Wrought iron candlesticks

Forged candlesticks are a popular interior decoration. Thanks to the modern possibilities of forging and working with metal, manufacturers offer a wide variety of products that suit a particular style. Antique models are especially appreciated by antiques lovers and attract the attention of many famous designers for creating a special atmosphere in the interior.

Forged candlesticks are distinguished by their reliability and are able to fit into any interior of the room.
With the help of forging, craftsmen have the opportunity to create products of different shapes and sizes, without restrictions in styles.
The popularity of metal products dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time there was a flourishing of blacksmithing, which marked the beginning of the art of forging. The houses of wealthy townspeople were usually decorated with such candlesticks. The more skillful the work was, the higher the value of the work of the master was and the higher the cost of his product.

Nowadays, antique candlesticks are just as popular as modern ones. Thanks to the technological process, craftsmen are now able to create more interesting and complex metal compositions.
Consider the distinctive features of forged products.
- Strength. Metal candlesticks are resistant to physical influences and can serve their owner for many years, while maintaining their original appearance with proper care. On average, a product can last from 30 to 50 years.
- Refractoriness. Forged candlesticks can withstand high temperatures and do not melt when exposed to heat for a long time. They easily withstand the effects of hot wax and paraffin, without changing their qualities.
- Undemanding in care. It is enough to wipe the product from dust when not in use, and rinse off the wax with hot water after contact with lighted candles.
- Variety of designs. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of forged candlesticks.

The only drawback of such a product may be the high price. Most often, forged products are handcrafted by experienced craftsmen and require a significant investment of time and materials. The production of one forged candlestick can take from several days to a couple of weeks, depending on the complexity of the product.

When choosing a suitable forged product, you should first study their types in order to narrow your search among the huge assortment on the modern market.
Depending on the location of the products, certain varieties can be distinguished.
- Outdoor. They are characterized by large sizes. As a rule, such a chandelier has more not only aesthetic, but also practical benefits in the form of high-quality lighting of the room. A candelabrum can have a large number of candlesticks located at different heights. Typically used in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

- Wall mounted. Most often they are of medium size and are decorated with additional elements in the form of plants or flowers. Antique models of this mounting method are suitable for decorating wide corridors. They have several ways of mounting on the wall - for the array of the candlestick itself or a separate mount with the ability to insert a candelabrum into it.

- Tabletop. Most in demand due to their mobility. Most often used to decorate dining tables or mantels. Classic models are usually equipped with 3 candle holders. Depending on the forging, the candelabrum can have a different shape, but it will always be distinguished by a stable long leg.

Forging a metal product can be carried out by the cold or hot method.
- Cold method. With it, the product gets its shape due to pressing and welding, as well as further bending of the material. This method is most often performed mechanically and requires less time and effort to make a candlestick.
- Hot method. It is used in forges in the presence of a special forge and fuel. When handcrafted, the products are more refined and "lively", since in the forging process the master sees the result of his labor. This method is most in demand among buyers, since it can be used to achieve the maximum artistic effect.

Antique chandeliers have a rougher shape, but their greatest value to collectors lies in the work of the old masters. Nowadays, with wider technological possibilities, it is rare to find forged candlesticks that would surpass the work of many famous masters of the 18th century.
Modern options are more versatile and practical to use. More interesting complex products can be made to order according to a sketch in the workshops.
Candlesticks with roses and other flowers are especially popular. Metal with floral motifs looks as impressive and beautiful as possible. The art of depicting angels, knights and famous historical figures is also highly regarded.
Modern coatings allow you to give the metal a color suitable for a particular style - white, yellow, red, green, etc.

Forged candelabra are actively used to decorate a particular style. Depending on the shape and size, they can easily fit into the interior of the room and bring a touch of traditional antiquity and elegance into it.
Rough metal products are actively used in rooms in the grunge style, the main idea of which is the ability to combine the most effective features of other popular styles.
Raw or brick walls will go well in style with any forged metal decorations. Beautiful antique candlesticks with cracked paint and solid massive stem will become the main attribute of this style.

For lovers of such pompous styles as the Empire or Baroque, you should pay attention to the classic candlesticks for 3 candles, decorated with gilding. They will effectively fit into the overall picture and make it even more solemn.

For styles such as American or country, one candle candelabra of different sizes, placed around the room or gathered together on the center shelf of the room, will do. Thus, they will not stand out from the rest of the decor, but will smoothly emphasize it.

Accommodation options
Depending on the purpose of the room, designers recommend the following placement options for forged candlesticks:
- Living room. A floor candlestick placed next to an armchair or sofa instead of a classic floor lamp can become a special decoration tool. Also popular are products for the fireplace, which are placed on its shelf.
- Canteen. A candlestick for 3 or more candles, located on the dining table to create a cozy atmosphere, can become a classic attribute of the decor.
- Bedroom. Miniature wrought-iron tea-light candelabra, placed on the bedside table, provide a special intimate atmosphere.
In other cases, it is permissible to use wall products for decorative purposes.

Examples in the interior
Contemporary decor allows designers to play with sizes for maximum effect. So, the combination of a classic large forged candlestick in relation to a small dining table looks interesting.

Forged rough candlesticks painted in the same color with the walls will perfectly complement the space, decorated in a classic style.