DIY candlesticks

Candlesticks fill the house with a special atmosphere, make it warm and cozy. In this article we will tell you what handmade candlesticks are, and share the secrets of their manufacture.
Manufacturing from wood
The tree has served man for a long time. Hand-made wooden candlesticks are a stylish home decoration for all times. The fashion for such things does not pass, it only offers new fresh solutions for creating interesting ideas.
If you decide to make a wooden product with your own hands, here are some useful tips to help you choose a good material for the craft.
A beautiful branch, snag, or an old felled trunk can be found in the forest while walking. Take your time to cut down living trees.
Knock on wood with a stick: it should make a ringing and sharp sound.

Treat the find carefully before use:
rinse with a brush in running water to remove dirt;
remove rotten and sore spots from the tree;
soak the array in chlorine bleach in proportions of 1: 15 for a day;
dry the wood in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees to get rid of insect larvae and mold spores;
treat the bark, trunk, roots and branches with antiseptic impregnation, and begin to embody your ideas.
A massive thick branch, knotty, with bizarre bends, is already a work of art in itself. A candlestick made of such a gift of nature will not go unnoticed by the guests of your home.
The powerful candlestick branch looks perfect on a mantel, coffee table or bedside console. Tealight candles, inserted into the recesses, serve as a logical continuation of the composition, allowing you to observe the play of light on the natural wood pattern.

From a bar
Bar candlesticks are perhaps the most diverse thing in the world that you can create with your own hands. They have a unique color, tone, texture, shape and, of course, the idea itself.
Examples of interesting options.
Laconic and simple, but at the same time romantic candlesticks for a lyrical mood.

- At first glance, rough, but stylish, made from the remnants of unnecessary scraps.

- Bright, with floral patterns.

- An interesting solution for eco-style decor.

- Neat, with a perfectly sanded surface that you want to touch with your hands.

- Original, created for a special occasion.

- Fabulous, New Years.

- Magic, colorful, decoupage technique.

The technique of making candlesticks from a wooden bar is not the most difficult. The main condition for creating such things is the desire to learn this art, the presence of certain tools and instructions for action:
cut the timber into blanks of the required length;
find the center at the end of each workpiece;
make a hole for a candle with a diameter of 40 mm using a Forstner drill or a pen drill;
using a planer or ordinary sanding block, chamfer the upper edges;
start decorating the candlestick by choosing the method you like:
decorate wood with wax, giving it a smooth and velvety shine;
treat with wood stain to emphasize the natural beauty and nobility of the wood structure;
use varnish to give the opportunity to visually and tactilely feel the uniqueness of the chic natural wood texture.

From old roots
The intricately curved roots of trees, like candles, make a magical impression on the viewer.
The tea-colored candles and the golden-bronze tint of the wooden chandeliers are mesmerizing to the eye.

- He, like a relic lizard, curled up, dozes on the table. Only metal discs - candle holders - indicate that this is just a beautiful wooden candlestick created by nature and the hands of a skilled craftsman.

- As if thrown up arms, fancy roots with candles look.

From snags
A whitewashed candlestick driftwood is a very unusual thing.

- This is a laconic and creative design of the union of the eternal and the temporary in fashion.

- The highlighted large driftwood is just a small but significant accent in a romantic spring setting.

- A beech driftwood, cut by the sea waves, seems to radiate a gentle summer sun along with the warm light of candles on autumn evenings.

- The play of contrasts is the best combination. A naked driftwood with tea candles among lush greenery and crystal solemnly shining in the glow of candles is stylish.

From the bark
- Wonderful birch bark candlesticks give the surrounding objects a piece of their warmth.

- The combination of miniature twigs, decorative elements and wooden décor looks very cute.

- Burlap, jute cord and moss are an interesting addition to the candle installation.

- An array of pine bark, candles and cones. Simple but interesting.

How to make glass?
From cans
It's easier than ever to make a candlestick from a jar.
Each house has a couple of cute containers, and if you decide to make an original candlestick, it's time to get a glass container.
How to do.
Pour cereal or flour into the jars, insert candles into it and light with the help of fireplace matches.

- A romantic Christmas candlestick will turn out if you stick a Christmas tree made of masking tape on a container, and decorate the rest of the space with craft paper with an unusual pattern. A small addition in the form of a sprig of berries - and a wonderful candlestick is ready.

We will create a snow-covered jar using PVA glue and salt.

- We take textiles, all kinds of decor and just glue them to the glass.

- Let's paint cans with stained glass paints.

From bottles
If a tall candle fits perfectly with the neck of the bottle in diameter, consider yourself having a creative handmade candlestick.
It is enough only to securely fix the candle in the neck of the vessel.
- Not one, but a whole ensemble of such candlesticks with long candles looks very stylish.

- A great idea is to place some kind of decor inside the container, for example, a pistachio twig, hydrogel balls, a garland of beads.

Other options
Glasses, vases, wine glasses will also be an excellent candle holder.
Large massive candles can be inserted into large vases to create floristic compositions.

- Fill with all kinds of decor.

- Place floating candles.

- The legs of the upside-down glasses serve as a stand for low, wide candles.

- In a miniature glass, you get a gorgeous forest decoration with a candle.

Application of polymer clay
Polymer clay is a wonderful material for the embodiment of creative ideas. It is pliable and plastic, like children's plasticine, durable and strong after hardening, like ordinary natural clay.
Let's create a small ceramic-style candlestick out of polymer clay for baking. To get the job done, you need:
sharp knife;
knitting needle;
broken bamboo skewer;
clay of red, chocolate and beige colors;
glass jar;
rolling pin and rolling board;
acrylic paints.

Stages of work
We mix all the clay colors together to get the natural shade of the ceramic.
Roll out a thin layer of clay with a rolling pin, and cut it in the shape of the prepared jar, which we will decorate. We carefully connect the joints of the clay to each other in the right places, and level them with a knitting needle, lightly rolling it over the surface.
We carefully smooth out all the walls from the center to the edges in order to remove air bubbles between the jar and the clay, otherwise the polymer composition will swell during baking and the product will be damaged.
Let's start decorating the surface of the candlestick. Create a porous wall structure using a broken bamboo skewer. We firmly press the split end of the tool to the very walls of the glass vessel, leaving holes in the clay through which the light of the candle will penetrate.
Using a knitting needle, apply a transverse pattern in the form of notches from below.
With a round stick or a stack we make holes in the clay in a checkerboard pattern.
With a needle we apply pointwise any pattern that you like.
We send the work to the oven. You need to bake the candlestick for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.
Let the candlestick cool completely and start toning it.
Take the paints and, with an almost dry brush or finger, apply the color of your choice for the product, carefully rubbing it into the structure.
The handmade candlestick is ready.

A wonderful composition, simple and easy to work with, gives complete freedom to your creative imagination. Here are some ideas for creating polymer clay candlesticks for your inspiration.
A delightful rose, very delicate and fragile.

- Christmas motifs with pine cones and poinsettia for a festive mood

- Fabulous candlesticks-houses that will decorate a winter evening.

- A rosy autumn pumpkin that Halloween cannot do without.

- The Knitted Candlestick is a stunning winter decor that feels warm and fluffy to the touch.

Plaster or concrete candlestick
It seems that building materials such as plaster or concrete are not suitable for creating fragile and delicate things, but creativity proves the opposite. You can create a wonderful candlestick flower from plaster using this step-by-step homework master class. You will need:
artificial flowers;
container for mixing the solution;
wax paper or any other surface to which the work will not stick;
stationery gum;
glue gun;

- Buy artificial flowers with rigid fabric petals that hold their shape well, otherwise your workpiece will simply stick together while working with plaster.
- Using a pair of pliers, remove the retainer stem that connects the petals from the middle of the flower, and then drop a drop of hot glue there so that the flower does not crumble and lose its shape.
- Dilute the gypsum to a liquid sour cream. To make a colored candlestick, add a drop of any water-based paint to the solution: gouache, watercolor, acrylic.
- Take the flower by the stalk and dip it in the solution so that it is completely covered with it. Remove the flower from the container and shake off excess plaster of Paris.
- Remove the stalk with a pair of wire cutters - it will no longer be useful, and examine the flower. Where necessary, cover the flower with the solution again with a brush.
To give the petals a special shape, for example, to gather around a candle - connect them together with an elastic band. As soon as the petals grab in this position, remove it.
An unusual plaster candlestick is ready.

A concrete candlestick will also become an original item in your home. Your friends will surely be surprised by the miniature candlesticks Colosseum and Pantheon. And no one will believe that there is a pillow-candlestick on the table. The thing must be checked for softness.
Crafting from scrap materials
You can create a candlestick from everything that is at hand:
from an egg;
from a shell;
in a flower pot;
from citrus;
from an apple;
from stones;
from paper;
from salted dough;
from foil.

Make a pumpkin candlestick on the eve of your youth's favorite Halloween.
To work you will need:
sharp knife;

Cut off the top of the pumpkin and set it aside.
Use a knife and spoon to remove all the contents from the vegetable.
Draw a scary grimace on the face of the pumpkin: eyes, nose and mouth in a scary smile.
With an awl, go around the entire outline of the pattern, and then cut out the pattern with a knife.
Insert a candle inside the candlestick, and close it with a lid. The candlestick is ready.

For the new year
New Year and Christmas are holidays that cannot be imagined without the magic flickering of candles. Warm soft light cheers up and gives a feeling of approaching a miracle.
A traditional Christmas wreath with candlesticks will become the main decoration of the table.
With this master class, it will be easy for you to make this home decoration with your own hands.
For work you will need:
thick cardboard;
glue gun;
cones of coniferous trees;
artificial berries, spruce twigs, ribbons (you can buy them in a creative store);
hay, it's easy to find at a pet store;
soft wire;
acrylic or silver gold paint;
artificial snow in a spray can;
4 red candles;
4 candle holders.

Create the base for the wreath. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 20-25 cm from cardboard. Inside the circle we make a smaller hole - with a diameter of 15 cm.
We form our candlestick wreath. We put hay on a circle and fix it with wire. Don't be afraid to straighten the hay with your hands. Make sure that the material lays down evenly, without gaps, and that individual blades of grass do not stick out.
If you want to use glass, rather than wooden, candlesticks in the form of cups, it's time to strengthen them in work until the wreath is completely filled.
Preheat a hot gun and glue the candlesticks at the designated spots, then continue filling the wreath with hay while wrapping it tightly with wire.
The base is ready. Now the wreath can be decorated.
Use a glue gun to decorate the wreath with cones. We begin to glue the decor from the inside of the wreath strictly in one direction in a circle. Don't forget about decorative berries and ribbons.
After the entire space is filled with decor, transform the wreath with paints. With a dry brush, lightly go over the cones, giving them a little golden or silver sheen.
When the paint dries, you can powder the wreath with snow. It is good to make frost around the outer edge of tall glass candlesticks.
The Christmas wreath with candlesticks is ready. It remains to insert the candles and admire the magical work.

More ideas
There is no such thing in the world that would not serve as an idea for a skilled craftsman to create a candlestick.
Skillful hands will make a fantastically beautiful candlestick out of anything:
will be done using the quilling technique;
cut out of a plastic bottle;
from genuine leather;
made of wire;
from coconut;
from beads;
from toilet paper rolls;
from a baluster.

You can make a candlestick from fresh flowers for any holiday.
Delicate and touching wedding compositions with white candles and roses made from sprigs of nobilis and eucalyptus.

- For an autumn celebration with tea roses.

- For Christmas with red apples, orange slices and sprigs of spruce.

An interesting idea of making a candlestick with your own hands can be found in the following video.