with colored plasticine.
- First of all, you need to create the background of the picture. To do this, the road is "painted over" with gray plasticine. Green is used to create a lawn.
- After that, three-dimensional road signs, figures and characters are made from flagella and circles.
The finished painting does not need to be dried or further processed. Immediately after the end of the work, it can be carried to the exhibition. In this technique, you can create other thematic drawings.
Salted dough frame
Another functional craft on the topic of traffic rules is a beautiful frame made of salt dough. To create it, a cardboard or plywood base is used. The details used to decorate this craft are made from salted dough. They are done as follows.
- First, in a container you need to mix a glass of salt and two glasses of flour. You also need to pour warm water there.
- In the process of kneading the dough, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the container. In this case, it will not stick to your hands.
- From this test, you need to sculpt figures of a suitable size.
- After this, the crafts must be dried well.
- Prepared figures need to be painted with acrylic and covered with a layer of transparent varnish.
The finished parts are attached to the frame with glue. The frame is bright and beautiful.
Cardboard car
To create such a cute car, a child will need a large cardboard box. A kid at the age of 4-6 years can make a craft from it.
- First of all, the cardboard box must be closed and sealed with tape.
- Further, on its basis, it is necessary to draw a silhouette of the doors. This blank must be cut with a clerical knife.
- The windshield should be cut in the same way. It needs to be carefully folded and secured with tape.
- Bending the back of the cardboard downward, you need to form the seats.
- Next, the car needs to be painted in the desired color.
- While the paint is drying, the bases should be cut off from the paper cups. They are used as headlights. The exhaust pipe must be formed from the same glasses.
- From ice cream sticks or cardboard parts, you need to make a radiator grill. Another strip is used to create a sight glass divider.
- Emergency lights should be made from bright orange traffic jams.
- Car wheels are made from paper plates. They are attached to the base with glue.
- The salon can be pasted over with colored paper. It is best to use black or brown material.
When the craft is ready, it can be supplemented with various details. A knitted toy or a funny character made from scrap materials can be placed inside such a machine.
Town of vegetables
For the autumn exhibition, you can prepare a composition of fresh vegetables. For this, cars and pedestrian figures are made from available products. All of them are installed on a tray. The finished composition is decorated with green grass, flowers or dry autumn foliage. The craft turns out to be bright and beautiful. From the proposed ideas, you can pick up something interesting both for a child aged 5 years and for an older student.
For information on how to make a cute handicraft on the topic of "Traffic Rules" with your own hands, see the next video.