Making candlesticks from glasses

An old glass, from which the decorative coating has peeled off, can either be painted again, giving it a second life, and used for its intended purpose, or turned into a candlestick. With the proper level of craftsmanship, even a cracked glass with a high stem can be used as a candlestick when properly restored.

A variant of a candlestick from a glass with a floating candle
A handmade candlestick with a floating candle will be a good addition for the New Year, on March 8, or for a romantic date on any of the evenings. Any glass or glass is suitable as a base, regardless of the cut: you can use with equal success both the usual 100-gram capacity and the faceted glass for 200-250 ml, which was produced in large quantities in the era of the USSR.

In the middle of such a candlestick are placed wooden or glass colored balls with decoration, for example, with the help of sequins. Option - rose hips, small dried flowers, pine needles, small spruce branches, pine and spruce cones, sea pebbles and even fern leaves. In the simplest case, this entire assembly is filled with water, and a flat candle in the form of a tablet or washer floats on the surface.
"Herbarium" in a glass can be anything - the number of design options is limited only by the ingenuity and imagination of the organizer of the (mini-) celebration.

Instead of water, glycerin is used - it holds the candle better on the surface. And the use of lighting oil (for example, lamp oil) will make it possible, instead of a candle, to use a cloth wick made of mineral or natural fiber, which conducts the oil to its point of ignition. In this case, the air will be filled with the aroma of the burning composition, to which any flavoring agent is added.

How to make a long stemmed glass candlestick?
If you still have a glass or plastic goblet or goblet, then it can be turned into a candlestick. This method belongs to the list of easily and quickly feasible - in conditions when there is little time left, and you still need to decorate the table in addition. There can be several candlesticks, if the table is large, guests - a dozen or more. A candlestick made from a large glass will serve as a decoration in the center (or closer to it) on a spacious table for 10-15 people.

But not only the festive table turns out to be a place for using such candlesticks, they are placed in other prominent places within the kitchen-living room. Important: Before using any candlesticks, make sure the base is made of non-combustible material so that the holiday does not suddenly become an accident or even an accident.

With an inverted glass
To make one such decorative element - a candle on an upside-down champagne glass, use a candle that stands confidently on any surface. Check how stable it is before setting it on fire. An upside-down glass or wine glass forms a space at the bottom that can be filled with something decorative.

The glass is left transparent when inside, in the cavity formed by its inverted state, is placed any figured or filling the entire volume of the decoration. It doesn't matter if it is a piece of a garland, an LED lamp, a three-dimensional inscription on a workpiece, a figurine, a polyhedron or something else - this element must be clearly visible, otherwise the meaning of its insertion into this cavity disappears.
For example, put there figures of characters from films or games, a small nesting doll. For a New Year's candlestick, this is a Christmas tree toy in the form of a ball with sparkles. If you don't have such paraphernalia yet, use a decorated, painted spruce cone, Christmas tree rain or a piece of plastic garland.

As a special option - a small battery-operated flashlight with warm glow LEDs, in color and shade reminiscent of a candle flame or embers of a campfire. The light of a cold shade (from white to blue), as well as green and other backlight colors, which create absolutely unnecessary contrast, does not match the gamut of the candle flame.
When, for example, a triple candlestick is created, the old glasses are set upside down on a worn CD or a neat blank made of natural wood or plywood, previously painted and decorated with sequins. To prevent them from moving, the candlestick, made in the form of a non-separable structure, is glued with epoxy or hot glue. The gluing of the glasses prevents them from falling off the round base. Before gluing, do not forget to insert the selected attributes of additional decoration into the cavity under the inverted glasses (if the glasses remain transparent).

With lampshade
Glasses are also suitable for making mini-lamps with candles. Important: the lampshade must be non-combustible. To do this, use a cone-shaped wine glass.

Step-by-step instruction.
Find the correct color for your paper.
Glue the cap for the future lamp. The joints of the paper layers are made with an overlap.
Saturate it with non-flammable compounds and varnish. This is important - the paper should not smolder, because it is located not far from the candle light.
Paint the stem of the glass, for example, with acrylic paint of the desired color. Place a piece of candle on it.
Place the lampshade on the stem of the glass.

Before setting fire to such a lamp, it is recommended to additionally decorate both the lampshade itself and the inverted container.
Painted with colored paints
Do not use a glass with cracks, scratches - the view will deteriorate. It is quite difficult to paint chaotically spreading cracks with a "cobweb" and thus mask it quite difficult.
A glass goblet accidentally split into two or more parts is glued, painted and decorated. An outside observer will never guess that the product is broken - all defects are hidden very reliably.

Paint the stem of the glass - preferably to match the tone of the paraffin from which the candle is made: the color should be opalescent, whitish, vaguely reminiscent of a cream shade.
Cracked glasses, unfit for further use, are covered with a decorative layer based on waterproof varnish or paint, and then painted according to the wishes of the owners of such a candlestick. To prevent the coating from falling off over time, sand the walls of the glass to a matte state. Then the glass, which has become matte, is covered with colored varnish. For example, a coating made of silver paint (made of aluminum powder) or “gold” (made of brass or bronze powder) is considered to be especially chic. A copper shade can be obtained from the same copper - powdered copper is mixed with a colorless varnish, then this composition is applied to a glass. After the layer applied to the product has dried, it is additionally painted with any paint interspersed with sparkles.

More ideas
The paintwork is replaced by pasting with a garden twine, from which lace is previously woven. After assembling the product, the candle is heated at the end opposite to the burning wick and is thus attached to the stem of the glass. The bottom of the leg serves as a candle holder.

Decoupage of a glass-shaped product is performed as follows. A painted napkin or decorative paper with a complex pattern is glued to the outside of the glass. If no liquid is poured inside, and the glass is turned upside down, then pasting can also be performed from the inside - provided that the glass is intact, without defects.

The filling of the glass, set in a normal, not upside down, form, is made up of beads, sea stones, jewelry items that have served their life, old buttons that are out of fashion, shells, and so on.
The inner surface is pasted over, for example, with raw buckwheat grains, previously dried.

A candlestick seems to be an original option, where toothpaste is used as a fastening element. You will need: glue, foam rubber, twine, spruce branches, cones, jewelry, pencil, masking tape.
The making master class consists of a number of steps.
Draw the desired pattern on the piece of tape. Cut it out and glue it to the glass.
Put some toothpaste on a piece of sponge and cover the outside of the glass with it.
After the paste dries, remove the tape.
Assemble the decorative elements into the desired composition and glue them together. Attach them to the glass with a string.
Place a candle in the glass.

To prevent the candle from dangling, buckwheat or rice is poured into the remaining free space.
A detailed master class is presented in the following video.
Beautiful examples
- You can decorate a lampshade at home, for example, under a texture that resembles colored stones or icicles of a frozen coffee drink.

- A glass with a long leg, for example, is trimmed with lace. It, in turn, is impregnated with colored varnish or a painted glue base so that it hardens and does not peel off later. You can also trim a measuring cup.

- Any glass can be given a matte sheen. But, being applied to a smooth surface, such a candlestick requires extremely careful handling.

- Flat-cylindrical glasses with a stem, the bottom of which is equal in area to the inner surface of the main bottom, are decorated with thuja branches, "embalmed" in transparent glue or varnish.When sealed in a hardened composition, they will retain their fresh green appearance even after tens of months.