How to make a beautiful candlestick from a bottle?

An exclusive and beautiful candlestick with your own hands can be easily made from any materials at hand. So, plastic or glass bottles are often used to create original candle holders.

Crafting from glass bottles
Before starting work, the bottle must first be prepared. It must be rinsed thoroughly. After that, the label must be removed from the product. To do this, place the container in a bowl of warm water for 30-40 minutes. Having removed the label from the bottle, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned of glue residues.
This can be done using a cotton pad dipped in acetone.
After drying the bottle, you can start decorating it.

To create a classic candlestick, only a wine container, long candles and paint of the desired color are used.

Let's take a step-by-step process for creating such a home decoration.
To begin with, the bottom of a long taper should be trimmed with a clerical knife. In this case, it will be securely fixed in the future candlestick. If the neck of the bottle is rather wide, you do not need to process the edges of the candle.
Next, the wine bottle needs to be covered with several layers of paint. Each subsequent one is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.
If desired, the resulting candlestick can be additionally decorated with graceful patterns drawn with a thin brush.
When the product dries, insert a candle into the neck of the bottle.

Such an elegant tall candlestick will perfectly fit into the interior of any room.

There is another way to create such home decorations.

To create a candlestick from a glass bottle, you need to cut off the bottom.This is done with a glass drill or glass cutter. The first step is to dry the bottle well. After that, you need to decide which part of it should be cut off.
Next, wrap the bottle with a hair elastic. Along its contour, you need to draw a straight line with a glass cutter.
The bottle must be placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then in ice water. After that, the bottom of the container can be easily separated from its main part.
The edge of the future candlestick must be carefully sanded with sandpaper. The surface should be flat and smooth.

The candlestick is usually placed over the candle. It is very convenient to use it. Once the candle burns out, it can be easily replaced with a new one.

Manufacturing from plastic containers
Beautiful holiday candlesticks are also made from plastic bottles. A master class on creating such a craft with your own hands looks very simple.
The first step is to wash and dry two plastic bottles. From each of them you need to cut off the neck. One detail should turn out to be taller, the other - low.
These parts must be glued together with hot glue.
The attachment point must be hidden by tying the leg with a satin ribbon.

This homemade craft looks very cute and pretty.
If desired, it can be painted and pasted over with any suitable decorative materials.

A candlestick made of an empty plastic bottle and cement will also look original. It will take a little more time to create such a craft. But the result is definitely worth it.

First, you need to carefully cut off the neck from the plastic bottle. The cut should be perfectly flat.
After that, warm water must be poured into a container with dry cement. The mixture must be gently mixed. No lumps should remain in the cement mass.
Next, the bottle must be filled with cement.
A candle of a suitable size must be placed inside the container.
The resulting workpiece must be removed to a warm place for 2-3 days.
When the cement is completely solidified, it is necessary to carefully remove the candle from the container.
Next, the edges of the plastic bottle must be carefully cut with a clerical knife. The candlestick turns out to be voluminous and beautiful.

The finished product must be painted in any suitable color. The paint adheres very easily to the cement surface.

Design Tips
You can use various materials at hand to decorate candlesticks from bottles.
Glitter. To create New Year's candlesticks, glitter is most often used. The champagne bottle must be carefully spread with glue, and then sprinkled with silver glitter on all sides. The product will turn out bright and beautiful. You can also use sea salt instead of glitter.

- Lace. Candlesticks decorated with lace details also look very beautiful. They are also easy to DIY. All that is needed for this is to pick up a lace piece and glue it to the bottle with glue. Uneven lace edges can be decorated with colored threads or ribbons.

- Decoupage. Very often, paper napkins are used to decorate candlesticks from bottles. Such a blank must be divided into several layers. After that, all the necessary parts must be cut out of the napkin. They are attached to the glass surface with quality glue. When the base of the candlestick is ready, it needs to be covered with a layer of clear varnish.

- Twine. To create a cozy atmosphere, you can use candlesticks decorated with twine. The twine is attached to the bottle in even layers. There should be no gaps on the surface of the craft. The string is attached to the glass base with quality glue. If desired, such a craft can be additionally decorated with shells or small starfish.

To prevent melted candle wax from spoiling the appearance of the candlestick, you can attach a candle base to the bottle.
It can either be simply inserted into the neck, or fixed in it with glue.

Ready-made candlesticks can be used to create a romantic atmosphere or decorate a festive table.

A trial workshop on making a candlestick from a bottle can be found in the following video.