Features of coasters for hot from corks

Ordinary wine and champagne corks are given a second life in the hands of craftsmen. That only one of them is not made. Coasters for hot dishes are very popular. We will consider their features in more detail, and also tell you how to make such an item with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages
A hot stand made of corks can become a stylish addition to any interior, it all depends on how it is made. Several of these plate coasters may well become a table decoration. Let's consider what are the advantages of these products, and whether cork coasters have disadvantages.

As for the pluses, the following can be noted:
the stand can be made independently and rather quickly, and absolutely everyone will cope with such a task, even if they have never done anything with their own hands;
material for the manufacture of coasters for dishes in the form of corks is available to everyone, and even if you don't want to save up for a long time, you can buy plugs separately;
coasters based on such material are environmentally friendly, no extraneous odors, dyes and other things that can cause unpleasant moments;
such stands are reliable protection for any surface, you can put hot dishes directly from the fire and be sure that neither the plastic nor the wooden surface will suffer;
similar accessories look very stylish and can decorate any interior, regardless of the chosen style;
such items can serve for quite a long timemoreover, they are light in weight and safe to use (for example, you cannot break such a stand, get hurt or accidentally burn yourself).

It is difficult to find significant drawbacks to the cork stand, this is not an item to make decisions for a long time before buying. The disadvantages include the fact that the cork crumbles easily, which means that the product must be purchased on a solid substrate. In addition, the cork is susceptible to moisture, so keep such coasters away from water.
How to do it yourself?
The most important thing that is required to make a stand is a large number of wine or champagne corks. You may also need the following items:
sharp knife;
glue or glue gun;
a board of wood, cardboard or a piece of cloth that will serve as the base;
optional rope, ribbon and other decorative elements.

It is difficult to say exactly how many wine corks will be needed. It all depends on whether it will be one stand or a whole set. And the size plays a significant role: for large dishes it is one size, for small mugs it is completely different.

Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for making a stand.
First, let's prepare the plugs. They must be clean and dry and of the same size. If the specimens are all different, they can be trimmed with a knife.
Next, you need to take the base on which the plugs will be placed. - wooden board or plywood.
Then it is worth spreading all the specimens on the surface, to make sure that the selected amount is enough for the intended craft.
With a glue gun carefully glue the corks onto the base, trying to do everything right away at once.
Then, if desired, the corks can be varnished., glue a rope around the edge or decorate with other elements.

The base can be cut in any shape - round, square, oval, heart-shaped, any animal. In addition, corks can be glued in different ways: they can be placed horizontally, vertically, creating patterns. You may not use the base at all, but glue the corks together, a rope or tape tied around it can become the finishing touch.
If there are not enough plugs, you can cut them into two parts and glue them with the flat side to the base, and even into circles. The corks can be either the same (from one type of wine or champagne), or different.

There are a lot of options. You can use whatever your fantasy tells you. The stand is very simple, but if you have any difficulties, you can watch the master class.
Examples in the interior
Let's consider how different the coasters can be, and how they can revive any interior.
A large stand made of halves of different corks will decorate any table.

- The round stand looks very original, you just need to come up with a good frame for it, as in this case.

- A few mini coasters look quite appropriate too. Both glasses of wine and hot mugs can be placed on them.

- Coasters, assembled from cork circles, under a teapot and mugs, will make your tea drinking especially pleasant.

- Such an interesting option will take a little more time, but it is quite doable. Both whole corks (for the background) and circles (for the heart) are used. The rope effectively emphasizes the center of the composition.

See below for a master class on making a stand from corks.