Christmas candlesticks: features and types

Candles can be used to create an unusual and magical setting on the night before Christmas. There are a huge number of candlestick models on sale, which not only serve as decoration, but also perform the function of protecting the surrounding elements from hot wax. Such options are decorated in accordance with the characteristics of the holiday.

Candles in the window are considered by many to be an integral part of Christmas night. The appearance of candlesticks is associated with the miners of Saxony, who, due to insufficient earnings, began to manufacture and sell them. The first options were obtained from wood, made in the form of arches, and then in the form of triangles. On Christmas Day, the pre-holiday Mass was held in the mine itself, so many elements of the entrance were decorated with candles.
Despite the long period that has passed since the appearance of the first options for candlesticks, their purpose has practically not changed.
A Christmas candlestick is used to hold the candle and collect the molten wax.
In order to emphasize the peculiarity of the event, such items are decorated with cones, spruce or small bells. This takes into account that the materials used should not react to high temperatures.

Model overview
On sale there are a variety of options for the execution of candlesticks. They are conventionally divided into the following types.
- Smalldesigned for one candle. They are generally suitable for tabletop or other furniture. Many put them on the window, creating an attractive look for the structure. The shape of the candlestick can vary significantly.
- Elongated for one candle.This type has been popular for a long period, represented by a long stand. Most often they are installed on the table.
- Minora... This option is designed for several candles at once. Classic options hold 7 candles. In the manufacture of the main part, metal or other heat-resistant materials are used. The seven-branched candlestick belongs to the historical and religious type.
- Wall mounted... Recently, the most common electrical option, which can be mounted on the wall. Some models with flickering bulbs are used for New Year's decoration.
- A wreath made of synthetic materials can be used for decoration. Finnish variants distributed all over the world.

The main part of the candlestick can be made of various materials. The most common are:
- ceramics;
- onyx;
- metal;
- wood;
- tin;
- porcelain;
- a natural stone;
- glass.

Wooden candlesticks are considered the most common option. Scandinavian design involves the use of treated wood that will not react to high temperatures. Modern models look like raw wood and are decorated with spruce and bells.
Some options are designed so that the figures move. They make the candlestick more attractive. The most common option "slide" allows you to install several candles at once. It has been manufactured over the years and is most often found in Europe.

Master class on creating
You can make the product in question with your own hands. All work can be divided into several stages.
- First you need to decide on the form. In most cases, the candlestick is made on a wooden base, which has increased insulating properties. At this stage, you need to make a stand for the candle, it must be stable. Often it is glued to the base.
- At the second stage, you should decide on the color scheme. Most often, a green tint predominates, since spruce branches are used for decoration. The festive range is green and red. Also, the composition is created from cones, so the presence of a brown tint must be taken into account.
- Having decided on the color scheme, which is often left classic, you need to create a composition of branches. At this stage, it is important to distribute all the elements to create an attractive design.
- Christmas decorations, apples, corks and many other things can be used as additional decoration elements.

There are a huge number of original ideas on the web that are easy to implement. One of them involves using a log as a base. The process of making such a candlestick can be divided into several parts.
- A suitable log is selected. It must be fresh and free from obvious defects.

- The next step is to create several holes of the required size. A drill or hammer drill with a special attachment is suitable for this. The main thing is to maintain one axis of the location of all the holes, otherwise it will not work directly to install the candles.

- Branches and Christmas tree decorations are also used for decoration. They can be placed under the log, thereby ensuring its fixation.

This option looks very original and interesting, while it does not take much time and money to get the job done.

Hanging options are also common, which are often made from a can. To create such a candlestick, it is enough to make a handle, the candle is placed inside, after which everything is decorated on top with spruce branches or Christmas tree decorations. Recently, a design with a lighter, closer to blue tint has been very popular. This is done to simulate falling snow.

The original version of a homemade candlestick is made from small buckets.On the side, a beautiful image of, for example, a deer is cut out, after which a candle is inserted inside.

A similar model can be suspended, for which a special handle is made. When making candlesticks yourself, you need to take into account that all materials used must withstand high temperatures. At the same time, a constant flow of fresh air is needed to burn a candle.
How to make a candlestick with your own hands, see the video.